Summer Break & Sleepovers & Sibling Fights

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Y/N's P.O.V.

The school went by within a blink of an eye. I have three best friends; Gwen, Ned, and Eugene. We planned to hang out all summer long at Eugene's house. His parents are rich because his dad owns this car place and his mom owns this coffee house.

(A/N. I dunno why Flash is rich, I'm just saying this for what I believe his parents could be rich for. Hehe! Back to the story.)

I was in mine and MJ's room packing for the first big sleepover at Eugene's. "You're still going? I wouldn't be caught dead at Flash's!" I hear MJ say from her half of our shared bedroom. "Oh, sissy. I wish you would come with Mr. We don't hang out as much as we used to. And besides, I'm going to need you there for me if I have another nightmare." I turn around to face her. She gives me a weird look, "You haven't had a nightmare since new years. You should be fine!" She says.

"I know sissy, I know. I just, just never know. It would make me feel better of you were there. And, I really like these people, I want you to like them, too." She's wrong though. I've had the same nightmare, every night since new years. Every morning is the same dream, every time I fall asleep, the same nightmare is played out right on front of me.

I've been keeping it a secret from her, because it seems like she doesn't care. I know deep down she does, but she just doesn't show it. "Please MJ! It would mean the world to me if you came with me." I beg her, tears starting to fall down my face. "You're gonna be fi--" MJ starts, but I cut her off. "DON'T SAY THAT! I WON'T BE FINE! YOU WANNA KNOW WHY?! BECAUSE, I HAVE THE SAME NIGHTMARE. EVERY! SINGLE! NIGHT!" I scream at her, now tears are streaming down my face. "I'VE BEEN KEEPING IT A SECRET FROM YOU BECAUSE YOU DON'T SEEM TO CARE ABOUT ME!!! YOU ARE MY SISTER, MICHELLE!" She flinches a little bit at the fact that I call her Michelle. I NEVER call her Michelle. "I DIDN'T WANT TO TELL YOU, BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EVEN SEEM LIKE YOU CARE ABOUT ME!!" She throws a book at me, but I dodge it. "STOP IT!!!" She shouts. "OF COURSE I CARE ABOUT YOU. AND THE FACT THAT YOU DON'T THINK I DO, IS REALLY PATHE--" And now we are both screaming at each other.

"THEN SHOW IT! PROVE IT! SHOW TO ME THAT YOU CARE ABOUT ME! MJ, I stood up for you when Liz was made fun of you because the only Valentine you got was from me. I stood up for you when that boy pushed you down at school because you bumped into him. I stoo-" She giggles. "Yeah, I remember. He punched your face and gave you a black eye. And who was it that took you the nurses office afterwards? Who was it that sat there, in the nurses office with you while you were crying when Donovan was bullying you? Who punched him in the face for you?" Silence.

"You." I say quietly. "You see, little brother. I do care about you. I just show it in different ways. You show that you care about me in different ways. I love you. Punk!" She says hugging me. "Awwwe!" We hear our parents say. "And we thought we would have to come in and break up a fist fight." Mommy says. "Pfft! Michelle would so win!" Dada snickers at Mommy. "Oh really? Because, I think Y/N has got that fight in the bag!" They share a look. "We're not gonna fight each other." MJ and I say at the same time. "We just wanna yell!" My sister and I share look, and another hug. "Ugggh! Lemme go back, you little runt!" MJ groans as she let's go of me. I do a happy dance with a small little yay!

MJ's P.O.V.

Y/N thinks I haven't a clue that he still has nightmares. My little brother may be able to keep a secret from our parents and friends, but me? Pfft! Please! Not even in the slightest. I try to help him, but every time I go to wake him up, I am flung back to bed with a blue mist of energy. Coming from Y/N. He's got powers that's for sure. It's never enough to hurt, but enough to scare me. And I don't easily scare.

He knows he does, I think he knows. Little brother and I will figure it out together.


As Y/N I get to Flash's house, we hear screams and shouts of excitement from the backyard. My brother and I share a confused look and go to the front door, there's a sign that reads: "If you're Gwen, Ned, Michelle, or Y/N...go to the back yard for some summer fun! ~Flash (:"

Y/N and I share yet another confused look, my little brother then shrugs and says, "They're probably the ones we heard screaming then. Oh well, let's go!!" Then he heads to the back of the house towards the 'party' persay. "Oh goodness, this better be a good choice I'm making right now!" I say to myself.

I walk through the back gate and see my group of friends dancing and partying to Kidz Bop music. I wonder what other music 9 and 10 year olds listen to?

"MICHELLE!" I hear Ned yell from the pool. I nod a hello his way as I got to set my stuff down. "C'mon sis! Come in the water it's cool in here!" Y/N shouts. "And we're about to play truth or dare, so c'mom slow poke!" Flash says right after. I groan in annoyance, but still get in the pool nonetheless.

Gwen starts the game.

*Author's Note: I'm going to be abbreviating names so that I don't have to type out the full name everytime when someone speaks.
G: Gwen
N: Ned
MJ: MJ (Michelle)
E/F: Eugene (Flash)
Y/N: Y/N
Sorry for interrupting the story, thought I wouldn't confusing the reader!*

G: "Alright alright! Who's first?"
N: "Uhhh, Flash! Truth or dare?"
E/F: Dare! Duh!
N: I dare you to, dump honey om yourself and then roll around in the grass.
E/F: Pfft! Easy!

Flash does his dare, and let me just tell you. I might have laughed.

E/F: Okay, now that I'm all sticky and covered in grass. Y/N! Truth or dare.
Y/N: Dare

I look at my brother shocked, as to he would pick 'dare' first.

E/F: I dare you to kiss Gwen.

Everyone gasps and I give Flash an angry look. He knows Y/N likes Gwen. Everyone does, he's not so subtle with his crushes. The only person that doesn't know of Y/N' little crush on Gwen, is Gwen herself. She's too oblivious to notice.

Y/N: Uhhh, um, okay. O-only if you're cool with it, Gwen.
G: Yeah, I'm cool with it.

Y/N then goes to Gwen and they both start to lean in to kiss one another. And then they....

Y/N's P.O.V.

We kissed!!! Agggh! I just kissed my crush! My crush is my first kiss! I'm only 9 years old and I just had my first kiss. My heart is beating so fast I think it's beating outside my chest.

Y/N & G: Whoah!

Gwen and I look at each other and we're both blushing, she giggles and so do I.

MJ: Okay, little brother. Your turn!
Y/N: Um, Ned! Truth or dare.
N: Might as well keep up with dares. I choose dare, Sir Y/N!
Y/N: I dare you a back flip off the roof and into the pool!

Ned looks at my, a little scared and says, "Okay! Let's do it then!" The four of us watch Ned get of the pool and start climbing up the side of Eugene's house to do his dare.

"NED! NED! NED! NED!" I start chanting. Followed by Gwen, then Eugene, then finally MJ. We all chant his name as he is about to do the dare I told him to do. He turns his back to us and prepares to do a back flip. He squats then jumps up, and flips backwards and lands face first into the pool.

"DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT! THAT WAS SO WHICKED COOL!!" Ned exclaims as he emerges from the water.

We continue the game for the next four hours. And we all decide to finish the night off with a movie and popcorn. Gwen is sitting next to and she ends up falling asleep.

"Best. Sleepover. Ever!"

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