𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐 | 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲

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TW, PTSD, smut, mentions of homophobia, my policeman spoilers


Traveling with Peter is quite an experience. When we walked into the airport he was extremely overstimulated. And, when we were on the private jet with Tony, mum, Lina, Cap, Sam, Wanda, and Pepper - A weird group of people -. We sat by each other, and watched Star Wars.

It is only a two hour flight to Orlando. I didn't sleep, but Peter is laying on my shoulder fast asleep as I twirl his hair between my fingers. He is dressed in some plain jeans but he has a Star Wars shirt on. He is excited.

My mum never brought up what happened in the past two days, I have, but she will ignore it. Which, it's just confusing at this point because I don't remember her being like this. She is just so different and confusing at times. Don't get me wrong, I love her, and I'm so glad she is my mum, but... I don't know why I have to defend how I feel. She argues with me and picks on me. It's just difficult.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder - my mum -, "Hey, buckle up. We are going to land in ten minutes or so." Her voice is soft, trying not to wake Peter.

I lightly smiled at her, "Okay, thanks." I hum. She walks away. I nudged Peter, "Hey, it's time to wake up."

He doesn't budge but he shoots out a stern "No." But then a, "I am comfortable, shh."

"We are landing in ten minutes, love." I giggle. He shakes his head. "Just buckle yourself."

He actually says, "I didn't sleep last night because I was so excited." He mumbles and lays his head back on my shoulder.

I kiss his head and I smell his coconut shampoo. "Sleep well for a few minutes, but remember that we aren't going into the park today." I whisper. He nods and I don't bother him after that.

The breeze of the air above us makes Peter's curls dance along his cheek, his hair has been getting longer than usual lately. He looks beautiful, his sleep making any stress or anxiety on his face disappear. He looks pretty under the orange light coming from the sun setting; his skin turning a shade of pink under the light.

Goosebumps cover his skin from the breeze. He is so real that it is unbelievable. "'M cold." He inches closer to me." I reach up and close the air slot. "Thank you, darling." His eyes still closed.

"'Course." I rest my head on his. I close my eyes not expecting to fall asleep, but I do. When I wake up it's because of the plane shaking from landing. I yawn, while grabbing my bag to clean up my mess of food we ate.

Peter stretches his arms in the air, "I am so tired." He whispers his voice, his raspy. I look over at him and he has deep bags under his eyes. His hair is ravished and sticking in every direction. I almost snort at the thought of how frizzy it is going to get in Florida from the humid air.

Suddenly I hear the loud voice of Tony, "Okay kids! I've worked very hard on this so no complaining this entire trip or I will throw away your stuff!" He starts. "There are three cars. Y/N and Peter are with me and Pep because I need to talk to them. Uh... Oh and Nat, Lina, Wanda, in another car and Cap, Bruce, and Sam in the last car. Are we clear?" We all nod. "Great now for the hotel, Lina, Nat, and Y/N are in one, then the rest of us get our own, any objections."

I raise my hand, "Why can't I share a room with Peter?" I ask. I love Li and my mum but I do not want to share a hotel room with them, I think it would make me go crazy.

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