All The -Tinis

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"You're the best fucking boyfriend ever. Thank you for this. I love you." Y/N says, standing onto his toes to give me a kiss. I moan into the kiss, causing him to smile. After the kiss I see his eyes glowing a soft magenta color, "I love when your eyes change color like that." I say, giggling a bit. "I love your laugh! It's so adorable!" Y/N says wrapping his arms around my neck, I wrap my arms around his waist and we hold each other for a little bit. "Who wants a martini?" I hear Mr. Stark ask in a sing-songy voice. "Oooh! Me! I do!" Y/N squeals happily, and then he runs over to Mr. Stark like a little child. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as someone walks out of the water, out of my sight. "He's like a little kid, I swear." A voice says, I turn to see Mr. Barnes. "Well, he is the youngest out of all of us here." I say, looking over at Y/N downing several martinis. "Okay, I should stop him. I don't want the baby getting super drunk." I start jogging over to the little bar that Mr. Stark and Y/N are at. Once I arrive at the bar, Y/N is asking for another martini, "How many would that make?" I ask my boyfriend with a raised eyebrow. "Eight!" He says excitedly, then he looks me in my eyes and looks scared, "Oh shit. Gotta go, Stark. Bye!" Y/N gets out of the chair he's in and starts running away saying, "You can't catch me! You're too slow, Petey!" Is he taunting me? He's such a little kid when he's drunk, oh my goodness. I start chasing after him, and he thinks it's a game. He's laughing the entire time, and keeps trying to hide from me. I've eventually had enough of it, I make sure no one is looking, I slap one my web cartridges on my wrist and web Y/N's feet together. I made sure that he'd fall on his pillow that he made out of a towel so he wouldn't get hurt. He looks at his feet and then to me and starts whinging, "Hey! That's not fair! I didn't know we were using powers!" He crosses his arms over his chest and starts to pout. I walk over to him and sit down next to him, "You're fine, you big baby." I say, wrapping my arm around shoulders and kissing his forehead. "I'm your big baby." He says in pouty voice. "Yes you are." I say to him. I grab his chin and look at his face, his eyes are magenta with a slight hint of green. "What are you feeling guilty about, Lover Boy?" I ask softlyly. "I got drunky drunk." He says, leaning his head onto my shoulder. "You got, drunky drunk? Is that what you just said, baby?" I asked, amused to what he's saying and how he's saying it. "Stop making fun of me!" He whines, then he gasps and squeals, "BUCKY!" He quickly stands up and start hopping his way over to Mr. Barnes. "Wait, babe!" I chase after him and rip off the webbing on his feet. "Thank you, baby!" He squeals, then he kneels down to kiss me. The kiss is long and lingering, and full of lust and love. "Mmm. You taste like cherries and apples, baby boy." I say, licking my lips. "You should try one. They are so good!" He turns back over to Mr. Barnes and hugs him. Mr. Barnes and I both chuckle at his hyperactivity.

I eventually got myself a few martinis, and Y/N was right. They're so good. Y/N and MJ decided to make a big bonfire, Liz and I both asked if they wanted help, but they said that it was a 'sibling thing.' Which, I can understand, because they sure are talking pretty secretive. "You think that our boyfriend and girlfriend are hiding something from us?" Liz asks me. "What? No." I giggle out my answer. Liz and I exchange a look, and then start laughing. "They're totally hiding something from us." Liz and I both say. "Where's Ned at by the way? He came with us didn't he?" Liz asks. I look around and find Ned and Betty making out on a lounge chair. "I think they're trying to swallow each other right now." Liz and I are both looking at Ned and Betty getting hot and heavy.
"Is that what it feels like? The God awful uncomfortable feeling when you catch someone making out with someone else?" Liz asks. "The feeling where you wanna puke everywhere?" I ask. She nods. "Or maybe I've had one too many martinis." She says, then she runs to the nearest trash bin and spews inside it. "Gross. GAAAH! Oh hey, baby!" I say, then I see my boyfriend stand right next to me. "C'mon. It's time to eat." He says, grabbing my wrist with both his hands and pulling me with him. He sits me down on a chair infront of the bonfire and then sits on my lap. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and I wrap mine around his waist. "I love you, Petey-pie."
"I love you too, Lover Boy."

A few hours go by and everyone has told different stories about one another. We even told MJ and Y/N about the 'Civil War' between the team. Thankfully, we all made up. Clearly. Because Mr. Stark and Mr. Barnes wouldn't be in the same area without trying to kill each other. And then, Y/N decides to up that anty by throwing shade on Mr. Stark. "Tony, I have something to ask you, sir." "Yes, Y/N?" There's a small moment of silence before Y/N asks his question. "What is it like? Being a rich, snobby, asshole like yourself?" Everyone around us starts to laugh, even Ms. Potts and Mr. Rhodes. "I like this one, Parker. You picked a nice one." Y/N exclaims and fires back with, "Of course he picked a good one. Guys suck dick better than you girls ever could. And I can bet that Peter and I have had more sex in our relationship, than you've had din your entire lifetime." Everyone laughs even harder, and I'm just over here blushing. Y/N looks down to me and says, "I think I'm gonna suck his dick now. C'mon, Pete. Let's go!" Y/N grabs my arm and drags me with him to our hotel room.

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