1) twins

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TW⚠️ : Bullies and harassment

Scarlett's POV
I'm Scarlett Mason Deluca-Bishop I got my middle name from my uncle Mason but I don't see him a lot so I don't understand why moms decided that but oh well right. Anyways here's a little bit about me I run track and one day want to be a firefighter like my mom,Tia Andy and auntie Vic. And one day I will be I'll make sure of it. Also I'm a twin i have a twin sister Andrea she's named after our uncle Andrew Deluce moms just made for a girl. Which for a little while Tia Andy thought that she was named after her because her named is Andrea as well. Anyways off the name subject me and my sister are 15 years old we are freshman in high school and she's a nerd and I'm a jock it that tells you anything. Andrea makes all 'A' as for me I'm lucky to make above a 'D' sometimes but I try my hardest that's all that matters I guess; to me at least to mom and mama they want me to do better but I don't know how I just don't understand some of it and mama can't explain it to me for me to neither can my sister and mom don't understand how to explain it so there's that. But I don't care about school I care about running if I get a scholarship for track then that's all I need right?
"Scar! Come on we're gonna be late!!" I hear my sister yell "coming!" I yell back and grab my bag and run downstairs "Bambina slow down your gonna fall." Mama says "sorry mama." I say as I grabbed my protein shake for the refrigerator and started drinking it "your just like mom scar." Andrea said "and you just like mama so what's wrong?" I asked "nothing but that looks nasty."she says "it's good you should try it." I say walking over to her holding the shake in her face pushing it to her "no no I'm good ." She says moving back I laugh a little as does mama "mama when will mom be home?" I asked her "tonight bella why?" She asked me "I wanted to go on a run with her but if she won't be back till tonight I'll see about another time." I tell her "okay bella." She says "okay we got to go bye mama love you." Andrea says "bye mama love you." I say as well and we hug her "bye my loves have a good day and text me when you get home okay." Mama says "yes ma'am." We say at the same time then leave for school.

By the time we get to school Andrea has already told me all about her science project she has to do and how excited she is "look Andi that's great and all but I got to go meet up with my friends okay have fun with that though." I tell her "see ya later sis." I say and wave bye she does the same.  I get over to my friend group.

Andreas POV
After Scarlett went to her friends I went to the library to start working on my project for science. I was telling Scar about it but she could care less about 'some stupid little project' as she has said time and time again but that how we differ she likes running and sports and I like science and school stuff. I mean who could blame me right it's so cool you get to learn new stuff and never get bored at least that's what I think.

As I'm sitting in the library waiting for my friend to come she's really nice the only person that well talk to me other then the teachers and my sister and sometimes my sister don't talk to me but we have different crowds with hang out with so that's fine. As I see my friend Kristin come in then I see the one I wish wasn't around here didn't come to this school anyone would be better then her. "Hey Andrea" Kristin says as she sits down "hey." I say "oh look who it is. If it's not the smartest person and her friend." Kelly said "we'll thank you Kelly for calling me smart but Kristin is also smart." I say "whatever look I need my science and math homework by lunch time or you know what happens as for you Kristin have a nice day." Kelly says hands me her homework and then leave "I don't get it why is she just mean to you don't she know Scar will beat her up if she messes with you?" Kristin asked " Look Scar doesn't know about Kelly okay and I don't want her to I can take up for myself let's just get this done with we are going to be late for class." I say and do some work on my project plus Kelly's homework. "But you should tell Scarlett." Kristin said "no I don't it's fine." I say as I work. That's the thing about me telling Scarlett if I tell her she'll confront Kelly then there will probably be a fight because everyone knows my sister has a anger issues like my mom. Then Scarlett will lose her spot on the track team and it will be my fault she won't forgive me for that. Ever since we where little Scarlett has always protected me but I don't need that anymore.

After school I met back up with Scarlett "hey sis." She says "hi." I say not looking up "what's wrong Andi?" She asked "I'm fine nothings wrong." I say "okay come on mama text me earlier and said we had to go to the station after school cause mom wasn't done yet." She tells me "oh fun." I say I wish we could have went to the hospital instead. "Don't act so upset about it." She says with a smile and we walk to the station and I text mama we made it.

A/N: hey people sorry it took a bit to get this out but I was working on some stuff hope y'all like it let me know What y'all think. Also sorry its long.

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