Reuniting with the Avengers

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Y/N's P.O.V.

After explaining everything to the team, they start doing as much research and preparing as possible. I told them, specifically, that I have to be the one to talk to Wanda. Otherwise, who knows what'll happen? Tony told Peter and I to go home and be with each other, telling me to rest up and to come back at my earliest convenience for testing. To see what happened to me while I was in the hex, but right now, I just want Peter, the real one.

Peter opens the apartment door for me and I walk in, almost getting tackled to the floor, because May came running at me. "Oh my god! Y/N, where the fuck were you?!" May asks in a motherly tone. My eyes widen, I've never heard May say a swear word, ever. "Uh, it's a lot to explain. I'll have Peter tell you. I just need to rest right now. I'm sorry, guys." I give May another hug, then I turn to give Peter a kiss before heading into the bedroom to take a nap. The second I kick off my shoes, I plop face first onto the mattress. My eyes shutter close until sleep takes over me.

I wake up, back in Westview. I'm a basement, there's weird markings on all four walls, covered in purple energy. Kinda like mine and Wanda's. "Y/N Maximoff! Wow, wow, wow! You're all grown up!" I hear a woman's voice say from behind, I turn around to see the same watch I saw my mother fighting when I was eight years old. "Agatha Harkness! Pleased to finally meet you!" She says in a cheery and happy tone. "Where am I?! I was just home and now I'm back here in Westview?!" I ask in a panicked, demanding voice. "Oh don't you worry, dear. I'm not going to hurt you."
"Yeah, that's what all kidnappers say." Agatha smiles an evil smile and raises her hand an traps my limbs in purple energy. She uses her powers to pull me close to her, I gasp and jerk back and birth slightly and the abrupt stop. "You have something I want." She says, walking circles around me. "And, I want it all." She's talking about my powers. "Hehe. Then take it. If you want it so bad, then take it." I say, slowly panting for air. I hear Agatha chuckle evilly. "Gladly." She says. Agatha walks in front of my and starts pulling out all my dark blue energy, into herself.


After I explain everything to May, I feel my spider sense tingling. The ringing in my ear gets louder and louder, like there's danger in the same area as me. "Peter? What is it?" May asks. I grab my aunt and slightly push her closer to the door, I slowly walk closer to the danger, down the hallways to mine and Y/N's shared bedroom. Once I turn the corner, I see a dark but bright blue light coming from the bedroom. "Y/N!" I whisper to myself. I run to the bedroom to see Y/N floating in the air. Dark, midnight blue energy is being forced into his body. There is a soft white light in the center of all the blue. I can slowly see Y/N's clothing change from his day to day clothes, to a new suit with a crown. He opens his eyes and they glow the brightest and darkest blue I have ever seen. My eyes trail down his body and I see that the tips of his fingers are painted black. "The Midnight Sorcerer." I whisper in fear. "Get the team ready. Get May to safety." He says, before teleporting out of thin air.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I gasp and struggle to breath as I feel energy being pulled in and out of me, until Agatha stops. I hear her cackle an evil witch cackle, until I look up to her and see what once used to be purple markings, are now a midnight blue. "Impossible!" Agatha says. I tilt my head slightly to the left and break the bonds she has my limbs tied to. "These are what? Runes?" I ask, pointing to the markings on the walls. "Funny how you never taught me anything about them, and yet, I'm here overpowering you." I say, feeling the Midnight Sorcerer entering my body, joining me as one being. "It is nice to finally meet you, Agatha Harkness. Such a shame to see you die." I say, with devilish smirk on my face. I hit Agatha with a blast of blue energy, then I teleport myself to the Avengers Tower.

I set foot on the field of the Avengers Tower, I look up and see the drones are fixing the win do that I broke into the last time I came here. I turn slightly to my left as I hear Bucky's thoughts. "Hey bud. That a new suit?" He asks, walking up to me. "Sure is. Are we ready?" I ask, walking up to the tower. "We still don't know who we're going up against, Y/N! We can be ready if we don't know who we're fighting." Bucky grabs my shoulder and spins me around to face him. "Do you trust me?" I ask him. "What?" He asks. Either not hearing what I said, or not understand the terms of the question. "Do you trust me, Bucky?" I ask again. "Yeah, of course I do. What does that have to do with anything?"
"Just get inside and get everyone to the training room. No ifs, ands, or buts about it." I walk away from Bucky and into the tower, heading towards the training room.

"Alright. We're all here. Wanna tell us the next big thing we gotta fight, now?" Tony asks in his 'Stark' tone. I look over who all is there and see Peter rushing in. "Sorry, I'm late." He says out of breath. "Form a circle around me, slow your breathing, and clear your minds. We're up against an elder, and the Scarlet Witch in the making. In order for us to get there, and for me to get back into the hex, we need a force far more powerful than the two of them combined."
"And that's where you come in to play? In your new, witchy get up?" Tony says, interrupting me. "Yes, dipshit. Unless you wanna be the one to put the shields in our heads and fight two witches in a fucking a hex. While still trying to make sure that every single person is removed from the hex safely." Silence. Tony looks everywhere but me. "That's what I thought. You may be able to crunch some numbers together and do some scientific analysis to make an AI or to build another suit, just for fun. But uh, I think I'm the only one, other than Wanda, that can do this. What she's doing right now. Is beyond what I could ever imagine. She's hurting and she's vulnerable. Which means she is very unpredictable, I couldn't get into her mind until recently. We need to be quick, steady, silent, and thorough about this." Everyone responds in different ways, Tony being not so sure about the entire thing. 'Going up against all powerful witch and all.' I remind everyone to clear their minds so I can shield them from Agatha's and Wanda's powers. I close my eyes and take a deep breath in and then exhale slowly, I open my eyes again as I feel my power's radiating out of my veins and body, into everyone else's. I search through every Avengers' minds, shielding them, and shielding they're bodies as well, so they won't get hurt. After all that is done, I see everyone's eyes glowing blue. I smile softly to myself and walk to Peter and hug him, I see Bucky standing next to him looking at us. I grab Bucky's shirt collar and pull him in for a group hug with me and Peter. "My boys. You keep each other safe out there, okay? I love you both." I say to them. "I love you too, Y/N." Bucky and Peter say simultaneously. "Where's our hug, you little shit?" I hear Nat say. "Get over here you guys! Group hug!" I say, opening my arms for everyone to join for the group hug. Everyone surrounds me and hugs everyone tightly, maybe hugging me too tight. "Okay. I have two super soldiers, a Russian assassin, and a boyfriend with super strength squeezing the air out of me. Stop it!" I say with a raspy voice. Every chuckles and loosens their hugs. "Let's do this shit."

"Y/N. You may have shielded everyone else's minds, but you're is still open. Come back to me, and we can live in this world together." I hear Wanda in my head. Shit, she knows.

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