Till I Get Back

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Y/N's P.O.V.

After I cleaned up and put back together the interstate, and made sure that all the citizens are safe, I teleport back into mine and Peter's shared bedroom and change out of my suit and into normal clothing. I head out of the bedroom and out into the living room to see May talking with Happy, Steve, and Bucky. I furrow my brows and tilt my head, confused as to why these three are here. I turn the corner and jump a little as I see Tony leaning against the wall.

"Ahh. Witch Boy is here. Where's Bug Boy?" Tony says, being extra dramatic. I scoff, rolling my eyes and throwing my middle finger into Tony's face before I give him a response.
"Thought he'd be here, to be honest. Waiting for me, as per usual. I can call him if you'd like?" I say in a projected, agitated manner. "I'm not sure what I'm more agitated about. This entire situation." I use hand gestures to point between every person in the room. "Or that situation." I walk over to the window and open the curtain, revealing a helicopter videoing the apartment. I close the curtain and cross my arms over my chest. "I dunno where he is, okay? I can call him for you? Or, you could one of your many many AI's to do it for you! Just like you have them do everything else for you. You said, you fucking said, you'd get the handle on this shit." I start taking slow steps towards Tony, slowly boiling in anger. "And yet. Here we are, Stark. You know who's public enemy number one?" I ask everyone in the room, no one answers but mutters small responses. "Me! Of course it's me! Look, Stark. I appreciate you for bailing me out of jail, I really do. But, we can't keep living like this. Living in fear that something is gonna happen to us." I wipe away a few tears that started streaming down my face as I sit down on the coffee table, May walks next to and gently pulls me in for a hug.

"Y/N." Bucky says softly. I look up to meet his blue eyes, laced with fear. "We understand that you're scared, buddy. We're scared, too." Bucky kneels down in front of me and hold my hand with his metal hand, his glove over my flesh.

"What do we do about the other villains? From the other universes? I mean, there's the guy with the uh, the fucking uh, metal tentacle arms. And the green elf man on the flying glider. I'm more than certain that there's more of these villains from other universes or dimensions." I squeeze Bucky's hand and sniffle, I use my shoulder to wipe away some tears and try to catch my breath. "The uh, octopus dude. He told Peter that uh, he should've killed his boyfriend when he had the chance. Clearly it wasn't me, or my Peter."

"Y/N, who said that?" Tony asks.

"The octopus dude. I dunno what his name is, I'm sorry. But, he wore a uh, sort of trench coat. And glasses, and he wasn't himself." I say, uncertain.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Steve says in a raised voice.

"Stevie. Not now." Bucky says, turning his attention over to the other super soldier. Steve and Bucky start screaming at each other, which makes May start yelling at the two. While they're yelling, I'm searching for Peter, through thoughts.
"Y/N? Is that really you? You're alive?!" Peter says as I find him.
"You're not my Peter, are you?" I ask telepathically. "Meet me at the abandoned laboratory, I'll explain more there."
"Wait, what? But, you feel just like him?" He says, his voice cracking a bit.
"Guys. I gotta go. Happy, Tony. Don't let them kill each other. Bucky, Steve. Don't kill each other. May, stay here. I love you guys, but I gotta go at this, alone." I say aloud, teleporting to the abandoned laboratory.

Once I get to the laboratory, it's quiet. I walk through the empty hallways of the laboratory and jump when a rat runs across my foot.
"Disgusting." I say under my breath. I continue to walk down the hallways, observing what used to the lab Peter, Ned, MJ, and I used to go to, before the blip happened.
I turn a corner and see Peter in his suit, but it's different. His spider insignia covers his entire body, instead of just a small spot on the center of his chest.
"P-Peter?" I ask softly. He looks up and runs up to me, then stops in front of me.
"Y-you're not my Y/N. Damn. I knew it was too good to be true." He says softly. I look up to him, a little more than my Peter.
"You're taller than my Peter, Peter." I say. I stand on my toes and grab on of his shoulders, then I grab the top of his mask and take it off slowly.

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