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Flashback: Origin and Creation of the Scarlet Witch and Son....


Before there was any chance in human life and technology, there was a world filled with magic. All sorts of magic; mystic arts, dark magic, and even chaos magic. There were many many great wielders of such sorcery and witchcraft. But soon, all change to disaster when the Scarlet Witch and her son were forged into daybreak.

It was never spoken of or thought for the chaos magic wielding witch to have an offspring, a child. But, as time went on, the Scarlet Witch taught herself and her son how to properly use their abilities of chaos magic. And what it could do the world.

Then she came a long. The most powerful dark magic wielder ever heard of: Agatha Harkness. Not only could she withstand a fight against the Scarlet, but she could drain her of her power and take it as her own. The Scarlet tried her best to hold off Agatha, but with her not in touch with her full power, and her thoughts more on the safety and security of her boy, she couldn't win.

Or so she thought.

The Scarlet Witch looked at her son with fear and hope in her eyes to see him crying. She knew what to do. She created a portal to another universe, and with sending one final powerful blast at Agatha, she said to her son..
"Y/N. Go through portal. You and I will be safer on our own. I will find you in this universe and I will explain everything to you when I do."

Y/N had no idea what his mother was talking about. In retaliation he replies with. "But Mommy, I don't understand. What do you mean, 'you'll explain everything to me?'"
"Y/N, now is not the time. All I can tell you; you'll forget who I ever was, and you will live a life with a different family...." Before the Witch could finish her sentence, Y/N looks behind his mother in horror as Agatha goes in for kill with a gigantic purple blast of magic aimed directly at his mom. The Scarlet Witch quickly turns around and projects a protective force field around herself, her son, and the portal she has open.
"Y/N!! You mow have no choice, listen to your mother and go! I will find you!" She turns around to meet her sons eyes to say, "I love so much, Y/N! Please wait for me." Before Y/N can say "I love you," the Scarlet Witch send a bolt of red energy at her son and he is flown backwards into the portal.

Time skip to the 21st Century

Queens, New York, 2010

Y/N wakes up with a small gasp in the all too familiar bedroom in the orphanage he is in. He sighs as he looks at his clock reading the time "5:58 AM" This is the umpteenth time in the past month he had woke up just a mere two minutes before his 6:00 AM alarm could go off. He has the same dream every night; a dream or a nightmare? To him, it's a dream. He wakes up to the same nightmare every morning.

He sits up and sits on the edge of his bed, hoping and praying that today is the day he gets adopted. He doesn't care if he has one mom and one dad, or two mom's, or two dad's. He just wants a family. As any 8 year old child would want. He hears a knock on his bedroom door.

"Come in!" Y/N says. The door opens to reveal his favorite care taker at the orphanage, Mrs. Mahogany.

Melissa McCarthy as Mrs

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Melissa McCarthy as Mrs. Mahogany

"Mrs. Mahogany!!!" The young 8 year old boy shrieks in excitement and runs to the woman to give her a tight love filled hug. Once the hug was over, Mrs. Mahogany bent down to the boys eye level and smiled brightly while saying, "I have some people here who want to meet you. They're a lovely couple, and have a daughter your age. Would you like to meet them?" Y/N jumps up and down in excitement while nodding his head. "Well, then young man. Go get cleaned up and wear the nicest outfit you can find. I'll greet them and get them situated, then I'll come back and grab you in about 15 minutes. Okay?"
"Okay!! Thank you, Mrs. M!!" The young boy smiles widely and rushes to the small little bathroom connected to his bedroom. He gets on his step stool and looks the mirror. He starts off by brushing his teeth, then rinsing with mouth wash and water. Then damps his hair lightly with water and ran his brush through it. Once he was satisfied enough, he went back out in to his bedroom to his dresser. He got fresh undergarments and socks, along with a pair of khaki pants, and a light blue button down shirt. After tucking in his shirt into his pants, he put on white converse shoes and hurt slight knock on the door frame from Mrs. Mahogany. "You ready, buddy?" She asks in a sweet tone. "Yes ma'am!"
Mrs. M holds out her hand for Y/N to hold, he takes her hand and she leads him to the table and room where the family is while giving him small information about the family. He learned that the daughters name is Michelle Jones, MJ for short, and that she is shy and really quiet at times. But, the three are very happy and eager to meet him. Once at the door to the room, Y/N stands on his toes to look through the window at the family. He sees the girl reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" and thinks to himself, "She must be very smart. I can't even read at that level."
"Alright Y/N. This is just a little meeting introduction type thing. You go in there and you tell them about yourself as much as you can. Tell them what you like, your hobbies and such. Your favorite foods and things like that. And they will do the same. And if it all works out they'll be taking you home by the end of the week, to give us time to get some more things for you and to finalize the adoption paperwork. Are you ready to meet you new potential family?" Mrs. M tells the boy.

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