Spring Break

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Y/N's P.O.V.

It's been three months since mine and MJ's mom passed. We still live in the apartment we grew up in with her, and Tony Stark helped is get emancipated from our father's custody. We won, thankfully. Don't ever have to see that bastard ever again. My sister and I both went through the five stages of grief, not in order. But we both went through the five stages: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. It was very hard for Mj and I both to accept that our mom is gone. And through several one-on-one sessions with our school counselor, we were able to accept her passing. The world is a fucked up place, but she's better off in Heaven. I'm sitting in class right now, finishing up my advanced Chemistry test, counting down the seconds till spring break starts. It's been okay at school, MJ and I just stay close to our little group of friends. Herself, myself, Liz, Peter, Ned, and Ned's girlfriend, Betty. I hear the bell ringing just as I fill out the last bubble on my text sheet. "Alright everybody, hand me your tests on your way out the door. Have a wonderful spring break and be safe, please." Our teacher says ash she opens the door. I start packing up my things, listening in on some of the conversations between my classmates as they walk past me. I stand up and loop my arms throw the straps of my back pack and grab my test sheet. "Take care, Y/N. Have a good break." My teacher, Miss Fernandez says, giving me a small hug. I give her a small hug back and say, "Thank you, Miss Fernandez. Do you want any help locking up before I go?" She looks at me and says, "No. You got someone pretty antsy to see you, anyhow." Miss Fernandez points to Peter, who's waiting for me at the lockers across the hall. "You go and have a good break, honey."
"Thank you, you too." I say, giving her a small wave. I exit the classroom and run through the hallway traffic into my boyfriend's strong arms. "How was the test? Do you think you passed?" Peter asks, squeezing my torso and picking me up a little bit. I peck my lips to Peter's cheek as he sets me down on the floor, "Yeah. I think I did pretty good." I say while grabbing his hand and intertwining our fingers. Peter gives my hand a little squeeze and smiles at me. He has that look in his eye, like he's hiding something. "What? What is it you're hiding from me?" He shrugs and kisses my lips, then starts leading me out the school. "It's a surprise. And I think you're gonna love it." He says in a cheery voice. "And don't try looking in here, I've learned to keep my secrets hidden from you." He said, tapping his index finger to his temple, side eyeing me. "You what?" I chuckle softly. "Damn, I knew you were good at keeping secrets, I just didn't know you good at keep secrets from me." He shrugs again and then starts skipping, I start skipping with him until we hear a voice say, "Awe! You guys are too cute! Can you stop?! I'm trying to make cutest couple before I graduate this year!" I turn to see Liz holding hands with MJ. "Don't remind me. I'll be alone for a year before I get to see you again. And that's if I get into Harvard." MJ says, half-heartedly. "Sorry, can't help it. But hey, people would rather voted a same sex couple being cutest couple rather than uh.." I point over to Ned and Betty, cringing at the sight of them. "Those two nerds." "We're all nerds here!" Peter, Liz, and MJ all say. I throw my hands up defensively and start to walk down the stairs to the doors of the school. "C'mon, Peter has somewhere where he wants to take me." I exit the school and Peter says, "Actually. It's all of us." I turn to face him and shrug. "I ain't questioning it. You say it's a surprise, and I wanna be surprised." I turn back around and then feel a body jump on my back and lips touching my cheek. "You're gonna love it, baby boy. I promise you that." I look up slightly to see that Peter is the one on my back. I smirk and kiss his lips, "I know I will. As long as I'm with you guys. And uh, you and me will be getting our own room. Right? Because I may or may not wanna have sex with you during the break." Peter chuckles and jumps off my back. "Of course we are. I was wanting to have sex, too. Maybe on the flight there?" He whispers in my ear. I stop walking and say, "Flight there?! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Babe?! Where are we going?!" Peter just puts his finger to his lips and waves me and everyone else on. I follow close behind him and continue to ask him questions.

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