Three+ Years Later

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It is three years later, 2014 to be exact. And, the young Gwen Stacy and Y/N Watson have made it official. They are boyfriend and girlfriend. They have already been deemed as the 'heartthrob couple' of their middle school. Y/N and Gwen walk through the halls with their group of friends as they're holding hands and giggling about a stupid joke that Ned told them.

Y/N's P.O.V.

"Ned! That was the most hilariously stupidest joke I have ever heard!" I say laughing at my best friend. My girlfriend, Gwen, holding my hand and leaning on my shoulder. I am so happy to call Gwen my girlfriend now. She makes me so happy.

MJ ended up having her little 'talk' with Gwen, saying some creepy shit like, 'if you hurt my brother, I'll hurt you!' MJ knows what's best for me, and I'm glad I have a sister as protective as her.


It's the first day of summer and my last day of middle school was last Friday. Gwen and I have been dating for two years now and I couldn't be happier. At least I thought; lately, I've been having these weird feelings. Like, feelings I've never had before. Towards, guys that is. I started noticing this when Eugene started puberty. He got a little taller and his voice got deeper, and he just looked more, hotter?

Like I said, I dunno what I'm feeling right now, but I'm really confused. I already talked to Gwen about it and she took it surprising well, considering the fact that shes bisexual. "It's okay to experience things like this. If you like guys, then you like guys. I mean, I already told you that I like girls so. It doesn't change anything between us. Does it?"

"No, it doesn't change us. I'm just confused." I keep telling her that, and I hope it's true.


As I walk into the doors of Midtown High, I notice that there are a LOT of smart kids that go here. Well, this is a school for smart kids so, I would sure hope as much.

"Y/N!" I hear an all too familiar voice say. I look to see my girlfriend, Gwen Stacy. "Hey!" She says as she wraps her arms around me and kisses me. "Hey." I say back. She then takes my and tell me that the upperclassmen are about to give the freshman a tour of the school. We head to the cafeteria and to the front of the students to get a better viewing. I see my sister up on the stage with my two best friends, Eugene and Ned. And a boy that I've never seen before.

"Welcome freshman!" The boy says. He's about my height and has beautiful brown curly hair and gorgeous brown eyes, just like a pool of warm chocolate. I blush as he meets my eyes. "My name's Peter Parker, and I gave with my here Michelle Jones Watson, Flash Thompson and my best friend, Ned Leeds." I give Ned a questioning look as Peter says this. "Us four will be giving you a tour of the school in hope of welcoming--"

'Peter is so cheerful. And cute!' I think to myself. But he is soon cut off by no other than Eugene with him saying, "Alright, enough of the sappy love bullshit, Penis Parker. Let's get this--" Eugene stops speaking as I throw an eraser at him. "How you let Peter finish his thoughts before you let your douchey self speak, Eugene?" I say. I hear a few gasps and get a shocked look from Peter. "You were saying, Peter?" I gesture to him to finish his statement.

Peter then explains that we'll be splitting off into four groups. I end up going in his group, and Gwen goes of in Eugene's group. We kiss goodbye then part ways.

Peter shows us around the school and takes us back to the cafeteria. He tells us that we can go get our schedules and he dismisses us.

I stay back and wait for Gwen. I pull out my phone and text her, "Hey <3 tour is done, in the caf, waiting for you (:" I hit send and take a seat on top of the tables and look over my school schedule. "Thank you, for sticking up for me." I hear Peter say next to me.

"Eugene can be a douche schnozzle at times. Besides, I gotta stick up for needs like us, right?" I look next to me and my heart completely melts. His eyes are so gorgeous! He's wearing a shirt with some sort of science pun on it, which makes me chuckle. "I take it you love science then? Considering your shirt?" I ask pointing at Peter's shirt. "What? Oh yeah, I love science. My best friend Ned and I did this science project last year and won. It was insane!" He laughs at the memory.

"Yeah. Ned mentioned that over the break. But never mentioned anything about his science partner. He's my best friend, too. Have been for five years now."

"Oh! I never knew that."
"Um sorry, I don't think I properly introduced myself you. I'm Peter Parker." He holds out his hand for me to shake. I shake it and say, "I'm Y/N Watson. MJ is my older sister, she's in your grade."

"Michelle did mention her younger brother is starting here today. I just didn't know that he'd be so cute." He says, then his face goes into a panic and he starts stuttering. "I'm gonna save you the embarrassment, Petey-pie. I appreciate the compliment but--"

"BABE! LET'S GO!" I hear Gwen say from the doors of the cafeteria. "That'll be my girl. I should go before she--" "UGH! C'mom Y/N! I wanna go check out our classrooms!!" She whines. "Before she does exactly that. Nice meeting you...cutie." I say to him, giving him a small wink and a smile as I walk towards my girlfriend.

'Wait! Was I just flirting? WITH A BOY, TOO?! I have a girlfriend.' I think to myself, then I take one last look at Peter and give him a small wave goodbye. 'Yup. I like him. Oh gosh! This boy is gonna do bad things to me.' I take Gwen's hand and tell her,

"We should go.."

*Author's Note!: I know I skipped a lot of time and I'm sorry. Just have a lot to write, and I feel as if this would be better to fast-forward a few years.

I've also decided to make Peter a little more, fluctual and confident, with flirting. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I'll be working on the next chapter today!!*

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