Official Avenger

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Y/N's P.O.V.

Peter woke me up by shaking me violently, "Baby! Baby! Babe! Y/N!" He shouts over and over. "Mmm. Five more minutes, Petey-pie." I say in a groggy voice. "Mr. Stark has good news for us! C'mon, baby boy! Let's get dressed!" Peter's to literally drag me out of his bed, "Petey-pie, no! I wanna stay here where it's warm!"
"Stop whining, baby! We gotta go!" Peter exclaims excitedly. "Ugh! Fine! Just don't get your panties in a twist." I say, finally caving in. I hold my hands out to Peter, he grabs them and pulls me up. "You're lucky you're cute, Parker. And you're lucky I can't say no to you." I say patting his chest. I put on the old clothes from yesterday and head out his apartment and into mine to change, Peter in tow.

"Okay so, are you gonna tell us what's going on? Or are you just gonna drag us out to the Avengers Compound bright and shiny early?" MJ asks Peter. "Don't bother asking him, sis. I've tried, several times. He won't budge." I say, looking at Peter next to me. "It's good! I promise you guys! Right, Happy?" Peter says towards the driver. The driver just rolls up the window, separating the three of us from him. "I wonder why he's called Happy when he isn't even happy?" MJ says under her breath, making me giggle a little bit. I feel the car come to a halt, then I hear a door open and close. "Alright, kids. Get out." Happy says, opening the back door for us. "Thank you, Happy!" Peter says, crawling out of the car. MJ and I follow suit with Peter, then try to catch up to him. "Babe! Wait up!" I call out to him. "Catch me if you can, slow pokes!" He calls back. I sigh and look up to MJ. "Do it." She says. I use my powers to throw a force field in front of the doors to the compound, making Peter run face first into it. "I caught you!" I shout, walking up to the building. Once MJ and I get closer to the building, I take down the force field and Peter looks at me. "What? You said 'catch me if you can.' And so I did." I smile and peck his cheek, then walk into the building. "Welcome in Mr.Parker, Mr. Maximoff, and Miss Watson. Everyone is waiting for you in the conference on the sixth floor." We hear FRIDAY say from the intercom. "Uh, it's Watson. Not Maximoff." I say shyly, and quietly. "Mine is Mariarty." MJ says. I sigh and then walk to the elevator. "Let's see what's so important. And exciting. Yeah?" I push the '6' button for the sixth floor, and hear the hum of the elevator.

"YOU'RE MAKING US AVENEGERS?!" MJ, Peter, and I both shout. Peter sounding more excited whereas MJ and I are sounding for shocked and surprised. Peter is hugging everyone in the conference room while MJ and I have our mouths agape and eyes bulging out of our heads. "Why do you like that?" Tony asks, pointing his finger back and forth between MJ and I. "Why us? I mean understand Y/N, because he's a the fucking Midnight Sorcerer and offspring of the Scarlet Witch and shit. But, why me?" MJ answers for us, raising her voice slightly. Nat starts to explain why, "You have the intelligence and strength to match Valorie's, maybe higher. We've already ta—" MJ cuts Nat off with yelling at the Avengers, "No. absolutely. I'm not gonna be told by some, hero free loaders, that I can just follow in my dead mom's footsteps. I am my own fucking person!" MJ makes a loud and frustrated noise while scattering the papers from the table to the floor. While she was screaming at the team, I was reading their minds. This isn't something that they want us to follow our mom, or hide in her shadow. This is something they want us to grow from and take advantage of. Saving the world, using our abilities and powers for good. "MJ. They don't want that." I walk up to her and grab her wrists and look into her eyes. I wrap my arms around her and whisper in her ear what I just read in their minds. "You know. I kinda hate that you can pull me through with shit like this." MJ says, sniffling away some tears. "You don't have to do this. You can stay out of this, and be yourself. Be normal. I can't. I was given these powers for a reason, and I'm gonna make that a good reason. Better myself in ways I couldn't before." MJ takes a second to gather her thoughts from what we've all said, and then looks to Tony. "I would like to apologize for my outburst to everyone. And I appreciate your offer, but I will kindly and respectfully, decline. This isn't me. At least, not now." Tony looks offended, he's about to protest MJ's decision until Wanda says something, "Tony. Don't you dare think about it. Michelle made her decision, so has Peter. The only that is indecisive, is Y/N." Wanda gestures with her hand towards my direction, and now I'm faced with a decision that could alter my life. I've seen it already, I fight the big talking grape in space. I know that I have to do it to save my sister, to save the other 50%. "Yes. I uh, I'll join you." Next thing I know, Peter is grabbing my face and kissing it all over. "Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why is Peter an Avenger?" MJ asks, Peter stops kissing me and looks at me with a scared look in his face. "You can trust her." I assure him. "I'm uh, I'm Spider-Man." Peter says, not sure how she'll take it. "FUCKING CALLED IT!" MJ shouts. "Language." Steve says. MJ and I both look at Steve and mock him, "Language!" Then we both laugh our hearts out. "Welcome to the Avengers, Y/N." Steve says through laughs, opening his arms for a hug. I hug him and everyone else, once I get to Wanda I give her an extra long hug. After all the hugs are given, everyone makes their way out of the conference room.

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