The Multiverse is Real

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Y/N's P.O.V.

Peter helps me up to me feet as the Bleecker Street wizard floats down to the ground with the box in his hand. "I tried to cast a spell, okay? To make everyone forget who Peter and I are. It got out of control and I couldn't hold it together." I explain myself to the wizard. "You royally fucked up then, kid. The multiverse is broken. And it is entirely your fault." He says, walking away. "I'm sorry, okay!" I yell at him. "I'm sorry! I may have full control over my power, but I can't really cast a perfect spell!" I yell through my tears. The wizard looks over his shoulder and says, "Your mother would be so disappointed in you, Y/N." He says. "Which one?" I ask. He turns around and looks me in the eye. "Both." He says before walking through a portal. My jaw drops and I fall to my knees with an awful pit in my stomach. I curl in a ball and start to sob. "This is my fault." I whisper to myself, crying harder and harder. "Hey, hey, hey. This isn't your fault." Peter says softly. "BUT IT IS!!" I say in a loud, cracking voice. "It is!" I say in a lower voice. "I tried to do something that would help us, Pete. It turned out to be something so stupid. And now, we're royally fucked." Peter wraps his arms around my shoulders and I sob in to his chest. I feel another set of arms around me. This is it. The multiverse is here. Now what do we do?


It's been months since the opening of the multiverse. Since I failed at that spell. Peter and I are constantly on edge. Both of our identities have been made public by the Daily Bugel. They labeled us at 'Enemy Number One' and 'Enemy Number Two, and vigilantes. We've been followed by news reporters everywhere we go. We can't even go out on a date without being followed by paparazzi and news reporters. We can't go anywhere. Nowhere is safe. Peter doesn't have it as bad as me, he didn't kill a shit on of people like I did. I'm currently sitting in an interrogation room at the police station, they put me in handcuffs and put this weird thing on my neck to stop me from using my powers. I look out the window and see Peter and May being escorted by policemen to another room. "Hey, they didn't do anything. Let them be." I tell the detectives. "Don't say anything without a lawyer!" Peter and May both say to me. I groan in frustration and slam my head on the table. "You guys can't keep me here! What I did wa—" I'm cut off when the sheriff walks in the door. "He's been bailed out of prison. With no further accusations. Uncuff him completely, boys." The sheriff says. I sigh in relief as the detectives uncuff my wrists and take the collar off of my neck. "Get outta while you still can. Vigilante." One of them says. I don't hesitate but to scurry out of the room to see Peter and May waiting for me. "Who did it?" I ask them. "Let's go. Now." May says, grabbing both mine and Peter's hands and rushing us out of the station. Peter and I share a glance at each other and have an unspoken conversation with our eyes.

May takes Peter and I to a donut and pastry shop, and sits us down at a table with Ned. "Okay, what's going on?" Peter and I ask May simultaneously. She hands Peter and I two envelopes, I look at them and see that their our college application letters. I rip it open to find out that, yet again, I was denied admission to the college. "Nope." I say. "Nope." Peter says. Ned opens his letter and says, "Nope. Me neither." I sigh and roll my eyes. "This is stupid. I mean, yeah, I did a fucked up thing. But, they shouldn't deny my boyfriend or my best friend. Deny me all they want. Let Ned and Peter have fun in college." I say, laying my arms on the table and resting my head on them. I sit there and ponder over everything that happened in the last few months. "I'll talk to the dean from M.I.T. And see if she can work something out, baby. Don't worry." Peter says, breaking me out of my thoughts. "I'm tired, and exhausted. Can we go home, May? Or somewhere where I can nap?" I ask. "Yeah, let's take you to Happy's. He is head of security." She says. All four of us head out of the shop and into May's car, then she sets route for Happy's place.
Once we arrive, I immediately ask Happy if I can take a nap on his couch. He says yes and I slump in the couch, falling asleep instantly.

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