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1 year later

"I'm almost done with my work. Okay, Markie. Goodbye, I love you!" Donghyuck said as he hang up the call and began to tidy up the mess.

After they graduated, Donghyuck became a professional dancer while Mark became a game developer.

Donghyuck entered his home as he saw his parents, Mark's parents, and his boyfriend Mark in the living room, clearly waiting for him.

"Markie baby!"

"Hello, Hyuckie baby!" Mark exclaimed as the couple hugged each other.

"Why is everyone here?" Donghyuck asked still smiling as everyone chuckled at his cluelessness.

"We like to congratulate you both for you both dear. Both Mark's parents and me and your father are happy and fully support your relationship." Linda said hugging Donghyuck as he cried in happiness.

"Thanks, mom, dad and thank you mr, and ms Lee."

"No problem dear. Anyways, what are you waiting for? You'll be both late for the party! Us parents are just gonna keep talking here." Jihyo said as Mark and Donghyuck waved at them goodbye.

"Are you excited for the reunion party baby?" Mark asked as he was driving while the couple hold hands.

"Very excited baby, it's been a year since we last saw the dreamies. I miss them very much" Donghyuck said enthusiastically as he can't keep his excitement.

After graduation, Jaemin become a tourist guide while Jeno became an architect and Renjun became a performer at a bar. Meanwhile, Chenle became a sous chef at a 5-star restaurant while Jisung is currently unemployed, and still can't decide what job to take.

"I miss them too. They're like a second family to me." Mark said as Donghyuck nodded in agreement.

The two now fell in comfortable silence, still holding hands while listening to pop music.


"Hello everyone! We're here!" Donghyuck announced as both couple finally arrived and entered the beach house.

The beach house become special to them as they were used many times on their special occasions, it was also regarded as the dreamies' headquarters meaning, it was their second home together.

"Donghyuck! Mark! We missed you so much!" Jaemin said as he hugged the two males followed by Jeno and Renjun.

"Every since last year, I've been stuck with these two fools." Renjun joked as he hugged his two boyfriends.

"Hey! At least you still love us." Jeno chuckled as the three boyfriends hold hands.

"Anyways, Donghyuck, Mark tell us about what happened this last year." Jaemin smiled as the pair of couples moved to the living room.

The five continued conversing until they heard a dolphin laugh.

"Donghyuck, Mark! How are you both? Chenle asked while he was preparing with Jisung for dinner as Jaemin, Jeno and Renjun are listening.

"It's great! I'm very thankful that we both have a stable job, supportive and loving parents and the dreamies who never abandoned each other!" Donghyuck said teary-eyed as Mark comforted him

"Aw me too, I'm thankful to have such great hyungs." Jisung said also teary-eyed.

"Why are we sad? This is a reunion party. We should be celebrating!" Jaemin exclaimed as the rest nodded in agreement.

"I would like a toast for dreamies. May our friendship last forever!" Mark announced as Donghyuck and the rest cheered in response.


Donghyuck watched as the sunset takes place. The celebration died down as Jaemin was busy on the couch with his phone while Renjun and Jeno were playing video games together and Chenle is washing the dishes as Jisung was taking a nap in their room.

"I figured you'd be here."

Donghyuck turned around as he Mark sitting on the bench beside him.

"I wonder what our future holds." Donghyuck pondered as he leaned his head on the older's shoulder.

"I'll be honest. No couple has ever experienced a relationship. It's normal to have a fight and a misunderstanding. But as long as we communicate, we'll overcome it."

"I agree. I hope our relationship lasts forever." Donghyuck smiled as Mark nodded in agreement.

"Of course, that's why I'm here to say something important to you."

"What is it, Markie?"

Mark pulled a small box as he opened it, revealing a ring that surprised Donghyuck.

"Hyuckie, we've known each other for almost 8 years. We've fallen for each other 2 years ago. We've been boyfriends for almost 2 years. Lee Donghyuck, would you like to be my fiancee?"

Donghyuck started to cry which made Mark panic. "I'm sorry Hyuckie! Did I move too fast?"

"No silly, I'm crying because I'm very happy. Yes!!! I want to be your fiancee." Donghyuck squealed as Mark smiled and inserted the ring into his ring finger and hugged together.

"Come on, let's tell the others!" Mark enthusiastically said as he was about to go inside but Donghyuck stopped him.

"I love you, Mark!" Donghyuck exclaimed as Mark giggled.

"I love you too Donghyuck!" Mark said as both guys hugged again.

It didn't take long until they both kissed on the lips. It was different from before. This kiss was special, as it contains pure affection and love for each other.


Since the kiss, memories flooded Donighyuck's mind. From strangers in high, to bestfriends in college, to boyfriends and now, Donghyuck and Mark are now fiancees.

I'm glad to be part of your life Mark. I never regret loving you from the start. These happy memories of me and you started because.....

I'm in love with my bestfriend

The end


Thank you everyone for reading my first story!

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