Alone and Lost

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MJ's P.O.V.

Steve, Nat, Rhodey, and I are the only ones that are left from the Avengers, that I know of. It's been a few weeks since we've lost, and I haven't heard anything from Y/N. Liz is alive, she moved in with me into the Avengers Compound last week. It's been quiet and lonely these past few weeks, no one knows what to do, except play chess and monopoly and make endless amounts of food. Liz and I got into baking, that's what we're doing right now. I've picked it up pretty fast, thanks to my intelligence level, I've also helped Nat and Liz bake some things here and there. I hear the beeping of the oven go off, "Mix these two together." I say to Liz as I head over to the oven to take out the muffins I made. As I'm setting down the pan on the cooling rack I see the glasses rumbling in the countertop. "What's that?" Liz asks. "I dunno. Hopefully something good." I say, heading out the building. I walk out into the grass field to see a glowing woman holding up a space ship, she lowers it to the ground and stops glowing. The back of the ship opens up, and Tony stumbles out as a blue lady walks past him and walks over to the taking Build-a-Bear raccoon thing. "Oh thank god." Pepper says, rubbing up to Tony. I wait to see if Y/N or Peter walk out of the ship, but no one does. "Mariarty." Tony says, getting my attention. He meets my eyes with a sad and sympathetic look in them, "I lost him. I lost them both. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." He says. "No. No, no, no. No! NO! Please tell me it isn't true! Please! I can't lose him! I can't lose my baby brother! Please! He's all I have left!" I start sobbing and pleading that he's not gone. "I'm sorry, Mariarty. I'm sorry." Tony says, bring me in for a hug. I start crying even harder and just let myself loose, the only person that I love that I have right, is Liz. I let go of Tony and walk over to Liz and hug her. "I'm here, MJ. I'm here. I'm so sorry, honey." She says, rubbing my back. "Can we just go inside? I wanna finish baking." I ask, just wanting to not think about it at the moment.


It's been almost six months since we've lost, and it's been really rough. Coping wise. Liz and I both got jobs at Peter Pan's Donut & Pastry Shop. Most, if not all, of the customers are nice. Surprising to say for someone working anywhere in New York. But, with everything going on nowadays, I can see why. Everyone is grieving, in different ways. I guess everyone stayed away from the outdoors when they went through the anger stage of grief, 'cause I sure did. I told Liz to stay as far away from me as possible, because I didn't know how unpredictable I could be with my anger. But, I've somewhat excepted that everyone is gone. It's horrible to say, but I kinda wish that Flash and Gwen got snapped away as well. They always come in when I'm working, all cheery and shit. It's fucking sickening to watch them basically swallow each other. It's like they purposely do that. "MJ!" My boss says from the kitchen. "Yes, boss?"
"I'd like you to please wipe down your station and restore the display cases before clocking out. 'Kay?"
"Yes, ma'am. I'll get right on that." I start doing my going home tasks. Once I finish I take my apron off and clock out, then I head into the break room and put my apron in my locker while taking everything out. I check my phone to see if anyone messaged me. Liz, Nat, and Steve all messaged me. I read all their messages as I head out of work.

Frisbee Man:
Hey, kiddo. We're doing a dinner tonight. Thought I'd send you an invite. Send me a text back if you're interested. Been a while since we've seen each other.
Save me and Liz a seat. (:

Russian Death:
Hey curly stew. Girls night is tomorrow. Be there or be square.
Can I bring Liz?
Russian Death:
It's called 'girls night' for a reason. 🙄
Smart ass 🥱

Caramel Macchiato:
Hey gorgeous! 🤤 I know it's not likely, but I would like to do something for your birthday on Thursday. I have a little something in mind. ✂️🔥💦
Hoping for something fun 🤩

After I send the last text message, I hail a cab to take me back to the base. And yes, those are their names. I am that bitch. The entire cab ride to the base was just the cab driver ranting on going on about his wife faked her own death and went to go be with their dentist. "That's fucked up, man. I'm sorry." After another half hour of being in the cab, I finally get to the base. "Thanks. Drive safe." I say, paying the cab driver. I sigh and then start walking up to the doors.

*knock knock knock* I wait patiently for someone to open the door. And the fucking Build-a-Bear opens the door. "Aye! Grumpy pants is here!" He says. "Good to see you too, fuzzy farts." I say, walking through the doors. "MJ. Been awhile. How's everything?" Nat asks, hugging me. "Ya know. Some depressing bullshit, different day. I think I've finally accepted that they're gone." The way I said that made sound like a monotoned bitch. "I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I'm just—I just miss my brother. I'm glad that I have you guys and Liz, I just want my brother back." Tears start flowing down my cheeks, Nat and Steve both hug me and it helps a little bit, but I just feel so alone. It's like they're not really gone, just lost. "So uh, what's for dinner. I really hope we're not having pie for dessert. I work at a pastry shop, I don't want that shit." Steve and Nat both chuckle and lead me into the kitchen. In the kitchen there's Thor, Bruce, Tony, Pepper, Rhodey, and the raccoon.


NAT's P.O.V.

It's been almost two years. Two years and we still don't know what to do. Tony and Pepper moved to their lake house and started a family, they had a daughter, her name is Morgan. She's cute, I'll admit. MJ and Liz moved out of the base and into their own apartment in Brooklyn, Steve went back to his apartment in Brooklyn full time. Rhodey went to work in the military and help across seas. I haven't heard anything from Clint. No one has. When I'm not looking for Clint or going on secret missions, I'm just flipping through old photo albums. I came across a section in one of the albums where we took pictures of the new recruits after missions. There was one mission where we sent Y/N, MJ, and Peter one; they kicked some serious ass. They came back covered in blood, laughing their asses. We were all worried sick until they told us that Y/N created a force field inside of all the people and exploded them. I'm not sure why he couldn't do that with Thanos, I just think he wanted to kill him on his own matters. I dunno what he was thinking. Then there was one where we sent Bucky and Y/N on, they had to fight off this hybrid. A mix between a pig and a man, gross. Most of these pictures are with Y/N, gosh I miss that brat. I hear my phone go off and immediately answer it...
"Hey, Nat. Thought I'd ask if I could stop by and check in on you, if that's okay?" It's Steve.
"Yes please. I really need human interaction, right now."
"Alright, be right over." He hangs up and I start to set aside the photo albums.


Pepper and I had a kid. She's only two years old and as smart as I am, if not more. It's been a rough ride since I've lost the boys, I think of them everyday. I try not to, because I feel like that loss was on me. All the loss. I've decided to cut everyone out of my life. I don't want to have to deal with anyone. I just want to be with my family. Even then, I still feel alone and lost in my own mind. I think we all do, this was a team effort that we lost. Yet, we weren't together when we lost like Capsicle said we would be.

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