The Hex

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Y/N. You may have shielded everyone else's minds, but you're is still open. Come back to me, and we can live in this world together." I hear Wanda in my head. Shit, she knows. I immediately start to panic, but I try my best to keep my composure together for the team. With my mind connected to everyone else's, I can feel what they're feeling. Emotions are a connection to the brain, which makes me able to feel what others are feeling. In Peter's state, I can feel when his spider sense tingles. And oh boy, it's tingling. I dunno how he doesn't get annoyed with the god awful ringing noise, but I guess it's a good upside to being Spider-Man. "What is it Y/N? You're panicking." Peter asks. "She knows. She's in my head. But don't worry, she can't get in yours. Her power could never match mine. We gotta go, now." I say, interlacing my fingers with Peter's. "Can't you just block her out of you mind though, bud?" Bucky asks.
"I could. But, I think I shouldn't." I say, earning a confused look from Peter and Bucky. I feel my eyes glow and I make a telepathic connection with everyone. "She knows what we're planning. I have to say what she wants to hear. She won't be able to get into your heads no matter how hard she tries. She doesn't even know what I'm saying right now. Stay low, be quick. We got this." I break the connection and see everyone nod in agreement. "Alright, Avengers. Time to assemble." Steve says. I make eye contact with Nat and smile at her. I mouth the words, 'thank you' before she walks out the doors. Before Bucky can walk away, I grab his metal hand and interlace my fingers with his. "Let's go boys!" I say to both Peter and Bucky.

The Avengers are on the Quinjet, on our way to Westview, New Jersey. Everyone is here. Well, almost everyone? Bruce some how managed to control the Hulk and is now 'smart Hulk?' That's what he calls himself at least. We could get to Thor unfortunately, he's off world. Barton is spending time with his family. We have us though. Tony, Steve, Nat, Rhodey, Bucky, Peter, and myself. Steve and Bucky are flying the quinjet, Tony and Rhodey are calling the S.W.A.T. team, Nat and Peter are having their own little discussion. And I'm just, observing everything. Everything in the jet and everything that I can see, hear, and see through my connection with Wanda. She's got two kids now. And they seem to be around my age when she pretty much shunned me or turned me away. She so-called, 'did it for my own safety.' Don't come at me, I may be a little bit jealous right about the relationship she has with these two, even though they're not real. I'm broken out of my thoughts when I hear Steve in the cockpit, "Oh my god, what is that?" I walk into the cockpit and see the hex opening. "Land the jet. Land the jet now. We don't have much time before it closes. And open the cargo doors." I say, heading to the back of the jet. I see the cargo doors open and I jump out of the jet, using my powers to levitate myself to the opening of the hex. "Y/N! This was not part of the plan!" Tony says, flying behind me. I throw a blast of blue energy at him, making him tumble to the ground. "Sorry, play boy. It actually was. Plan was for you guys to get everyone out safely. Not to fight her." I say.
I summon more energy out of to fly faster into the hex as it starts to close. Just as I'm entering the hex, I feel a web on my foot. I look over my shoulder to see Peter holding on for dear life. "Don't do this, baby! I need you!" Peter calls out. "I love you, Peter. But I gotta do this. I'm sorry." I say to him, throwing my hand down over the webbing and cutting it with my powers. Just as the webbing breaks, the hex closes.


