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"I'm almost to the warehouse, Koeun," Mark said through call as he drive through the woods in the moonlight.

"Good. I'll be waiting inside." Koeun said as she hang up the call.

After a few minutes, Mark saw the warehouse. He adjusts his car to face away from the warehouse as he looked at his watch. "10:46 pm"

Mark exited the car as he walked towards the warehouse which gives the older creeps.

As he opened the door and entered inside. His heart dropped when saw  Donghyuck tied up on a chair with his mouth covered with duck tape.

"Hyuckie!" Mark shouted as he was about to run to him but both boys flinched when they heard a gunshot.

"Not another step Mark," Koeun warned, waving her gun.

"I'm here Koeun. I'm the one you want me right? Let Donghyuck go!" Mark exclaimed as heard Donghyuck's muffled noises.

"I'll only release Donghyuck if you promise one thing. Break up with him, hit his head, strong enough to forget his memory." Koeun demanded as she motioned him to come closer.

"What!? I would never hurt Donghyuck!"

"Either that or I'll kill him! Your choice!" Koeun smiled as Mark cursed.

The older stayed silent and continued to walk until he was near the two.

"Use this." Koeun gave Mark a hammer which petrified both boys.

"What the hell Koeun!? I thought I'm gonna only knock him out! This can kill him instantly!' Mark shouted and felt sad when he saw Donghyuck sobbing.

"You're such a drama queen. One hit won't kill him. Now do it or I'm gonna shoot him!" Koeun said as she pointed her gun at Donghyuck.

"Okay okay!" Mark said as he heard Koeun saying something.

"With Donghyuck out of our lives, we can be together again, Mark. We can make as many babies as you want. I can provide you with anything you want. I'm gonna kill those who hurt you, Mark. I love you, Mark." Koeun desperately said as both boys were horrified at what she said.

"Koeun...." Mark said as he began to caress the girl's cheeks

"Yes... Love?" Koeun said as she closed her eyes in pleasure.

"I'm sorry. But Donghyuck is the one I love."

Before Koeun could react, Mark forcefully took the gun and knocked her out with it.

As soon as the girl slumped, Mark untied Donghyuck with scissors in his pocket. How convenient.

When Donghyuck was free, the younger hugged Mark as he broke down.

"Mark! I'm so terrified. Her gun is pointed at me the whole time while she tortures me. I thought I was gonna die."

"It's gonna be okay Hyuckie. I'm here now. She's not gonna hurt you anymore." Mark said as he kissed the younger's forehead.

Mark was about to talk to the police through the walkie talkie but Kouen suddenly whole up and dragged Donghyuck out of the warehouse, pointing her knife at his face.

"Maaaarrrkkk!!!!" Donghyuck shrieked as he was dragged out.

"If you want your precious boyfriend to live. You have to follow us!" Koeun shouted with madness as they were now outside of the warehouse.

"Donghyuck!" Mark shouted as he call the police hiding at the woods to act now and follow the two. He hang up as immediately ran to the two.

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