You Didn't See That Coming?

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"I miss you, Mommy." I whisper to myself. I hear slight shuffling from afar, and I hear Peter's thoughts. "Peter. You need to learn to be more quiet." I mutter softly. "How'd you know it's me?" He asks innocently, taking apot on the couch next to me. "I can read minds, ya goofball." I chuckle and lay down on his lap. "I looked into that lady's head. She's a mom of two." I say, laying on my back and looking up at the ceiling. I can see Peter give me a confused looked from the corner of my eye. "I could feel what she was feeling. Everything. Her life being sucked out of her, the pain, the grief she felt for her two kids that she would leave behind. Everything. She reminded me of my mom so much." Tears starts streaming down my cheeks. "I couldn't save my mom, but I saved her. I saved those kids' mom." I stop my rambling to cover my face with my hands and sob. Peter pulls me up to his chest and holds me.


While I'm holding Y/N in my arms, I see Wanda walking out of the lab. She looks at me and then to Y/N. I slowly shake my head as I see her eyes glow red. "Mama. Please! Get out of my head!" Y/N mumbles through his sobs and hands. "Do you want a hug, pumpkin?" Wanda asks, Y/N nods and then gets off the couch and walks over to Wanda. I see several colors radiating off of Y/N's body while he cries into Wanda's shoulder; red, blue, green, orange yellow, magenta, purple, aqua, you name it. Every color radiating from his slowly starts getting brighter, until Wanda's red energy surrounds Y/N. I stand up and start to slowly walk up to them. I grab Y/N's shoulder and we all gasp.

Everything's dark. My Peter Tingle is going awol. I don't know where I'm at. Am I dead? I hear footsteps from behind me, so I quickly spin around and shoot a web. I feel the end of the web land on something, followed by a groan of disgust. "Ugh! God dammit, babe!" "Y/N?" I say, perplexed. Y/N walks up to me and says, "Uh, yeah it's me. Who else would it be?"
"You know what? My Peter Tingle is off the rails right now, and I dunno where we're at, and I'm kinda scared, a-and..." Y/N cuts me off by pressing his lips to mine. "We're safe. We're in my head."
"But it's so dark."
"For now." I furrow my brows as Y/N turns his back to me and opens his arms out. Rays of different colored energy shooting out of his hands, fingertips, and chest. "These are my memories. All that I've made so far." He says slowly. I look around seeing some different memories surrounded by different cored energy, then I see a lot of memories in one big clump, surrounded with a magenta colored energy. All of them are of me and Y/N. I smile softly, a single tear running down my cheek. "It's beautiful, Y/N." I whisper, looking to him. "It's the memories I have of us, Pete. Look." He points over to one memory in particular. "This is the first memory I ever have of us. The day we met. My first day of high school. That day, was the day I realized I was gay. You made me realize that." I look down to him and smile warmly. "What do you mean?"
"I mean. Gwen and I never ever had the relationship that you and I have right now. We never had, intimacy. Gwen and I, we're forever in the past. You and I.."He grabs both my hands and turns me to face him. "We're the now. We're in the now, and I want a future with you. It's weird, I know. You're 17 and I'm 16, but we're both stupidly in love with each other."
"Fuck does that mean!?" I ask, trying to sound offended even though I know what he means. "You. Me. Young and in love. What? You didn't see that coming?" I roll my eyes and peck his lips. "Why are we here? Are we okay?"
"Of course we're okay! Why wouldn't we be?!"
"I-I dunno. We were at the base and now we're somehow in your head."
"It uh, it happens when I'm sad. I just lock myself in my head and look at my memories. I wanted to show you was all."
"So that's why sometimes your powers go crazy when you're asleep." Y/N looks offended at first then shrugs. "Yeah. Something like that. Let's get some macaroni and cheese pizza!" He says, his eyes glowing numerous colors. Then everything is dark again.

