Training: Pt. 2

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I feel a kick and then a punch, then an arm wrap around my neck from behind me.

One second I'm fighting an asassin and a super soldier, to admiring my boyfriend, to being attacked by the same asassin, the same super soldier, and then the other one. Fuck me! Just great! I try to think of something agile and fast to get me out of this situation, but nothing comes to mind. I keep getting punched, hit, kicked, and choked in all the wrong ways, I'm getting extremely overwhelmed and I eventually just scream. As I scream I feel my powers creat a vex of sorts, like a giant sheild. I throw my arms out and the three people that were "sparring" me, flew all over the room.

I fall on my hands and knees and wheeze. I am out of breath and I can't catch it. My eyes are still glowing with infamous power, I sense Peter jump over the net and kneel next to me. He's about to put his on my back when I grab his arm and say, "Please. Please don't. I can't control it." It comes out softer and far more quieter than I hoped it would have. "I'm--I'm sorry guys. I didn't mean to. I just--I just got overwhelmed." I say to Nat, Steve, and Bucky. I start feeling extremely dizzy and the room starts spinning super fast. I shift my body so I'm sitting down, facing Peter. He looks at me and sees that my eyes won't stop glowing. The last thing I remember happening was Peter getting help for me and me whispering, "Mother! Help me!" Then everything went black.


"Mother! Help me!" I hear Y/N whisper. It's like he's talking to me, telepathically, but not. Either way, I run to the training room and see him lying on the floor, past out. "What happened?" I ask Natasha, Steve, Bucky, and Peter. "They were beating him senseless and he used his powers because of how overwhelmed he got! And then he couldn't breathe, I tried to help him but he passed out!" Peter explains, panicking and overwhelming himself out. "Peter, honey. Take a walk and breathe. I got it from here. I'll text you when I need you, okay?" He nods, then leans down and kisses Y/N on the forward and exits the training room.

I tell the other three to fuck off and leave me and my son alone for the rest of the day. They don't protest and leave quickly as they have never heard me this angry before. I look down at my son and kneel down, I raise my left and hover it over his forehead, summoning red energy and slowly wiggle my fingers. I pull the red energy and I can see his blue energy pull out of from his forehead, hearing multiple voices screams, and screeches from only him. "Don't worry, baby. I'm going to burn all of these bad images away. Forever." I whisper to him softly. I take my other and forcibly remove all of the negativity from his head, the negatives that make him have all of those nightmares. I stand up as I hold all of these nightmares in the palms of my hands, and summon red fire into my palms and burn them one by one. Then I hear whimpering, like someone is pain. I look down and see Y/N starting to literally catch on fire.

I immediately stop using my powers and the energy goes back into Y/N, he groans and then passes out again. "FRIDAY! Contact Tony and get a room ready in the medical wing. Y/N is not okay. HURRY!" I shout at the A.I. that controls the house. I use my telepathy to contact Peter, "Peter. Go to the medical wing. Y/N's condition is worse than we thought." I pick up my son with red energy and levitate him and I both to the med wing. Once at the room in the med wing, I set Y/N on the bed, the nurses and doctors immediately start asking me questions. I explain everything to them and that tell me to leave the room and they'll inform me when I come back. Being the stubborn person I am, I say no. "Miss Maximoff, Y/N is not in stable condition right now. We need to run some tests to get a diagnostic, please exit the room or I will have you excorted off the premises." One of the nurses tells me. "You will not keep me from my own son! He needs me here with him, please?!" I say to the doctor. She pulls me aside and explains that in order for my son to get better, they need to do some tests...I agreed to leave the room, only after 30 minutes of protesting.

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