The Dominion of Death

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MJ's P.O.V.

After flying through a time warp, I stumble to find my footing as I come to my full size again. I look around and my helmet notifies me that I'm in 2014, in Vormir. I turn around to see Liz and..Nat. "What are you doing here, Nat?" I ask in an irked tone. "To get the stone. Let's move out. C'mon, let's go." She says, walking past Liz and I. I look at Liz and grab her hand, "Looks like we're gonna have to fight Russian Death, too." I say as I walk further to the dominion of death.

After climbing and hiking up a long way, we finally make it to the top. "I doubt the raccoon had to climb something like this." Nat says out of breath. "Welcome." A deep voice says from behind us. We all turn around, each of us pulling out our guns and aiming them where we heard the voice come from. Nothing. Then a floating, hooded figure, with a red skull appears. "Welcome. Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Elizabeth, daughter of Adrian. Michelle, daughter of Daemion. You have enter the realm of Vormir, where the soul stone lies." The hooded figure says. "Is that so? Well, unless you wanna get shot, I suggest you hand it over to us and we'll go peacefully. Don't let it get dirty." Nat says, trying to negotiate with him. "That's just it. You can't willingly come into the realm, and leave with the soul stone. You must sacrifice the one you lost most, in order to get the stone." He says. "Oh, that easy, huh? Okay!" Liz says, running past Nat and I and the hooded figure. I run after her, screaming at her to stop. "LIZ?! LIZ NO!"

I finally catch up with Liz, and tackle her to the ground. We both start throwing hard punches across each other faces, saliva and blood flying everywhere. While we're fighting, I hear rapid foot steps run past us. I stop punching Liz and look up to seat Nat running towards the edge, I stop her from running by throwing a tazing dart out of one my wrist gadgets. Nat grunts and collapses to the ground. "No you don't." Liz says, socking me across the face and kicking me off her. I grunt as the back of my head hits a rock. My vision goes all fuzzy, I try to shake it off, but I must've hit my hard really because I end up blacking out.

NAT's P.O.V.

After I shake off the tazing feeling, I get back up to my feet and run towards the edge to jump, only for someone to yank me by my hair and throw me off track. I find my footing again and look to see Liz, MJ's wife, running towards the edge. I grab and explosive disc out of my side pocket and throw it in front of her; it goes off and Liz flies backwards. I side step out of the way and take out of my asp batons out of its holster and hit her in the abdomen with it. "OOF! You are so lucky I can't get pregnant!" She grunts out of breath. "Yeah? Try this one in for size, then?" I say, zapping her in the chest with a tazing disc. She grunts and winces in pain at the powerful volts of electricity hitting her body. "Sorry kid. But, two have a life worth living. I've lived my life, now go live yours." I say before running back towards the edge.

Just as I'm about to jump, I feel someone grab both my ankles and pull me off the edge and drag me away from it. I try to kick whoever is pulling on me, but they flip me around onto my back and straddles me. I look up to see Liz punching me across the face; correction, socking me across the face. Who knew this girl could hit so hard? I back hand her to get her to stop punching me, then I flip our positions and start punching her. "STOP IT, LIZ! THIS ISN'T AT YOUR FIGHT!" I raise my voice at her, continuously punching her. I keep punching her and then get hit in the side of the head with a rock. "Yeah, it is my fight." She says out of breath. I look up to her and see her kick me in the face. This bitch, I swear to god. She sure is stubborn. I can see why her and MJ make a good pair.

MJ's P.O.V.

I finally wake up after hitting my head on a rock. How stupid is that? More so, how hard did I hit my head? I shake off the final fuzzy feelings I have left in me and stumble up to my feet. Once I'm on my feet, I see Liz and Nat fighting each other, getting closer and closer to the edge. Just as I'm about to run over to them, I hear voices. Two voices, my mom's and my brother's voices. They're both telling to do the right thing. To do whatever they think is bet: saving myself. My mom tells me, "Save yourself and your brother. Reunite with him. I love you, sweetie." But my brother is telling me, "Save yourself. Be with our mom. I'll understand. I'll see you in another lifetime. I love you, sissy." All of this is overstimulating and overwhelming. I can't think of what the right thing to do is, I don't want to disappoint either of them. I have one chance to get my brother back, but I also have a chance to be with my mom. This is the toughest decision I have ver made in my entire life.

After thinking about what I'm gonna do, I take s deep breath and say to myself, to my brother, "Don't waist this sacrifice, bubba. This is for you. I love you, and I am so so sorry." I take another deep breath and run towards Liz and Nat. As I'm running to them, I take out four different grappling discs, I throw on the ground, I stick one on Liz's back and her torso, and the other on Nat's torso as we all fall of the edge. I keep free falling as a high speed, hearing Nat and Liz screaming. I see the ground coming closer and closer, the last words I ever wanted to say are: "I love you." I hit the ground hard, and everything goes black and cold.

LIZ's P.O.V.

I see MJ's body hit the ground and I start screaming and wailing, "NOOO!!!" I hear Nat screaming the same word. Just when things couldn't get worse, Nat and I both are teleported into a pond. I look into my hand and see a glowing orange jewel in my palm. "No! No!" I lean over to Nat and hug her. I hear her sniffling, and then I feel myself being teleported back into the quantum realm.

Back in present day, I see everyone in the same circle as we were in before we left. "Did it work? Did we get them all?" Steve asks. I'm too heart broken to answer, I end up falling to my knees and sobbing into my hands. "Rushman, Toomes? Where's Mariarty?" Tony asks. I start sobbing harder and wailing at the recent loss of my wife. I feel the stone being taken out of my hand. "She was right. We went there with three, and came back with two, and the stone." Nat says in a saddened tone. I continue to sob as Nat wraps her arms around me. "C'mon, Liz. Let's get you the living room." Nat whispers. I try to get up, but my legs are too heavy. "I can't. I can't." I cry into Nat's chest as she tries to help me up. I feel a stronger pair of arms come to my other side, and he picks up bridal style and carries me to the living room. I end up falling asleep due to crying so much

I wake up with a loud crash and explosion noise. Multiple of them. I jerk out of the living and room and run out of their. I head down to the basement where I think it might be safe. When I get down there, I head for the emergency weapons bay. Once I get all the weapons I need, I head back upstairs to see the building in shambles. As I walk closer to the broken window, I see Thanos' army standing against Steve. "Shit!" I mutter to myself. "We're in the endgame now."

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