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"Oh hey, love! What are you doing here?" Koeun asked as Donghyuck gagged when she called him love.

He's my love you delusional psycho

"Don't call me that you fool." Mark said as he went over to Donghyuck and put his arms onto the younger's waist, making Koeun furrow her eyebrows in confusion.

"Wh....what is the meaning of this love?" Koeun stuttered as she attempts to hold Mark's hand but pulled back and instead held Donghyuck's hand.

"Everything Donghyuck said is true. We're boyfriends who genuinely liked each other."

"What!? But I thought you like me? Didn't we become a couple?" Koeun asked desperately as Mark shook his head.

"That was a few months ago Koeun. I told you many times that I don't like you! The reason why we're in a relationship that time is that you're gaslighting me and keeping me away from Donghyuck!" Mark exclaimed as Koeun shook her head violently.

"No... This can't be happening. IT'S YOUR FAULT MARK DOESN'T LIKE ME ANYMORE!" Koeun said as she ran towards Donghyuck but Mark and his friend were in front of him. 

"Leave Donghyuck alone. He's the one I love, not you. Get over it" Mark said as he grabbed Koeun's arm and pushed her away.

Donghyuck was mortified when he saw Koeun staring at him terrifyingly. He hugged Mark tightly and the older protected him.

"Mark sorry I'm late!"

The group heard a familiar voice and saw Jaemin with a bunch of police behind him.

"What took you so long?" Mark asked as Jaemin apologized again. "I'm sorry, it took a lot of explaining to the school bodyguards to let the police enter."

"Anyways, sir. That's Koeun on the floor." Mark said pointing to the messed-up girl on the floor.

"Miss, you're under arrest for stalking and domestic violence. Take her away." The heard police said as the subordinates grabbed her away.

"This isn't finished! Mark, you'll be mine soon and Donghyuck, you'll gonna regret this! ALL OF OF ARE GONNA SUFFER." Koeun shouted as her voice roared, getting weaker and weaker as the police dragged her away.

Mark hugged the crying Donghyuck as Jaemin hugged Jeno and Jaemin while Chenle and Jisung are hugging too. The group now hugged together as they console each other.

The cafeteria went silent as they continued their things like usual, but it was never the same the rest of the day.

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