My webbing attached to Y/N's foot breaks at the same time the hex closes. I fumble to the ground and see the hex being covered in, not only dark red energy, but also dark blue energy. "No! Y/N! NO!" I start running towards the hex to get Y/N out of there. Just as I'm about to get to the hex, I'm tackled to the ground. I fight the person who tackled me and struggle to get out of their arms. While I'm fighting the person who tackled me, I feel them wrap their legs over mine and arms around me. "Peter, stop! Please. Stop fighting me." It's Mr. Barnes. I start hyperventilating and crying, "I can't lose him again, Mr. Barnes. I can't! He's the love of my life!" I say, still struggling to get out of his arms. "I know. I know, buddy. He's got this." Mr. Barnes says with a sniffle. "Why are you crying?!" I ask.
"Because. He's my favorite of the new recruits, next to you. And I promised him to protect his sister no matter what. And when I found out she gave her life for us, I vowed to myself that I'd protect you and him. The best way to protect Y/N right now, is to protect the one guy he loves. And that's you, Peter. He talks so highly of you, he loves you so much. Whether he shows it or not, he does." Mr. Barnes says, struggling to keep me down. "I can't lose him again, Bucky. I can't." I stop flailing in Bucky's arms and start crying even harder. "D-did you? You just called me Bucky! You don't even call Tony 'Tony!'" Bucky says, sounding surprised. "Shut up! Don't tell anyone!" Bucky chuckles a little bit then helps me up. "I uh, I can't see." I whisper. Bucky waves someone over and takes off his vest, covering my head and face. "You're good. No one can see you." Mr. Rogers says. I take off my mask and wipe my tears away from my face. I put my mask back on after my tears are wiped away and give Bucky a bro hug. "Thank you, Bucky. Thank you, Mr. Rogers."

After Mr. Rogers gives a plan, my Peter Tingle goes off. I turn around to see the hex, decoding? Disappearing? It's going away. I see Miss Maximoff levitating in the air in a new suit she put on with her powers, then I see small spark of magenta colored energy going into her chest. I follow where the spark came from and see Y/N. He turns to exchange some words with a lady with an afro and a blue shirt on, then he starts walking past everyone. He uses his blue energy to change into some street clothes. I'm getting so antsy I start bouncing on the balls of my heals, waiting for my boyfriend so I can hold him in my arms. As he gets to the line of S.W.A.T. team, they stop him, I hear him say that he's with us and they let him go. Once he gets closer to me he starts running towards me, I start running towards him. I wrap my arms around Y/N and pick him up, "Never fucking do that again! I thought I lost you again, baby!" I say, starting to cry into his shoulder.
"You wouldn't have been able to do anything, Peter. I'm sorry for leaving like that." Y/N says into my chest. I let go of his waist and grab the sides of his face and pull him in for a kiss. Y/N moans into the kiss which makes me smile softly. "We need to go on a date, baby boy. It's been too long. Just the two of us." I say, resting my hands on his hips. "Bowling?" He suggests. "Sure." Y/N smiles and looks behind me and waves someone over. "You have us quite a fright there, Y/N. I'm glad you're okay." Bucky says.
"So I've heard from Peter." Y/N says, booping my nose. "We'll do something soon. But, Peter and I are gonna on a date. And we gotta get our passports renewed for our international field trip that school has planned for us. Yay!" Y/N says in a sarcastic tone. "He's not excited about it."
"He doesn't seem excited about it." Bucky and I say at the same time. "Let's go home!" Y/N says, wrapping his arm around my waist. "Fly safe everybody. Love you!" Y/N says before levitating is into the air.

Y/N and I get to our bedroom window of our apartment building, he stops at the window and opens it with his powers and lets me in first. Once we're both in, Y/N closes the window and locks it. Then he walks out of the bedroom to talk to May.
He comes back into the bedroom after a few minutes and clocks the door. I push a button on my suit and expands in size, then slides off my body, leaving me just in my underwear. I see Y/N smirk and raise in eyebrow, a small red color spreading across his face. "See something you like, baby?" I ask with a soft, breathy laugh. "Yes, yes I do." He says, taking off his hoodie. "God you're so handsome, baby." I say, walking up to him and kissing his lips. "So are you, handsome." Y/N says, kissing me back. During the kiss, I hear Y/N fumbling with his belt and pants, then I feel his hands on my chest. He starts to push me towards the bed, until I feel the back of my knees hit the mattress, I'm forced to sit down. Y/N straddles my lap and runs one his hands through my hair while the other palms me through my underwear. "Is this okay, Peter? I never asked. I'm sorry." He stops touching and kissing me. "Of course it is. We've technically been together for almost six years, it's okay. It's okay, baby." I say, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him into my lips again.
"I want you." Y/N and I say simultaneously. "Then have me. Take me. I love you, Petey-pie." Y/N whispers against my lips. "I love you more, Lover Boy."

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