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AN: Guys I apologize if the first 12 chapters are sad and angsty. I hate sad stuff. From this chapter onwards, the story is gonna get a whole lot happier, spicier, and juicier!


Since that serious conversation happened at Mark's house, Donghyuck vowed to change himself for the better. Such as improving his mental and emotional control. He decided to be stronger for Mark's sake.

Donghyuck is eating lunch with his close friends Jaemin and Chenle, along with their boyfriends Jeno, Renjun, and Jisung.

"Did you and Mark already make up?" Jaemin asked while eating his lunch.

"Yeah, I can't withstand another day ignoring and avoiding him. I don't want us to fight." Donghyuck said as Jaemin nodded.

"Why did you guys fight in the first place? Is it because of his girlfriend?" Chenle asked curiously, making the Donghyuck sigh.

"Promise me not to do anything foolish when I'm about to tell you," Donghyuck told his friends as they stopped eating once he said that.

"Why? What's the cause of your fight with Mark?" Jisung was now intrigued with the tea about to spill.

"His girlfriend, Koeun threatened me." He slowly said as he saw the surprised faces on his friends.

Jaemin was about to speak but Donghyuck raised his hand, gesturing that he was not yet done talking.

"She wants me to forgive him so that he'll get back to his usual happy self. But also threatened me to stay away from him or else "I'll face the consequences"." Donghyuck said as Jaemin scrunched his face, clearly mad.

"The audacity of that bitch. Not less than two weeks in a relationship and she has the nerve to say those kinds of things to you" Jeno said angrily which makes Jaemin and Renjun surprised.

They never saw this side of their boyfriend which they thought was kinda hot.

"Yeah, you should be with Mark, not Koeun. I can already tell she's bad news." Renjun said as the rest of the group agreed.

"You don't have to face this alone Donghyuck. We're always here for you, you know that." Jaemin said as the rest of his friends nodded in agreement which made Donghyuck smile.

"Thanks, guys. I don't know what to do without you all." Donghyuck smiled in near tears. He was lucky to have such caring friends.

Five minutes after the conversation, Koeun entered the cafeteria with Mark. Donghyuck and his friends could already feel the tension the moment the girl entered the cafeteria.

Donghyuck and Mark make eye contact. Smiling at each other but disappeared quickly when he saw the resting bitchface of the girl.

Ohhh boy, this is going to end badly.

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