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"Hi, guys! Welcome back again! Please come in." Chenle said as he opened the giant door.

As they entered the mansion, the new couple heard Jeno and Renjun still arguing over the seasonings while Jaemin is still trying to calm them down. Jisung is on the couch, reading a novel and just ignoring the two boys' verbal fight.

"Hello, guys! We have good news to tell you!" Donghyuck announced, causing the three boyfriends to stop arguing and Jisung looked up from what he was reading his book.

"We just come out to our parents and they support us!" Mark said with a wide smile as they both held hands.

This caused the group to go crazy as they gather and attack the couple with hugs and claps.

"Congrats hyungs!" Jisung smiled, being only the normal one most of the time, just clapped happily.

"Congrats guys. I thought you're never get together because of that woman." Jeno said seriously but smiled instantly.

"Yeah, because Markhyuck is the real one!" Renjun exclaimed, making Donghyuck and Mark blush.

"Look at you Donghyuck, all grown up. I'm proud." Jaemin said as he wipe his imaginary tears and turned his face to Mark. "Mark, take care of my boy, or else you'll suffer my wrath!"

"Of course Jaemin. I'll protect and take care of my Hyuckie will all of my life." Mark gulped at Jaemin's sudden change in emotion but smiled nonetheless.

"Anyways, let's celebrate our newest members of the best friends to boyfriends squad!" Chenle exclaimed as the group laughed at his statement.

The group celebrated as they eat tons of food, played video games, and sang songs at the karaoke. They also swim at Chenle's pool afterward.

The sky is getting dark so they decided to have a sleepover in Chenle's room. His room is big and wide, so the group decided to sleep all of them on the floor together.

"Guys, I'm thankful for such great friends." Donghyuck announced which made the group coo, some even teary-eyed."

"I'm also thankful to have such an amazing boyfriend," Donghyuck said as he and Mark looked at each and blushed.

"Me too Hyuckie, me too," Mark said smiling as he cuddled with Donghyuck.

"Aww, guys you're gonna make me cry. I'm happy too to have such amazing boyfriends and friends." Jaemin said as he, Jeno, and Renjun kissed each other.

"And I'm happy too to have a boyfriend who's not just rich but also thoughtful and caring." Jisung said as he attacked Chenle with kisses.

The group continued to chat until sleep threatens to take them over.

"I'm sleepy, good night guys!" Jeno announced as the other boys said it too.

"Sleep well, guys!" Renjun said while he slept instantly as he laid down.

An hour later all of them are now asleep except Donghyuck and Mark.


"Yes, Hyuckie?"

"Thank you for returning my feelings with yours." Donghyuck smiled while cuddling with the older.

"Thank you too for giving me enough feelings to return it." Mark smiled back.

"I love you, Mark."

"I love you too Donghyuck."

Both guys said as they slept with smiles on their faces.

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