Chemistry with Gwen...and Peter

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I walk into my first classroom of my second day of freshman year, I'm taking Advanced Chemistry with Gwen. I walk into the classroom with my girlfriend in hand, we're talking about the movie we saw last night for the trillionth time. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. As we walk in, I see Peter Parker talking to Ned. 'Oh boy, this'll be fun!' I think to myself. I feel myself slightly tense up at the fact that I have to share a class with my girlfriend and a boy that I, kind of have a crush on. Just as Gwen and I are about to take a seat I hear Ned yell our names.

"Y/N! GWEN! Come sit with us over here!" I give Gwen a confused look. "Us? He talking about him and MJ?" Gwen just shrugs. We walk to where he called us from, and I was expecting to see MJ, but no I see Peter. He looks at me and smiles. I give him a small wave and go to sit next to Ned. Unfortunately fortunately for me, Gwen stole that spot. Leaving me to sit next to Peter.

"Looks like we're Chem buddies, huh?" Peter says with pure joy. "Bruh. Are you always this energetic?" I grumble. "Did I just say bruh? I am hanging out with Eugene too damn much." I sigh.

"Speaking of Flash, there he is!" Gwen waves behind me excitedly. Which makes me confused, because she is NEVER excited to see Eugene. I turn around and give him a smile and say, "Hey dickwad! Enjoying the view?" He chuckles and nods. I look back and see Gwen blow him a kiss. "What in God's green one was that, Gweneth?!" I snap at my girlfriend. "You HATE him! Why you making kissy faces at him!" She looks at me with fear in her eyes as if it was nothing.

"We're friends. And do NOT call me Gweneth, you know I hate that name."

"Well, stop acting like a Gweneth and I won't have to call you that." She gives me a shocked look and gasps. "Surprised I can talk like that aren't ya, sweetheart?" Her shocked face slowly turns into a fearful look. I don't ever call anyone 'sweetheart' unless I'm pissed. "What's wrong, babe?" She asks sincerely. I don't understand where this attitude is coming from."

"I told you this morning. Couldn't sleep last night with all the screaming going parents are getting a divorce. MJ and I gotta move with our mom soon. So you won't see much of me anymore. Go ahead and get your fuck boy, would ya?" Everyone at my table just looks at me and their faces are filled with a mixture of shock and pity.

"Babe--" Gwen starts. "I gotta find Michelle. Everyone just leave me the hell alone. I'll see you later. Unless you wanna hang with your buddy, 'Flash'?" The sass in me coming out like bullets out of a chamber of a pistol.

I walk out of class, ignoring my teachers protests. I pull out my phone and find Michelle's contact. I hit the green button and push it.


"We need to talk. NOW! Meet me by the outside bleachers. No protests."

I then hang up the call and go outside to wait for my sister. As I wait for her I start crying out all of my emotions. Anger, sadness, and stress. I hear footsteps and look up to see MJ. I stand up and say, "What in the actual fuck is going on between Gwen and Eugene? And don't bullshit me or sugar coat it. I want the full truth. As of right now, I can only trust you. Please, sissy. Please tell me."

Tears are streaming down my face. She comes closer to give me a hug. I'm hesitant and first, but hig her back. "She's fucking him." The words hit me like a fiery hot blade. I start sobbing, and I can literally feel my heart break. "Fucking. Beat her ass, Michelle!" I say through gritted teeth.

"How long?"
"Since 4th of July." I gasp and my mouth falls open. "Seriously! Are you fu--" I cut myself off and scoff and walk away. "I need to get back to class. I can't right now."

I ignore my sister calling me back to her and just head back to chemistry class. As I walk in, Peter is the only one that notices my puffy eyes and asks, "Are you okay, Y/N?" I shake my head and tell him not to worry about it.

I jump a little as I feel his hand on my thigh, I glance at him and he says to me,

"I'll always be here for you. We're buddies, buddies are there for each other. No matter what."

"Thank you, Petey-pie."

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