New Beginnings

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Y/N's P.O.V.

May, Peter, and I just finished moving everything in into a new apartment complex. Turns out May dusted, too. Or 'blipped.' I guess that's what everyone's calling it. My mom, Wanda, asked me if I wanted to go on a road trip with her to Westview. I told her that I still had school to go to, unfortunately. I really wanted to go, but the state makes it 'mandatory' for us to go no matter what. Speaking of school, instead of giving us an early summer break, like they should have, the school board decided to restart the entire school fucking April. Like, why? I don't get it. Anyway, I'm getting ready for school with Peter in our shared bedroom. Oh yeah, Peter and I are sharing a bedroom now. Dunno if I mentioned it or not. This is only a two bed and two bathroom apartment, May's room is the master of the two. So, she automatically has a bathroom for herself. Peter and I share the other bedroom and bathroom. Which is amazing, because they're was this deal going on at the mattress store where you buy a queen and a full, and you get another full for free. So, we did that. Peter and I ended up merging both of our mattresses together to make this one big bed, that way we have more space for cuddling, and uh, other stuff; like sex. I'm not trying to be a Debby Downer or anything but, I've literally been too depressed to have sex. I try to give in when Peter is in the mood, but I just can't give in. I just need time to grieve, and I'm glad that I have such a loving and supporting and understanding boyfriend like Peter. My alarm on my phone goes off, telling me it's time to leave for school. I sigh and hit the dismiss button on the screen, and grab mine and Peter's backpacks. On my way towards the kitchen, I see Peter eating breakfast and scrolling through his phone. I walk up to him and give him a kiss on the cheek, "Morning, handsome. We gotta go." I say, seeing Peter blush. I set his bag down next to him and grab an apple for me to eat on the way to school. "Babe. Eat something. Other than an apple, please." Peter tells me. I nod and set the apple back in the fruit basket and plate myself up whatever May cooked. "Thank you, May. For-for everything." I say, giving her a hug. "Of course, Y/N." She says, grabbing my face and rubbing circles on my cheeks. "I'm so sorry." She whispers softly. I nod once and smile. "You two still got thirty minutes, do you want me to take you to school?" May asks. I groan and roll my eyes. "I don't get why they're making us restart the entire year. They should've given us an early break, or something. Especially the kids that have already been here long enough." I complain, taking a seat next to Peter. After taking a few bites of food off my plate, I realize that my complaining was not the correct answer May was looking for. "Sorry, May. Uh, I'm just-" "We'd love a ride. Thanks, May." Peter says, cutting me off. "Okay. Eat up. We'll leave soon."

"Thanks for the ride again, May." Peter says, getting out of the car. "Thank you." I say, heading out of the car. "Uh, Y/N stay back a bit. I wanna talk to you." May says. I nod and then give Peter a kiss before he walks into the school. "What's up?" I ask softly. May turns around in her seat and rests her hand on my knee. I meet her eyes and smile warmly. "I know it's something I keep saying, and I know it's something you're probably tired of hearing but, I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry, Y/N. About MJ." May says, rubbing circles in my knee. "She uh—she's in a better place, and she did the right thing that she thought was best." I scoff, remembering that I told her to do it. "Funny thing is..I remember seeing her at the place where she was trying to get the stone. And I uh, told her to do the right thing. I told her to do the right thing. Her options were weighed out in front of her, and she gave up her life for that damned stone. Sounds like something she would do." I wipe away a few tears as I feel them streaming down my face. "She's my hero." I say in a quiet voice, no higher than a whisper. "Thank you, for letting me stay with you. I really appreciate it. I uh, might be going on a trip with Wanda soon. I just wanted to spend time with you and Peter before I went."
"Of course, honey. Anytime. I'm happy to have you with us. Where is she planning on going?"
"Uh, Westview. In New Jersey. I haven't told Peter yet. So, can we keep this between us until I talk to him about it? Please?" May smiles and nods. "Of course. Get in there. Have a good day."
"You too, May. Thanks again. For everything."
"I larb you, Y/N."
"I larb you too, May." I get out of the car and ave May goodbye, then head up the stairs and into the building.

