First Day

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Y/N's P.O.V.

It's my first day at a new school with my sister, MJ. She's in the fourth grade, where I am in the third grade. MJ and I have already ate and go dressed and are at the school building. We're in the office waiting for the principal to give me my class so I can meet my teacher.

The principal gives me the name of my teacher and classroom number and has MJ show me where to go. "He was my teacher last year, so do exactly what I did, and you'll be fine!" MJ tells me while walking me to my class. "MJ, I don't like that. What did you do?" I say right after, "All that you need to know is that, I was his favorite student! Now scram, this is the classroom." We stop at room 307, and I see a plaque outside the door that reads: "Mr. Reese  3rd Grade"

I wave my sister goodbye, and walk into my classroom to meet Mr. Reese.

Eric Dane as Mr

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Eric Dane as Mr. Reese

"Hey there, kiddo. You must Y/N Watson. I heard about the Watson's adopting a son. Your sister was my favorite student last year, my name's Mr. Reese. Nice to meet you sport!" Mr. Reese says, holding his hand our for me to shake. I shake it and say, "Nice to meet you too, Mr. R! I'm happy to be here!"

"Alright Y/N, you'll be sitting to Miss Stacy. Third seat in the middle row. Go ahead and say hello and we'll start class soon." He points to Gwen and then my seat. I smile and nod at Mr. Reese, then walk over to my seat and say hi to Gwen. "Hey Gwen! I thought you were in my sisters year?" Gwen turns around to see me and she smiles and hugs me, "Oh my, Y/N! It is so good to see you! Oh no, I'm a third graders like you."

The bell rings before I can say anything, and Mrs. R asks everyone to sit down so we can get class started with.

About four hours later, I learned how to math, how to actually read, with the help of Mr. Reese of course. Turns out I'm really good at reading, most advanced in my class as Mr. R says. Learn some history and learned how to "creatively write." Whatever that means. And then the bell rings, "Alright kids! That's lunch! Uhhh, Gwen? Will you help Y/N to the cafeteria, please? He's new." Mr. Reese says. "Yeah of course! C'mom, Y/N. Let's get food, I'm hungry! I skipped breakfast this morning."

"You shouldn't skip breakfast. My dad says it's the most important meal of the day." I tell Gwen as we walk out of the classroom and into the slightly crowded hallway. "Yeah, I think every parent says that. Anyways, you told Mr. R that you couldn't read. Is that true?!" She asks, changing the subject. "Okay, first, I can only call him Mr. R, and no I couldn't. I need his help at first but I got the hang of it from there. I can even spell supercalifragilisticexpealidocious, backwards! And that's what I learn in just four hours!! Imagine what I can learn in a day!" I say as as enter the loud cafeteria. There are kids running around screaming, food flying  everywhere. "Uhh, is it always like this in here?" I ask Gwen. "Only the first week or two of school, and the last two weeks of school. It's okay, everyone is just excited to see their friends. I know I'm excited! Do you have any friends that go here?" I think about my answer before I say, but I can't think of anything to say other than, "Nope. Just you and my sister. You're the only friend I have."

I smile at here and she smiles back, "Well, you should meet my friends. They'll love to hear that there's a new kid to bring to the park to! But, lets get food first. I have to eat something." My smile widens at the thought of new friends, and food. As we get out of line with our food, I follow Gwen to the table where her friends are at. "Hey guys! How was your Christmas? Oh! This is Y/N, by the way! He's new, I met him at the Starks' New Year party!" Gwen greets her friends as we sit down. Gwen takes a seat in front of me and I sit down next to a bigger boy, "Hi! I'm Y/N!" I say to the boy. "Oh hi there! I'm Ned, it's nice to meet you! Are you third grade or fourth?" I tell Ned that I'm a third grader and he tells me that he is in fourth grade, and that the third and fourth graders share a lunch together.

"Well, that explains it. Because, I see my sister right there." I say, pointing to end of the table where MJ is sitting at. She looks up from her book and waves at me, "See you've made some friends." She says, gesturing to the people around me. I respond my saying and gesturing to the book in her hands, "See you've found a new death book to read." She smirks and goes back to her book. "Eat something for once will ya, sis?" I say, then advert my eyes to the other people sitting around the table. "So, it's true. Michelle Watson has got herself a brother. I'm Eugene, but everyone calls me Flash." A boy with dark brown, almost black hair says. "Hi um, Flash? Flash? Flash? Nope, don't like it! Hi Eugene!" I say, shaking his hand and trying out his name.

"Sorry, I don't like how Flash sounds. Eugene is better." I say smiling. Little did I know, Eugene saw my eyes flash an unnatural blue color. "Oh it's okay! You can call me Eugene! But, he is to be the ONLY one that calls me that, everyone else calls me Flash still!" He says the last part to the group. "How did you get away with that? He hates being called by his real name." Ned whispers to me. "He said it was fine with it." I say nudging Ned's shoulders.

Eugene's P.O.V.

"So, it's true. Michelle Watson has got herself a brother. I'm Eugene, but everyone calls me Flash." I say the boy sitting next to Ned. "Hi um, Flash? Flash? Flash? Nope, don't like it! Hi Eugene!" He says, then his eyes. His eyes flash this unnatural blue color and I feel him inside my head. He whispers something, and shows me an image of my family.

"The Scarlet Witch and her son, The Midnight Sorcerer, live on. I get what I want, or else."

"No way I ain't letting anyone near my family. I'll give the boy whatever he wants." I say to the voice inside my head. I'm now back at the lunch table with my friends, and new friend, Y/N. Not remembering of what just happened.

"How did you get away with that? He hates being called by his real name." Ned whispers. "He said it was fine with it." I hear Y/N and Ned talk quietly to each other. I smile at Y/N and he smiles back, then his eyes flash blue again.

Author's Note:

I know it may be too soon in the story for Y/N to show signs of his powers, but, I thought I'd add a little drama to it. Hope you like the story so far.

(: ♡ Seany

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