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It's 4 pm and the gang went out of the beach house to swim at the beach. They went an hour earlier than expected so that Chenle would be able to enjoy swimming with the rest of the group.

Donghyuck, Jaemin, Jeno, and Renjun were swimming, Chenle and Jisung were building a sand castle and Mark was laying down, letting the cool sand soothe him.

"Markie, why aren't you swimming? Come with me and let's play with Jaemin, Jeno, and Renjun!" Donghyuck said as he walked towards the older.

"Maybe later, I want to chill first before swimming," Mark said as caressed the sand.

"Fine, but make sure to swim before it gets dark!" Donghyuck shouted as he went to back the three boyfriends.

"I will!" Mark as he smirked at Donghyuck's butt.



"Where's Mark?" Jeno asked as Donghyuck entered the salty water.

"He said he'll swim soon." Donghyuck pouted which makes the three giggle at his adorableness.

"I just noticed. Every time you're near Mark, your face is red as a tomato." Jaemin said as Renjun and Jeno nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I noticed too especially a few hours ago when we're watching a movie," Jeno said, looking at Donghyuck suspiciously.

"Yeah, you and Mark were quiet at that time. I even asked you if you're okay." Renjun said as Donghyuck blushed.

"I'm okay! We're just too focused on the movie." Donghyuck instantly said. He doesn't want his friends to find out about what happened a few hours ago.

"Why? What happened during the movie? I want to know the tea!" Jaemin said as his two boyfriends laughed at the latter's slang.

"While we're watching the movie, I just heard some soft groans and sounds coming from the two. From my peripheral vision, I saw Donghyuck breathing like crazy and Mark staring at him." Renjun said as Jeno talked over him.

"Oh....OH!!!!! Did something naughty happen during the movie?" Jeno smirked at Donghyuck who was blushing madly.

"What no!!! We're just tired from traveling." Donghyuck defended himself as he saw Jaemin's creepy smile.

"Did he touch you down there?"

Donghyuck can't answer because of utter embarrassment, as the three laugh.

"You know, it's okay Donghyuck. It's normal for teenage boys to be this horny."  Jeno said as he reassures Donghyuck.

"You just gotta have to do it privately so you won't get caught." Renjun said as he patted his back.

"Don't be embarrassed Donghyuck. We three jerked off each other in our room after the movie ended anyways." Jaemin said nonchalantly as Renjun and Jeno covered his mouth.

"I do not want to hear that,." Donghyuck said as he covered his ears.

The four continued conversing while swimming until Mark went to join them. Jaemin, Jeno, and Renjun winked at Donghyuck simultaneously which scared the latter and left the two for some privacy.

"Why did they leave as soon as I joined you?" Mark asked as Donghyuck was still a blushing mess from earlier.

"They want to have some private time as well as ours." Donghyuck said as the younger hugged the older.

"I can't complain about that." Mark smiled as the hug continues.

"Where's Chenle and Jisung?"

"Chenle went to shower, preparing for grilling while I saw Jisung joined with Jaemin, Jeno and Renjun for swimming." Mark said as Donghyuck nodded.

The two were swimming in comfortable silence when Mark broke the silence.

"Hyuckie, don't sleep too early. You know what we'll do later at night." Mark whispered at Donghyuck as the younger shivered from the older's breath.

"O....of course, Markie." Donghyuck said as Mark smirked and kissed him on the forehead.

The two can't wait for tonight

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