I blink rapidly, adjusting to the light in the compound. "Thank you, Mama. I needed it." Y/N says to Wanda. "Anytime pumpkin. Um, any thought on moving in?" She asks Y/N before walking away. "Just a little more time to think it over with MJ?" Wanda nods at Y/N and then walks away. "We're gonna need to change if we wanna go out. Do you still want to, Pete?" Y/N asks, wrapping his arms around my neck. "We're taking my way though, baby." I say with a small smirk and a wink. "Peter. I hate swinging!"
"You can technically fly." Y/N protests my making weird noises at me. "FRIDAY? Open the hatch, please." I grab into Y/N's waist tightly and shoot a web up to the open hatch and swing out of the compound to our apartment complex.

I land right outside Y/N's bedroom window and he immediately turns around to slide it open. Then stumbles into his room and shakes off the antics of swinging in the air with me. I make my way into his room, sliding the window shut. "I don't like that!" He whisper-shouts. "Yeah, but you love me." I say, trying to sound cute. He gives me a death glare while changing clothes. "No. You don't get to see me naked. Nuh-uh! You're being punished!" He says, throwing his shirt at me. "And I will know if you peak." I chuckle and take his shirt off my face, covering my eyes with my hand. "Okay, you can look now." I remove my hand from my face and open my eyes to see my boyfriend wearing my school sweatshirt. "That's mine."
"So? What's yours is mine, what's mine is yours."
"I would wear your sweatshirts, but I can't. Your clothes are too small for me."
"It's because your muscles are so big." He says, squeezing my biceps. "I'll just take this then." I say, grabbing one of his beanies. "Okay. Uh, you still have clothes in here from last time you stayed the night. They're hanging up next to mine, baby." He stands on his toes and kisses my cheek, then leans into my ear and whispers, "I'll let you get changed. I'm gonna make come coffee and check on the girls." Before he walks out of the room, I grab his arm and kiss his lips. He walks away blushing, shutting the bedroom door.

I finish changing clothes, I put the beanie on and here Y/N shout, "OH MY GOD, I'M SO SORRY!!" Then I hear a door slam shut. Just mere seconds later, Y/N comes running into his room. His face his super red and he's visibly freaking out. "You okay, babe?" I ask him. "Absolutely not. Ugh! That's an image I'll never get out of my head!" He jumps as he hears a knock on his bedroom door. "Y/N?" MJ says in sing-song voice. Y/N slowly opens the door, "I am so sorry. I knocked, I didn't hear anything. I thought you two were still sleeping."
"Mhm. Now you know how I felt that one time I walked in on you giving Peter head." MJ says this and I feel my fave heat up. I remember that distinctly...Y/N was in between my legs and I was so overwhelmed with pleasure that I didn't even notice MJ opened the door until she screamed, "OH FUCK! I'M SORRY!" That was the last time she has ever come the bedroom without knocking. "Yeah yeah. I'll be sure to be more careful. Bye-bye now." Y/N shuts the door on MJ and turns around to face me again. "That was, really gross. I'm so glad I'm gay! I'm strictly dickly! Definitely." Y/N says, mainly to himself. "Do you want some?" I ask. "Nah, I really want some pizza though." His eyes widen and he walks to his closet, shutting the door. "DID I SAY NO TO DICK!? AHHHH!" He walks out and smiles at me. "You didn't see that coming?" I ask jokingly. "I'll uh, take up your offer. I just really want macaroni and cheese pizza. Can we get some afterwards, please?"
"Of course."

It's night again. Y/N and I are in my room now. I'm tracing hearts on his lower back while we're laying bed. "I love you, baby boy."
"Mmm. I love you too, Petey-pie." Y/N reposition himself to laying half on me and half on the bed. "You're so warm. All the time." He whines a little. "So are you, handsome." He shifts a little to look up me, "You're handsome, too. Thank you for everything."
"No, thank you for everything." He blushes and then leans up to press his lips against mine.

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