Once I enter the doors, I see a lot of faces that I saw when they were younger, and some familiar ones, too. "Y/N!" I hear a voice say, I turn to my right to see Ned walking up to me. "Ned?!" I start jogging up to him until we get to each other, I wrap my arms around him. "Oh thank god! Did you blip, too?" Ned asks. "Yeah. So did Peter." I say, sniffling away some tears. After Ned and I hug, Peter is standing next to us. Ned and Peter exchange eye contact before doing their signature hand shake. After the handshake, Ned looks behind me and quirks an eyebrow. "Wh-where's MJ?" Ned asks. I look at Peter and then Ned, take a deep breath and say, "Uh, Steve and Nat told me that she and Liz were one of the ones that didn't blip. They ended up getting married and worked with the other Avengers during their time heist to get the stones back. Nat, MJ, and Liz went to 2014 to get the soul stone. They came back with uh, Liz, Nat, and the stone." Ned brings a hand to mouth as he gasps in shock, I see tears slowly streaming down his face. "And, during the final fight when Liz was telling me everything, she uh, she died. Right in front me. So I uh, I killed Thanos while Captain Marvel was bringing the stones back." I say, wiping my face once again. "She's my hero. They both are. They all are. They went out of their ways and made a heroic sacrifice that no one thought would be possible." Ned brings me in for another hug, and I wrap my arms around both him and Peter. "I got both my boys. Never letting you two go." I say into the hug. "Y/N? Y/N Watson?" I hear an unfamiliar voice say. "Uh, yeah? It's Maximoff now, but still me." I say, turning around to see a tall, tan skinned boy in front me. I take a second to look at him to see if I remember him. "Brad?" "That's me. Well, I just wanted to make sure it was you. Hey Ned! Hey Peter! Call me sometime, Y/N. Let's do something!" Brad says, throwing up a peace sign. "Uh, are you hitting on me? In front of my boyfriend?" I ask, pointing to Peter. Bead smiles and then walks away. "If you think you can have me, you can't! Peter already swooped me off my feet a long time ago!" I shout across the hall to Brad. "What's his problem? Who does he think he is? Hitting on me like that in front of Peter? Fuck no! I'm with Peter, and I'm gonna stay with Peter. Fucking numb nuts." I say, grabbing Peter's hand. "More like, fucking no nuts." Peter says, sounding pissed off and annoyed. Ned and I both laugh out loud. "Let's do something tonight. The three of us. After school today." Ned says, walking down the hallway with Peter and I. "Yeah, sounds like a plan. I uh, need to talk to you two about something anyways." I say. "About what, babe?" Peter asks concerned. "It's something good. I'll talk to you later today about it. Let's just, get this school day done and over with." I look up to Peter with a smile on my face. I stop walking and grab his face and bring him in for a kiss before walking into class.


Ned, Peter, and I are all sitting on the floor in Ned's bedroom, telling Ned about the fight before and after the blip. "So, you can create force fields inside of somebody and kill them?" Ned asks, astonished. "He sure can. I saw him do it myself. It's uh, it's something." Peter says. I make eye contact with Peter and then Ned and smile. "So, um. Before I moved my last box into the apartment, Wanda asked me something. Something really important and something that I told her to wait on until I gave her a final answer. She asked me to go on this trip with her to uh, to Westview. In New Jersey. I told her I would talk to you about it first, Peter." I say, meeting Peter's eyes again. Peter look's surprised and then points a finger at himself. "Me? Why would you need to talk to me about it?" He asks. "Because, babe. I wanna spend time with you but, she's my birth mom. I wanna spend time with her, too." Peter blushes and grabs my hands and then leans into give me a kiss on the lips. "Go on that trip, baby boy. Go on that trip. Be with your mom." Peter says, wrapping his arms around me.

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