Meeting May Parker

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Sorry Petey-pie. You got me in The Feels right now." I apologize to Peter, still looking at his shirtless self. "You know, you should be shirtless around me often, but just an FYI, I'll probably be too busy drooling over that hot bod to comprehend the words you'd say to me."
"I dunno how I should take that."
"Oh please, you love hearing that." Just then, my bedroom door opens and MJ walks in. "Gross. Parker put on a shirt, nobody wants to see that." I chime in with, "Uh, beg to differ sis. I would actually love to see this side of Peter."
"Like I said, gross! Mom wants to know if you'll be here for the night, or if you're staying the night at Peter's. But uh, judging on what I just witnessed, I already know that answer." MJ says. I look at her, then flick my eyes back to Peter. Then continue to flick my eyes between the two of them.

"He can stay that night if wants, Peter darling. I don't mind. I just need to know how much food to make." My mom shouts from the kitchen. "He's gonna stay the Mrs. Watson. If that's alright with you?" Peter responds. My eyes widen and I look at Peter. "Just ve save, son. And give me a hug before you leave alright?"
"Of course, Mommy! I'm always safe." I hear Peter snicker a little, "What?" I ask. "You're 15 years old and still call your mom, Mommy?"
"Mhmm. Sure do! Just gotta pack a change of clothes and the essentials then we can head, okay Petey?"
"Okay, love." I blush and smile like a school at the pet name.

As soon as I get my bag packed for the night, I walk out and give my mom and my sister hugs and head out. I tell Peter to lead the way to his apartment. And he just walks across the hallway and opens the door. I stand at my door and drop my mouth open and say, "How is it that I never knew you live right across the hall from me!" I pretty much yell at Peter. He shrugs then says, "You never asked. Come in. May's been dying to meet you." I pass off a confused look and he responds, "I talk about you. She knows I'm bi. And she's okay with it. Super okay with it. She bought me a bisexual pride flag and everything." I chuckle and then follow him into his apartment. As soon as I walk in, I take off my shoes and leave them by the door, and take in my surroundings.

"May, I'm home! Y/N is sleeping over if that's cool with you?" Peter says. May walks out of hallway and into the main living area. "Hi! You must be the boy I've heard so much about. I'm May Parker, Peter's aunt. Pleasure to meet you!" She extends her arm out and I shake her hand. "Pleasure is all mine, Miss Parker."
"Please, call me May. Miss Parker makes me sound old." I correct myself and call her May. Peter then tells May that we'll be studying in his room. "Alright boys. You two have fun. But, not too much fun! If you know what I mean?" She says, winking. "May!!" Peter says through gritted teeth.

We walk away and down the hallway to Peter's room, as we're doing that I mouth an "I'm sorry" to May. Peter opens the door to his room and let's me walk in first. "Oh, I didn't know ow you were such a gentleman, Peter!" I say, walking in looking around his bedroom. It's nice and cozy. "So, Spider-Man operates out of this room?" I whisper towards Peter.

"He sure does." He says while closing his and locking it. I hear the lock click and look to Peter. He seems to be looking at me, like he's seeing me somewhere else. I can't really describe me. I set my bag down on her desk chair and start to speak. "Why did you lock the door? Why are you looking at me like? You're scaring me, Peter."
"I just, I just really like you. And I know you're still hurting over what Gwen and Flash did to you. I just want you to know." He pauses and walks closer to me until he's face to face with me. He places one hand on my hip, and his other hand on the side of my face. "I just wanted to tell you that I really care about you, Y/N. And I know it's really really soon, but I will always care for you. And be there for you. I also wanted to tell you that--" He sighs happily, then places his other hand on my other hip and pulls me in closer to him. I raise my forearms and rest them on his shoulders. I place my hands on the back of head, one hand on the back of next. The other, I tangle my fingers through his luscious and beautiful chocolate brown curls.

"Tell me what?" I ask quietly, sweetly, and softly. "I wanna tell you that I really really REALLY like you!" He places a small kiss on my forehead. "I really really REALLY like you, too Peter. Please know that. But--"
"But what?" Peter asks, interrupting me. "Can we please take it slow? So my heart has time to heal? I don't wanna move too fast. If we move too fast, it'll just hurt more." I untangle my fingers from his hair, and place it on the side of his. I slowly start stroking his cheek with my thumb. I sigh and finally finish what I was saying. "Please understand that I am not saying no. I am definitely and 100% saying yes, of course I'm saying yes. I just--I just wanna make it right and special for not only me. But, for my Petey-pie too!"
"Your Petey-pie?" He says, raising his eye brows. I smile and slightly bit my lower lip then nod slowly. "Well, if I'm your Petey-pie, then your my Lover Boy." He rests his forehead on mine and whispers, "I will wait for you. For when the time is right. For now, I am okay with staying friends. Just lemme know when the time is right, and I'll be the one to ask you out. Officially."
"Maybe I wanna be the one?"
"You can absolutely be the one if you want to. It doesn't matter to me, just tell me when the time is right." I nod and warp my arms around his and rest my chin on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around my waist.

His hugs are so warm. Everytime he hugs me, whether it be a normal hug or a hug from behind. He always has the most warming and loving hugs. Makes me feel special. Now I know why people like it when their boo thang hugs them from behind, because I really like it.

*KNOCK KNOCK* "Peter! Y/N! I have dinner ready if you boys are hungry?" May says from the other side of the door. "Oooh! Yes please!" I say excitedly. "C'mon, Petey-pie. She's got food ready." I let go of him and unlock his bedroom door and head put to the dining room, with Peter just right behind. I feel his eyes on me. I stop just before he turn the corner and turn to him and say, "Wait just a tad longer; and this ass will be all yours!" I say it more in a whisper. His face face blushes and says, "I'll wait as long as you need me to. This is just something I'll be looking forward to." I places his right hand on one of my butt cheeks and gives it a good squeeze. In return I go to pull him for kiss, but instead I lick the side of his face.

I start to run to the kitchen, laughing hysterically as he makes a sound if disgust and cheers after me. "Alright boys, settle down. I tried cooking, whatever I tried to cook, but it didn't go too well. Thai sound good?" I shrug and nod and so does Peter.

As soon as we get to the Thai restaurant I hear May start to speak. "So Y/N, Peter tells me you're in a good majority of his classes. What are some of your favorite subjects?"
"I'm really into history, unfortunately he's not in that class with me. Right now we're learning about how advanced technology has become. From like the first light bulb, to the first landline, and to the newest cars and things like that. I really enjoy learning about things like that."
"Wow! I never picked you for a history lover!" Peter says from next to me. "Yeah, well. It's what I like." I smile at him. "I also really like biology and chemistry. But I hate the math that comes with it. Math is my worst subject. I get all A+'s in my other classes, whereas I'm getting a C- in math. And that's the highest grade I can ever get."
"Peter's really good at math!" May says. "Maybe he can tutor you a little bit. Maybe get your grade up a little bit? But Y/N, a C- is still passing." I look at May and smile. I can hear her thoughts, they're just as loud as Peter's.

"This is definitely the boy I wanna see Peter with. I can see why he talks so highly of him!"

"I really appreciate you for going out of your way to cook dinner for us, and then taking us out when it didn't turn out right. I really do appreciate it. Thank you,  May!" I say to her, grabbing onto her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. At this point Peter tells us he's headed to the rest room.

As soon as he's out of ears range I whisper to May...

"I hope it's okay with you, I just wanna get your blessing first. Can I ask Peter to homecoming, please?"

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