Dream: Red, Blue, Talking Grape

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Y/N' s P.O.V.

As soon as my family and I get home from Mr. Stark's party, it's already 2:00 AM. By this time, we are all really tired and just want to go to sleep. And, that's pretty much what we did. It's a new year, and what great way to start it off? By sleeping, and having a peaceful and loving dream.....


My dream wasn't so peaceful...in fact, I didn't know it was a dream until I woke up.

I dreamt I was in a field or something with red and blue fog surrounding it. I was laying down om the ground, hurt. Badly hurt. I looked around me and to my left I saw a boy with curly brown hair holding my hand, with bruises and cuts on his face. He wasnt breathing. I look to my right and see what could MJ? But, only older? She had tears stained on her fear frozen face.

"M-MJ!" I call out to her. She doesn't respond. I let go of the curly brown haired boy's hand and try my best to get up, but it hurts. I fight the pain as much as I can to go check on my sister. "MJ!"  I say as I get to her. She just states blankly ahead, seems to not be breathing either. I start shaking her to try to get her to wake up, screaming her name. Nothing is working, not even slapping her awake. "Please don't hate me for this, MJ!" I said before slapping her, tears falling down my face. I look up to my left and see that my parents are also not breathing.

The pain is too much, I scream out in pain as I just lost the only family I ever had. The screams soon die down, and I start to sob softly.

"Don't worry little one. It's what the price was meant to be. The universe needed balance, you and your families sacrifice, just had to pay the price of that?" A deep deep voice says from behind me. "What do you mean, my sacrifi--" I start the voice, as I soon realize that I am now in a different outfit than what I was in.

I am wearing a dark blue, suit? Costume? With a blue crowny thing. As I am looking at my new sudden clothing change, I see myself. Lying on the ground. Bruised and bloodied up. Holding hands with MJ and also the curly brown haired brown. "Are we-are we all de-dead?" I stutter out.

"Yes. To keep the balance, you all sacrificed your lives to--" He was cut off by a woman's voice saying, "Sacrifice?! I killed the man I loved, I put a hole in his head? I had to watch my son and myself die, just to get to wear we are now. Just to hear you say we 'sacrificed' ourselves?!"

"It's her!" I thought to myself. She seems to be wearing the same costume, suit, outfit thing I am, only dark red, and she has long bright red hair. "Do NOT speak to me about sacrifice,, I sacrificed my son's entire life without him knowing who is birth mother is, about who HE is."

"Birth mother? Wait, I sacrificed myself? You sacrificed me? For what now? You're my MOTHER?!" I spit our several questions at once towards the red headed woman. I look to her and then behind, then way up. "And who-no, WHAT are you? Some big, old, wrinkly, talking grape?!"

*SMACK* The talking grape slaps me across my face and I go flying across the field. "Y/N!!" I hear the red headed lady scream. Then just as I'm about to hit the ground...I wake up.

"OH MY GOODNESS!" I scream, jolting up in my bed, breathing heavily and sweating. "GAAAH! What the French toast, man!" MJ yells, in a groggy morning voice. "Sorry sissy. It-it-it's nothing, just a uh, bad dream is all." I tell her. Then our parents rush into our room to see what all the screaming was about. "Kids! What is going on! Stop screaming! It's 7:00 AM!! We're trying to sleep!" Mommy and Dada say.

"I-I j-just had a uh, bad dream. I'm s-s-sorry! I didn't mean to w-wake you guys up!" I stutter. "Just get back to sleep, we'll talk about it when we're all rested." Dada says walking back to his room, Mommy gives a concerned look before going back to bed.

"It wasn't just a bad dream was it? It was a nightmare, huh?" MJ whispers. "It felt real, though, sissy! But, it was so weird. There was this talking grape, and brown haired boy whose hand I was holding. And you were there, and I was there, in two different bodies. And then this lady. I've seen her before, and she's-she's talked to me before too!" I whisper back. Only loud enough for her to hear. "That's...is that what you were looking at in the bathroom yesterday before the party?" I nod. "Yeah, the red headed lady. I heard her say my name before. But the brown haired boy and the talking grape, I don't know who they are. But, the lady said I'm her son? Like, she is my birth mom. But I don't remember having a birth mom. I don't even remember anything before living with Mrs. Mahogany. And I don't know wha--"

"Wait a second! The red head lady is your mom?! Your birth mother, mom?! How can you be sure?!" MJ says, stopping my continuous rambling. "Sh-she said herself. She said, 'Do NOT speak to me about sacrifice,, I sacrificed my son's entire life without him knowing who is birth mother is, about who HE is.' I'm not sure what that means, but it is so more than a nightmare, MJ! You were dead. And Mommy was dead. And Dada was dead. And the boy was dead. I was even dead, but not dead at the same time."

She keeps asking me what happened in the dream, or nightmare, or whatever it was really. I told her that we looked a few years older than we are, and if it felt this real to me, that it might actually happen.

"You don't know it'll happen, baby bro. Look, we'll keep this between us for a little bit. If it gets worse, we'll talk to the 'rents okay? Now, go back to sleep. I love you. MJ says, going back to sleep. "I love you too, big sister." I say, and try to go back to sleep.

"Hopefully I can dream of something more peaceful."

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