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It's 6 pm, 2 hours after both guys' classes ended. Mark was helping Donghyuck's homework which is about Parabola.

"Thank goodness we're finally finished with my homework." Donghyuck sighed loudly as he leans to the side of his bed.

"It took a while but at least we finished your homework, we can now relax and do whatever you want." Mark smiled while tidying up the table.

"We could watch a horror movie!" Donghyuck said, suddenly standing up and searching for a horror movie in his cd collection.

"Really? After we just finished your homework, you want to watch a horror movie." Mark asked, raising his one eyebrow and skeptically looking at Donghyuck.

"Why? Are you scared?" Donghyuck said, amused, and smirked at the older.

"HELL NO!" Mark said eyes widening and immediately answered.

Mark went to the CD collection and picked one of the horror movies.

"Let's watch Annabelle" Mark said while waving the while putting the CD at the DVD player.

"Annabelle? Can you even watch the whole thing without screaming or looking away?" Donghyuck smirked at the older.

"Don't underestimate me Hyuckie. I can take anything scary." Mark said, nervously smiling while the movie is beginning.

Donghyuck just smiled at him, not believing him as his face betrays what his saying.


"Oh my God Markie you're making me laugh more than scared at the movie. You were screaming the whole time. It was hard for me to focus on the movie you know" Donghyuck said as he was wheezing throughout the whole movie.

"But the movie is scary and Annabelle's face is horrifying. I can't sleep like this, it will just give me nightmares." Mark sighed.

Whenever he watched scary movies or experiences anything scary, that thought will bother him until the next day which makes him difficult to sleep.

"Do you want to sleep here? We can cuddle each other so that you can sleep better. Besides, it's a little late to go to your home" Donghyuck said with a concerned voice. He loves teasing the older but he also genuinely cares for him in these types of things.

"Okay, let me just call my mom and we can settle down later." Mark said as he walked out of the room and called his mother.

Donghyuck nodded at him, smiling while he was preparing the bed for the both of them.

A few minutes later, Mark reentered the room and joined Donghyuck at his bed.

The two guys were very close to each other to the point skinship is normal to them, and that included cuddling and hugging which never bothered the two.

"Good night Hyuckie"

"Good night Markie" Donghyuck smiled and caressed Mark's hair and cheeks until he fell asleep.

Mark my feelings for you are getting stronger and bigger. I want to confess my love for you but it scares me because I don't want to lose our friendship. I just hope everything will go smoothly when I tell you someday.

Donghyuck gave Mark a sad smile before sleep takes him over.

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