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Y/N's P.O.V.

It's been three weeks since Stephen Strange cast the spell, and three weeks since Peter, May, and I have moved into the Avengers Tower full time. It's been, peaceful, I guess you say. I've been studying to get my GED, Peter doesn't have to worry about that since he's already graduated. But, Peter and I both have been planning our wedding. We've already discussed who is each other's best man for the wedding. Ned is Peter's best man, and Bucky is my best man. May and Tony will be walking Peter down the aisle, I haven't heard anything back from my mom, Wanda, about her invitation yet, about anything actually. She's supposed to walk me down the aisle but, since she's not getting back to any of my several calls or text messages, I've asked Steve and Nat to walk me down the aisle. Both of them happily and excitedly excepted the honor of doing so.

Peter and I both share a a giant room now. It has it very nice walk in closet, a big bathroom with a walk in shower and a separate bath tub and a Romeo and Juliet sink. Well, Peter and I call it our Romeo and Romeo sink. Our mattress is huge, and very comfortable. We've take the advantage of not just sleeping in it, but having wild and insane amounts of sex on it; and all throughout our bedroom. Our bedroom also has its own kitchen, a full sized kitchen, too. We also have a balcony that we'll sometimes sit down at and stargaze, when we're not sneaking out on unsupervised patrols. The doors to our balcony also turns into a big screen that we can watch movies on and play video games. We've been too busy having sex and catching up lately that we haven't even used it yet. We have been careful when having sex, ever since Y/N 2 and Y/N 3 told me that I'd be growing a uterus soon, Peter has been scared to accidentally get me pregnant when he doesn't pull out in time.

Bucky, Steve, and I have grown closer. When I call Steve my Avengers brother, I mean it she's like my overprotective brother that I've never had, but have always wanted. Bucky is my best friend at the tower, of course. He's also Steve's best friend, they've been friends since the 1940s. They have a pretty strong relationship, like a bond. They're still very close, but they're also really close with me. Ever since the spell, they've been very overprotective of not just Peter, but me. It gets a little annoying, but I know they're just worried. Tony pretty much won't let Peter out of sight, but we've reasoned with him.

We've all taken a break from 'hero work' to be with each other, as a family. That's what Morgan Stark calls us at least. It's beautiful, if I'm being honest. This team is my family, and I couldn't be any happier.

I've just visited Valorie and MJ's grave recently, just to tell them that I miss them and love them, and to catch them up with how life has been going with me and Peter and everybody else. I'm walking back to the tower now, and I decided to stop at Mr. Delmar's new store that just opened up.

"Hi, welcome in!" Me. Delmar says as I walk in the door. Greeting me with a wide smile and happy energy. I walk up to the counter and smile warmly at him. "What sounds good for you today, sir?"

"Uh, can I do two number six's with pickles? And can you smush them down real flat, please?" I ask, smiling at the memory of when Peter and I used to come here before we went on patrols when we were in school.

"That'll be $10." Mr. Delmar says after punching in the order. I hand him a twenty dollar bill and tell him to keep the change.

"100% tip? Are you sure, sir?" He asks hesitantly.

"Positive." I say with a smile. He shrugs and opens up the register and takes out a ten dollar bill and puts it in the tip jar that's sitting on the counter.

A few minutes later and he hands me a plastic bag with mine and Peter's sandwiches in it. "You're all set, sir. Don't forget to grab yourself a couple bags of chips." Mr. Delmar says.

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