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"Donghyuck" Koeun said as the group glared at her.

"What do you want, hoe?" Chenle asked angrily as Koeun simply let out a disturbing laugh which makes the group confused.

"I'm in a good mood until I saw you and your rainbow friends. The sight alone disgusts me." Koeun said as she fake gagged.

"You're crazy. It's been almost two months since we last met and you haven't still moved on? Like, grow up. Mark and Donghyuck are meant for each other." Renjun ranted as Donghyuck smiled at him with gratitude.

"I don't understand why he likes you. I'm pretty, smart, famous, and rich. All the guys in this school want me. I can give Mark whatever he wants while you, you're just a simpleton. You're basic, tan, fat, and not even attractive."
Koeun said as Donghyuck reached his boiling point.

"No wonder Mark doesn't want you. You're not just rude but also colorist, fatphobic, and probably racist. You don't deserve someone as caring and loving as Mark you sinister individual!" Donghyuck said, almost shouting. He doesn't care if people looked at them. How dare she insult him and Mark.

"Leave, Koeun, or I won't hesitate to drag you out of here." Jaemin threatened and Koeun just smiled, ignoring Donghyuck's speech and Jaemin's threat.

"Make me"

Jaemin was about to go and pull her hair but was stopped by Jeno and Renjun.

"Stop Jaemin, don't stoop to her level." Jeno said while he and Renjun grabbed his arm.

"Koeun, why are you doing this? Do you think it's better to find someone you may like? Mark and Donghyuck are meant for each. End of story." Jisung exclaimed as Koeun dropped her smile.

"No! I won't accept that! You're the one who doesn't deserve Mark! Especially when his friends are also like this!"

"No, you're the one who doesn't deserve any love. You're a desperate monster who doesn't have empathy, especially from Mark." Donghyuck said simply.

Koeun was about to slap Donghyuck but a teacher arrived. " What's going on here!?"

The entire cafeteria was silent until Koeun said something.

"Nothing sir, we're just reenacting a scene for our project. We decided to do it here to be more realistic." Koeun lied as the teacher nodded. "Well do it somewhere else. This is a cafeteria, not a theater."

The teacher left as people just looked at her in disbelief, not knowing what to do.

"What are you peasants looking for? Mind you're business fools!" Koeun shouted as the people scurried to go back to doing their own thing.

"And you, we're not done yet. You regret messing with me." Koeun pointed at Donghyuck and left as the latter and the group sat and sighed in relief.

"That girl is insane. She just won't stop pestering us." Jeno said as he and Renjun still calming Jaemin down.

"I swear if I saw her outside the school, I won't hesitate to slap her ten times. She's delusional!" Jaemin exclaimed as the rest of the group agreed.

"Or better yet, she needs to go to a mental hospital. She's crazy and dangerous!" Chenle said as he hold Jisung's hand.

"Are you gonna tell Mark about this?" Renjun asked with concern as Donghyuck shook his head.

"No, he doesn't need to know about this. He suffered enough from her. It's my problem. I'll deal with her somehow." Mark sighed as the group disagrees.

"You're not going to do this alone Donghyuck. Any problems of my friends are also my problems and the group's problems." Jaemin said as the group nodded in approval.

"Yeah hyung. Remember hyung, we're in this together." Jisung reassured as Donghyuck smiled.

"Thanks, guys. You're the best friends I could ask for." Donghyuck smiled teary-eyed as they group hug and eat afterwards in comfortable silence.

He's lucky to have such caring and selfless friends.

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