Dinner Date Gone Wrong

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Y/N's P.O.V.

Peter and I are both sitting in a booth looking over a menu at this really nice restaurant. Thankfully I've mastered my powers, otherwise I wouldn't be able to read this menu. I'm having to translate everything to Peter though, it's super cute when Peter thinks it says one thing, but it really is a completely different thing. "Ohhh! Yeah, I don't want that. What about this?" He keeps saying over and over again. We finally decide on what we wanna get and then place the order with our waitress. They offered us wine, but when we told them we were underaged, the waitress looked at us and said, "We'll keep it between us." And handed us two foggy glasses, that way no one suspects that two teenagers are drinking. How sweet of her. While we're waiting, Peter goes to grab a piece of bread and starts munching on it. I give him a weird look and he says, "What? I'm hungry!" I giggle a little and grab his hand and run my thumb over his knuckles. "You're a cute nerd. You know that, right?" I ask. He smiles goofily and says, "I know! But I'm your cute nerd!" I look into his eyes and lean over the table to boop his nose. "Boop!" I say, making Peter blush. "You sure do know how make a guy blush, don't you?"
"I do, Peter." We both just look at each other, loving the moment we're having together. Then I hear several phones going off, including mine and Peter's. I look at Peter with a confused expression as we both take out our phones. I open to see a news article with video footage of Peter at the airport with his suit in his suitcase, then again at the bridge with the water monster when he out on that mask. Then I see one of me changing into my suit. I thought I stopped all time? Even the footage? Peter and I both look at each other with scared expressions as everyone starts to whisper and point at us. "We gotta get outta here." Peter and I say simultaneously. I tighten my hold on Peter's hand and teleport us back to the hotel room.

Once we're back in the hotel room, I tell Peter to call Ned and tell him that we're going back to New York. While Peter's talking to Ned, I'm throwing all of our stuff in our suitcases. I hear a knock on the door and Peter rushes to the door, he opens it slightly to see that Ned is standing outside the entry way. He pulls him in and I see that Ned has his suitcase in his hand with the same expression on his face that Peter and I have on ours. "You got everything?" Peter asks the both of us. I nod and hand him both our suitcases. "Stand still." I say. I grab Ned and Peter by the shoulders and close my eyes. I take several slow, deep breaths as I try to teleport the three of us to the Avengers Tower, in New York. I feel my powers buzzing and flashing around me as I try to teleport the three of us across the globe, I start screaming in pain as it starts to burn throughout my body. A few moments later, I feel a big flame inside of me as I successfully teleport Ned, myself, and Peter to the tower. But, I immediately black out as soon as we get there.


I'm just minding my own business, making myself some dinner when all of a sudden I hear a loud poofing noise, followed by a scream and thud from outside the kitchen. I rush to where it is to see that Peter is holding Y/N's body on the floor in the main room. I jog over to the three boys and ask what happened. "I-I dunno! Someone exposed our identities and he tried to teleport us here, and-and...he passed out." Peter stutters, I see tears running down his face as he tries to wake Y/N up. "FRIDAY! Get Stark in the med bay A.S.A.NOW! We got a situation here!" I shout into the open space, hearing an immediate response from the building's AI. I pick Y/N up bridal style, and carry him to the med bay, with Peter and his friend in tow.
Once we get to the bay, I set Y/N down on a gurney and the nurses immediately start doing tests on him. I see Peter in the corner of my eye trying to follow the nurses, I grab him and tell him, "He's gonna be okay, bud. He's gonna be okay. It was just a lot of energy for him." He's never like this, neither of them. I hear rapid footsteps coming behind me, I turn to see Steve, Stark, and Nat. "The hell happened?" Stark asks. "I'm not sure." I say slowly. "Y/N and I..we were uh, on a date in Rome. And then we got this." Peter says, showing us the footage leaked on his phone screen. "I've seen it. I'm trying to get it down, Pete." Stark says. "What's gonna happen with the people that already know?! Huh!" Peter says, raising his voice. I wrap my arms around him from behind to hold him off from trying to fight off Stark.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I slowly wake up, hearing mumbled shouting. My vision is blurry, and everything I hear is all fuzzy or mumbled. It hurts to breathe. I feel a sharp pain in my inner arm, then a hot liquid being splurged into my body. I gasp loudly and jerk up in bed, coughing loudly. My vision and hearing comes back slowly as I hear more and more people coming into the room. "Everyone needs to clear the area! We need room to work here!" I hear a female voice say. I shakily throw up a shield, making everyone stop in their tracks. "It's Beck." I slur. "What? What was that? What'd he say? What'd you say, Y/N" I hear Tony say. "This entire thing." I start to explain, I stumble out of bed and onto my feet, Peter and Bucky helping me along the way. "The exposure. The footage. The pictures. Beck has people working for him. He could be watching us right now, and none of you would know. We need to find his hideout, and kill him. Then we need to wipe everyone's memory of seeing that footage, or else Peter and I. And everything that we love and care about...

...will be in grave danger." I say. I look around the room to see everyone's eyes wide and their mouths agape.

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