The Feels: Final Part: I Confess

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"I know you're Spider-Man." I say to Peter. And he visibly tenses up. "Peter, calm down. Please? You're worrying me. I know, I definitely know that I did a bad thing by invading your space and reading your mind. That is the down side of having powers like this. I had to make sure you were okay. Even if I was flirting with a boy while dating a girl, I didn't want you getting hurt. I promise you this: I will NEVER EVER read your mind, EVER again. And, no one will know that you're Spider-Man. No one will. That secret is safe with me." He then deeply exhales in relief and nods a thank you at me. I look at him, for he is two inches taller than me. I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him. He wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me back. "Don't worry, Petey-pie. I'll protect you." I whisper in his ear.
"I think I'm the one who's gonna need to protect you. I'm the one with super strength." He whispers back.
"Pfft!" I say as I lean back, still hugging him slightly. "Puh-lease! My magic is superior to your super strength and enhanced agility. And that's a fact, bug boy."
"What did you just call me, Lover Boy?" He says in a soft, seductive tone. My face then turns multiple shades of red and pink, then I let go and step out of the hug. "I uh, I dunno what you're talking about. Bug boy." I giggle a little bit.

I walk towards my desk and hear him say, "Why you little." And the I feel him starting too tickle my sides. The most sensitive place to tickle me is my sides. I start laughing like an idiot and try my best to turn and tickle Peter back. But, to no avail as he was right. Super strength, as of right now, is superior to my magic.

He wraps his around me, and on top of my arms, essentially hugging me from behind. I hold his arms and lean into his touch and I catch my breath. As soon as my breathing is back to normal, I look up to Peter and smile. He smiles down at me and I lean up and peck a kiss on his left cheek. His eyes slightly widen, but them kisses my cheek in return.

We just stay like this for some time. Eventually I lean up a bit and ask, "You wanna help me figure what I should wear to meet your aunt?"
"What you're wearing right now is fine with me." Peter says. "It might be fine with you, but I on the other hand would like to make a good impression on my potential boyfriend's guardian. And by the way, whatever you're wearing right now." I pause to look at his outfit.

"My mom would actually like

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"My mom would actually like. You're actually one of the very few guys at school that don't dress like a complete bum. I forsure would never be caught dead wearing what some of the boys wear at that school. So, yeah. Help me out. What should I wear?" I step into my small walk-in closet, and look through all of my clothes. Peter soon steps in and looks along with me.

After about 10 minutes of pretty much tearing my closet apart, we finally settle on an outfit for me to wear.

After about 10 minutes of pretty much tearing my closet apart, we finally settle on an outfit for me to wear

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(Something like this.)

"It took us 10 minutes for us to find something just as basic as this?" I say as I walk out of my closet, showing Peter the outfit. He looks at my up and down then says, "Well, I think you look perfect in this outfit." I look in my body length mirror that I have my room and say to Peter, "I'm pretty sure you'll say that no matter what I'm wearing. I could wearing a fucking G-string and you'd say I look perfect in it."
"Well, I wouldn't say no to seeing you in a G-string." I snap my fingers and say, "AGH! Enough with that shit. Ya big pervy flirt!" I scoff and laugh softly. I turn around, my back facing Peter, and  scrimmage through my desk to find my glasses. I don't need glasses, I just wear them for style.

I continue to scrimmage through the desk until I get this feeling that someone is looking at me, and I hear someone's thoughts too. And they were LOUD. I feel my eyes glow and the thoughts are much clearer and not as fuzzy sounding.

"God damn! Those pants make his ass look so fucking good!" I just listened to Peter's thoughts. "Nice to know my ass looks good in these pants. Thank you, I was just about to ask you, too." I turn to Peter, now with my glasses on my face. He looks at me, blush spreading across his. He exhales out an, "OMG!"

"I look THAT good I make you speechless? Huh! I wonder if you'll ever have me speechless." I say to Peter all shocked and conflicted as to why he thinks I look so good in just a basic outfit. "Oh I can think of one thing, and it's this!" He says in full confidence mode. He quickly stands up and takes off his shirt just as fast.

I feel my face heat up, and my eyes widen so much they feel like they're gonna pop out my head

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I feel my face heat up, and my eyes widen so much they feel like they're gonna pop out my head. "Fuck you're so fucking hot!" I turn to lean my elbows on my desk chair and rub my tembles. I glance back over at Pete and talk one more look at his shirtless body. "God he's so fucking sexy looking! Shit! Fuck he's hot!"
"You do realize you're saying all that out loud right?" Peter states. I stop and look at him and blush even harder.

I look him up and down, slowly. I bite my lip and say, "God the things I would do to you, and the things I would let you do to me if we were alone right now! Ugh! How?! How do you look like that?!"
"Radioactive spider bite." He says nonchalantly. I keep staring at his naked torso and just can't seem to stop looking. "Umm, Y/N! Lover Boy. Eyes are up here." Peter snaps his finger, bringing me back to reality and out of my trance.

"Sorry Petey-pie. You got me in The Feels right now."

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