New Years Celebrations

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Y/N's P.O.V.

It's now New Years eve and we were all invited to the Annual Stark New Years Party by Tony Stark himself. Turns out my dad went to school with Tony Stark "back in the day" as he says it. Dad has been really nervous and on edge today, hopefully seeing Mr. Stark will help him.

"Y/N! You need to find something nice to wear. Because you will not be wearing your new school clothes we got you. How about you wear that flannel and those khakis you wore when we first met, yeah?" I hear my mom shout from her bathroom. "Okay, Mommy!" I shout back. Then I run to my bedroom to go grab my clothes and then head out to the other bathroom and wait for MJ to finish getting ready.

About 15 minutes layerz the door opens and MJ comes out wearing a black and gold sparkly dress with long sleeves and black leggings underneath her dress. I look at her in confusion as she says, "The leggings are to keep me from getting frostbite, little brother. Don't judge me. I didn't feel like wearing my church clothes tonight. Good choice on your outfit though." She points to the clothes in my arms. I then walk into the bathroom to get ready for the party.

"Y/N...." The same voice I heard outside of the mall said my name again. "Yes..?" I hesitantly whisper back. Nothing. "That's weird!" I think to myself, as I finish brushing my teeth. After rinsing my mouth, I look up in the mirror to see a woman that I don't know standing behind me. I gasp and turn around, but to only see the shower and bathtub behind. I look confused as I see no one is behind me. Then I turn around to fave the mirror, I see the woman again. She leans down and whispers in my ear, "Your time is near. Your power is growing inside your little body, growing more and more the faster you grow. Use it, to your best advantage. And soon, we will meet again. I promised you, I will explain everything. Only, when the time right. You found me, baby boy! Mommy loves you!"

Then, she wiggles her fingers next to my forehead as dark red sparkles are coming out of the tips, then I see her eyes glow red as a small dark red cloud poofs out of her fingers and into my head. My eyes widen, glowing red in the process, and they staying glowing red for a little time. Then they start glowing purple, and then finally a dark blue. I stay staring at myself in the mirror while my eyes glow the bright, dark blue color that I have never seen before. Then I hear someone knock on the bathroom door, "Y/N? You almost ready, son? We gotta head out very soon!" My dad asks.

My head snaps in the direction of the door and I say, "Uh yeah, Dada! I'm almost ready!" "Okay, well, hurry up, son. We gotta beat traffic and be there within 30 minutes." My dad says, walking away. I sigh and look back in the mirror, my eyes! They're-they're not glowing anymore? "Okay, Y/N. That was weird. This is just your imagination." I tell myself quietly.

I finish getting ready, and head out of the bathroom. I look at the mirror one more time as words are being written on the glass. "Y/N? You okay?" I hear MJ ask. "What? Oh yeah. I'm fine. Let's go!" I say brushing off what just happened in there, walking away from the bathroom turning off the light. "I'm ready! Let's go!" I say to my parents. We then head out of the apartment and go to our car.

As we get to the location of the party, I see at least a hundred cars parked outside this huge building. "Are you sure this is the right place, honey?" Mommy asks Dada. "Sure is, sweetie." Dada says.

We finally find a parking spot after 25 minutes of driving around. We park the car and all get out. "Oh goodness! It's so cold out here! Let's get inside quick!" I say taking MJ's hand a carefully running inside to the building where I can be warm. "Y/N Y/M/N and Michelle Jones, be careful you two!" Mommy shouts as she's us running towards the building.

As soon as we get into the building, there is this tall man with a big belly at the door. He looks down at MJ and I and asks us for our names. We tell him our names and he opens the door. "He doesn't seem so Happy to be here, doesn't he?" MJ whispers to me as we walk into the building. I smile and giggle a little as we walk in.

"So, are you gonna tell me what you saw in the bathroom at home or are we just going to ignore that entire thing?" I hear MJ ask but I didn't respond to her as my eyes found their towards a pretty girl. She's got to be the prettiest girl I have ever seen! She has long brown hair, beautiful tan brown skin, and an even prettier smile. "What's her name?" I ask MJ, pointing at who I was asking about. "Uh, her? That's Gwen Stacy. Answer my question before you start drooling over girls!" I mean mug her and say, "I'm not drooling! You're drooling! And, to answer your question, I think I might've saw a uh, a g-ghost." I say the last word very quietly, almost in a whisper. "Can we talk about it later please? I don't want to right now. I would like to meet Gwen Stacy though if that's okay?" I say before MJ could think of anything else to say about me seeing the "ghost."

She raises an eyebrow and tells me that we will be talking about this later and that we'll say hi to Gwen, when we bump into her. I pout and walk off to get food with MJ.

About an hour or so into the party I lost MJ in the crowd and was scared to be alone. I start panicking thinking something bad happened to big sister. I start shoving my way through the crowd until I bump into someone and fall on top of them. "Oh my goodness! I am so sorry! I was trying to find my sister and wasn't looking! Are you okay?!" I say frantically. I help the person and myself uo to our feet and make ye contact with Gwen Stacy.

"It's okay, I'm fine by the way." She says. I just smile and giggle a little bit. "I don't think I know you, you must be new. My name's Gwen. Gwen Stacy." She says holding out her hand. "Oh, I lived in Queens as long as I can remember. My name is Y/N Y/L/N. Well, Y/N Watson now. I just got adopted so, yeah!" I say while shaking her hand nervously.

"Oh that's cool! I'm glad you were able to find a family like MJ's! They're really nice. MJ is actually one of my friends, believe it or not." She says smiling. "Um, do you uh, want to get some food or something to drink maybe?" I ask her, hoping her to say yes. "Yes please!" She replies, and then grabs my hand and we run to the food stand to get snacks and drinks as we wait for the new year to come.

About two more hours go by and Gwen and I are laughing and talking about silly things. Gosh, she is so pretty. "Hey, Y/N. Do you maybe wanna um, hang out sometime? Let me get your number. Do you have your own phone yet? Or did your parents say you're too young for that?" Gwen says. I look at her slightly taken back with what she just asked me. "Um, of course. Yes! I  would love to. I have my own yes, I just got one for Christmas last week." We exchange numbers and walk away from each other as I see my sister.

"Wow, I didn't even find Cupid to see that you two are already madly in love." MJ's sarcasm is really getting on my nerves, in a good way. "We are not in love, MJ!! We were just talking!" I say back to her. "Uh-huh sure. C'mon! The countdown is starting." She says, taking us back to our parents.

We get back to our parents and we say hi to Mr. Stark. Then the countdown starts!

"10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" The crowd says. MJ and I look up and see fireworks and a big "2011" in the sky.

Great way to start off the new year! A family and a new friend.

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