Let The Truth Be Told: Pt. 2

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Looks like we're really doing this then." I say as Happy opens the door to limousine to let me, Peter, and MJ out. As the three of us are walking towards the doors of the compound, I start hearing several new voices in my head. 'Gosh! Mind reading fucking sucks dick!' I think. 'Watch your language around, Steve!' I hear a woman's voice say inside of my own my head. I stop dead in my tracks and absent-mindedly say, "She's in my head! Get out of my head!" Peter and MJ notice I stop and look back to me, faces filled with worry.

"Bubba? You okay?" MJ asks, in a sincere tone. "Mmm. No! I'm not okay. The Witch is in my head." I say as I walk past them and say, "Let's get this done and over with. I don't want this bitch snooping in my head anymore than she already is." My tone sounding dark and filled with rage and anger. I try to shake off my anger and all over appearance when I get to the door, I put on a fake show and knock on the door. The door opens to reveal a tall man with a metal arm, long dark brown hair, and a scruffy face. Like he hasn't shaved in a while. "You must be Y/N Watson. Peter talks about you a lot. I'm James Buchanan Barnes, but everyone calls me Bucky." He says in, somewhat, polite tone, and holds out his hand. I greet him and shake his hand.
"Hi, Mr. Barnes. I'm Y/N, and this is my older sister, Michelle." I gesture behind me to my sister, my tone is now all sweet and kind. "Come on in, you three." He opens the doors wide enough for all of us to walk in. I take off my shoes and set them by the door, I notice Mr. Barnes giving me a confused look as I do so. "Force of habit, my mom yells at us is we don't take our shoes off once we set foot in the house." He nods in response, then waves an arm at us to follow him.

As we're walking through the compound, I look around at everything I see, taking it all in. I feel my eyes glow blue when I get closer to our destination. I pull MJ aside and ask Peter to tell Mr. Barnes that I'm not feeling too hot. "What is it, Y/N?! We're literally about to meet her. Like, 15 more paces and we meet her. What is your problem, dude!" MJ whisper-yells at me. I don't respond, as I am holding my head in my hands and shaking. I lower myself to the floor and sit down, softly groaning in pain. "I-I can't, Sissy. It hurts so much." I tell her; this is the worst pain that I've ever endured. Almost as painful as my nightmares, though I am asleep during that time, so I wouldn't know how much pain I'm in. Would I? Hard to say. Either way, it fucking hurts. MJ kneels down next to me, "What's hurting?" She asks. "Agh! Everything, Sissy! Everything!" I cry out. It stays like this for five minutes, then all of a sudden, the pain just goes away. Like a light switch being flipped off, just goes away.

"Everything alright? They're waiting for you in there." I hear Peter's sweet voice say. I stand up, with the help of my sister of course, and hug her. I walk over to Pete and say, "Yeah. I just got cold feet is all." He goes to say something and I take my hand a politely cover his mouth. "Tell me later, Petey-pie. We'll have the time to ourselves once we get back home." He takes ahold my hand with his and interlaces our fingers. He starts walking to the conference room where everyone is, I grab MJ's hand before we walk in the door.

The energy and the vibe in this conference room is so tense. I can feel it, Peter can feel it, and I am more than certain that MJ can feel it as well. "Y/N and Michelle Watson. So nice to see you again! Our deep condolences. I heard what happened with your parents, I'm very sorry." Ms. Potts says. MJ just nods and I say thank you. We trade off introductions with everyone, and I see her. We lock eyes, hers are glowing red and mine are glowing blue. We're both searching through one another's heads, trying to find something.

The truth.

There's silence throughout the compound, an eerie and tense type of silence. I take a deep breath in and then slowly exhale, "You really are my mother? Aren't you?" I say, breaking the silence. "Yes, dear. I am" She says back, in a weird accent. "What accent is that? It's not Russian or German." To be blunt, I didn't care, I just never heard anyone with that accent before. "Sokovian. You had this accent when you were around eight years if age."
"Why?" I ask.
"Why what?" Wanda says in return. "Why didn't you find me sooner? Why did you leave me? Was I that bad?" I continue to spit my unanswered questions at her. "I don't understand. Why have a child if you're just gonna abandon it?"
"I didn't abandon you, Y/N. What I did, I did to protect you fro--"
"To protect me from Agatha Harkness, I know. I read your mind. No need to sugar coat it." The emotion in my tone leaving; I start to feel numb, and lose all emotion in the way I speak to her now.
"You did what you had to do. You said it yourself. But why wait? Why wait seven years? Even then, you still gave me visions. Visions only I could see. You knew I was here in New York, and yet...you never came to find me. I had to come to you."
"Yes, sweetheart, you did. You--"
"DO NOT CALL ME THAT!" I shout eith multiple voices echoing with my own, making everyone in the room jump with fright. "DO NOT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" Wands shouts back, multiple voices bouncing off of her own as well.

"Y/N." Mr. Stark says, catching my attention away from the Witch. "Peter says that you needed help with your, powers. Is that true?" I nod and look back over to her. "This may come of a shock to you, Mother. But, the nightmares that I have...they're visions. Visions of the future." Everyone's eyes widen. Someone in amusement, some in shock, but all in fear. "The end of our world is coming, and I need to be prepared to protect the people of this planet. To protect the people of this world from this threat."
"How can you so sure, young Witch child." The God of Thunder asks. "Because it's reaccuring. Same dream, same outcome. Every fucking night!"
"He said a bad language word, Steve!" Ms. Romanoff says, pointing to me. "What are you gonna do about it? Huh? Through your big metal frisbee at me?" I snap and squint my eyes at Captain America. He visibly looks irritated that I said that.

"Bubba. What's wrong? One minute you're a nervous wreck having a panic attack, now you're a total twat! What's your problem?" MJ's voice sounding like nails on a chalkboard right now. "The Witch is in my head. This is why I don't go snooping through people's heads. You should stop, Unless your searching for something specific?" I say to MJ, but I'm looking at Wanda. She doesn't respond. So I tilt my head and show her my nightmares, cause I'm pretty sure that's what she's looking for. She cries in pain seconds later and falls to floor. Ms. Romanoff and a red robot go to her side and help her back up on her feet.

"It's true. The end of the world is coming." She says breathlessly. "I'll help you, I promise I will help. And I promise to never look inside your head, never again." I smirk and thank her. "That's all I was asking for. Was for help. And looks like you guys need it to. Because uh, it ain't gonna end well, trust me." I feel a squeeze on my right hand and look over to Peter. I smile and he smiles back. "Don't tell the wizard. He can take his chances." I tell Wanda. "What wizard?" She asks confused.

"The Bleeker Street wizard. Off Sullivan. He can't know the truth has been told, he can take his chances. It is his fault afterall, Mother."

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