You Did Something Stupid...Or Did You?

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Y/N's P.O.V.

After several long hours, roughly fourteen, Steve and I land in Rome. Right outside where Beck said his hideout would be. "They're not expecting you two. Get in there, and be quick." I hear Tony in my ear piece. "Copy that." Steve says. We both share a look before Steve says to me, "Go high, I'll go low and stay on the ground."
"You got everything you need?" I ask before taking off. "Yeah. You sure you wanna do this?" Steve asks, making sure that this what I want. "Yes. I need to do this." I say, then I throw down my hands and levitate myself in the air and onto the roof of the hideout.

Once I land on the roof, I blast a hole in the roof with a cosmic blast from my palms and lower myself into the hideouts. Immediately, everyone starts firing bullets at. My eyes glow a mixture of blue and red as I raise one hand and stop all the bullets mid air and drop them to the ground. Then I pull my arm in a downward ninety degree angle and then face my palm to the ground, jerking the guns out of everyone's hands. I take stance and stand at shoulders length, with both of hands at my sides, a dark blue and red shield surrounding me and cascading spurts of energy into everybody's mind. I search everyone's minds to see if they have any extended living family; and to my surprise, they don't. "You all made the right choice to not have kids." I say. I raise both my arms up in the air slowly, summoning massive amounts of energy, and then throwing my arms out to my sides and cascading a wave of energy at everyone. Decapitating and killing everyone in the room, except for Steve of course. And leaving one man alive. Beck's right hand man. I start walking towards him with a sword in hand made out of my powers. "Y/N! Don't do this! You've done enough!" Steve says. I stop in my tracks and look at Steve with glowing eyes, changing color from a dark blue, to a dark red. "Y/N is gone." Is all I say before I grab Beck's right hand man by the throat. "I need back up. The Midnight Sorcerer is taking over Y/N and I can't do this by myself." Steve says into the comm set in his ear. I use my free hand to throw Steve across the room with a a cosmic blast.

I start choking the man in my hand, "You are gonna take down the footage. And when you do, I will kill you; and I'll enjoy every second of it." I say, several voices echoing off mine. "You won't..get away..with..this." The man struggles to say. "Won't I?" I say, raising an eyebrow. My eyes glow brighter as I open his jaw with my hand, I search deep into his eyes, looking into the light of his soul. I take a deep breath in and start to suck the soul of his body, a long string of glowing white light leaving his mouth as he struggles to breathe. I feel his heart rate increasing by the second, until finally, his eyes roll into the back of his head, and he slumps in my hand. I drop him to the ground and look at his lifeless body.

I levitate high into the air, outside of the hideout warehouse and conjure up a spell so everyone can forget who Peter and I really are. I put on my mask and think hard about what I need to say for this spell to be accurate. "From this day forth, everyone, in every universe and galaxy, will for every forgot that Peter Benjamin Parker is Spider-Man, and that Y/N Y/M/N Maximoff is the Midnight Sorcerer. Excluding our loved ones and the Avengers team." I cast the spell loudly and feel my powers vibrating inside and outside of my body. This is a very powerful spell. It starts to hurt. It hurts so bad. I feel myself getting dizzier and dizzier as the seconds go by. But I need to stay strong and awake for this to work successfully. "Y/N!!!" I hear Peter shout from the roof of the warehouse. I look down and just as I do that, the spell starts to break. "NO!" I say, holding my arms out and holding the spell together. "Y/N! Stop it! You're hurting yourself!" Peter says. I strain and yell in pain as the spell starts ripping through the multiverses. I scream louder and louder as it becomes unbearable.

I start to lose my grip on the spell. It hurts me to hold it, but I can't let anyone know who we are. "What's he doing?" I hear the Bleecker Street wizard say from a distance. "I dunno. But he's hurting himself." Peter says in a worried tone. My hands start to shake, and I start to cry. I feel a sharp pain in my chest, making me lose grip of my spell and fall. "Y/N! NO!" Peter shouts. I feel someone catch me and set me on the ground. I look up to see the Bleecker Street wizard trapping my spell in a box. I sigh in defeat. Peter says, "You did something stupid, didn't you?"
"Sure did." I say.

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