The Donut in the Sky

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Y/N's P.O.V.

It's been a couple of months since I've been an official Avenger, and Tony gave me a really sick suit! It looks kinda like Wanda's suit, but instead of being red to match her powers, it's a dark blue color matched together with other shades of blue to match my powers. I've been training more and more with Wanda, Nat, Steve, and Bucky to help me with my powers and hand to hand compact skills. MJ came by the base the other to ask Tony if she could take up his offers of making her an official Avenger, which he accepted. Her training was mostly with Nat and Agent Mariah Hill. I've sparred with almost everyone; Bruce, as Bruce and as Hulk, Bucky, Steve, Nat, Tony, Rhodey, Wanda, Vision, Peter, and even MJ. One thing that I realized about my powers, is that they are very equal to in strength and ability, if not more so of all six of the infinity stones. They're called infinity stones, not jewels, yeah. I found out that I could completely control all of the stones' abilities. Like soul, time, space, power, mind, and reality. I'm able to change the clothes I wear, just me thinking about it. If I wanna wear my suit, boom. You know what I'm saying? Kinda like that.

Back to today. Ned, Peter, MJ, and I are on the school for a field trip. Heading to, somewhere, I wasn't really paying attention. MJ and I recently went under the Avengers' guardian care, so we were able to come on this field trip. MJ and I are talking about our new living situation at the base when I feel a pulsating headache starting to rise in front of my head. I seeth through my teeth in pain and rub my forehead. "What is it?" MJ asks concerned. I look out the window to see a giant, flying donut? "Ned! Cause a distraction!" MJ, Peter, and I all say simultaneously. "Holy shit! We're all gonna die!!" Ned yells, getting the entire bus to look out the window. MJ, Peter, and I all go out a window that Peter opened. Peter puts on his mask while I use my powers to change my clothes. MJ naturally wears all black, so she just needed to take off her hoodie and put her mask on. "MJ HOLD ON!" I shout over to my sister and grab onto her, then teleport to the streets.

As soon as we're on the streets, I look at the signs to see what street we're in exactly: Bleeker Street and Sullivan. Goody. "Y/N! What are you doing here?!" I hear an all too familiar voice shout. "Bucky! Take her! Take her now!" I say to Bucky, then I grab MJ's arm and look up to her. "You're going somewhere safe with Bucky and the rest. I need you to do that for me. Hell protect you that way. Go! Go with him!" I push her over to Bucky and he catches her, MJ starts to fight him. "No! I'm staying with you! No!"
"Bucky! You promised me! You promised! Take her away! This is the only way!" Bucky looks at me with sad eyes and nods. Bucky throws MJ over his shoulders and runs away, with MJ screaming. "NO! Y/N!! DON'T DO THIS!"
"I LOVE YOU, SIS! I'LL SEE YOU IN A MINUTE!" I shout to her. "I LOVE YOU TOO, ASSHOLE!" I chuckle and then a mere second later I get hit in the face with a big piece of metal and am thrown into a building. "Ugh! So not cool!" I use my powers to throw a big blast of dark blue energy out of the building, I hear a distant yelp and roar from whatever I hit. I step out of the building and face a tall, intergalactic creature. "The Midnight Sorcerer. Rumors about you are true." The creature says. "Sure are, Squidward. Now, I'm not sure if you enlightened or informed of how powerful I truly I am. But here's the catch, Earth is closed today! So pack your shit, and hightail it back where you came from! Or you will rue the day you ever set you fucking flying donut in my galaxy ever again!" I say, several voices echoing off of my own due to my powers. "Sounds just like the guy with robot suit. Kill him, I'll get the stone." The Squidward thing says to another alien creature. The other one just grunts and talks in its native language, then slams its hammer into its palm before throwing it at me. I catch it with my powers and the alien whines in confusion. Then I see an orange sparkly circle open up underneath the alien, and it falls in. I let go of the hammer and see Peter holding onto a lamp post, "HOLD ON, PETEY! I'M COMING!" I yell over to him, then I shoot myself into the air over to Peter. I grab hold of us waist and try to get out of the beams hold, but to no avail. "What? No. No." I feel myself and Peter being pulled out of the Earth's atmosphere. "NO!" I shout at them same time Peter says, "Uh, Mr. Stark? We're being beamed up!"

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