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Three days since Koeun's shocking announcement, Donghyuck decided to visit Mark in his home once again since he miss the older.

Koeun was out of town for three days with her parents for a family reunion. This gave both guys a chance to spend time together.

Donghyuck was cuddling on Mark's lap while the latter caress the younger's hair.

"I miss you, Markie. It's been a while since we last do this." Donghyuck said, clearly comfortable with Mark's touch.

"I miss this too Hyuckie. I just realized that I can't live without your clinginess and physical affection." Mark warmly smiled as Donghyuck blushed at the older's remark.

"We can do this every time your girlfriend is not around," Donghyuck said as Mark nodded in agreement.

"Well, we've known each other for six years. After all, we're bestfriends." Mark said as Donghyuck felt hurt at the last part.


Donghyuck just wanted to confess and get this over with. He wants to take Mark away from the vile clutches of Koeun. He wants him to know that he and Mark belong to each other.

But he can't, because he has a girlfriend and she threatened him. Usually, he'll just ignore the warning but upon hearing her chilling tone of voice and terrifying smile, he decided to obey her since he doesn't know anything about her.

"Do you remember the first time we met Markie?" Donghyuck asked, making the older chuckle.

"Yeah, we were in 6th grade. You used to be a very shy and quiet, introverted lonely guy. You tripped on the stairs while walking down but I luckily caught you before you fell down the floor. From that moment on,  I want to be friends with you since you were intriguing." Mark chuckled as he recall the memory.

"Yeah. Our first meeting was a Kdrama moment. It's still embarrassing to think about that up until to this day." Donghyuck said flushing in shame as Mark hugged him.

"Now you at us, we're like soulmates. Irreplaceable and inseparable." Mark said, still hugging Donghyuck as the latter hugged him back.

"I just hope we could do this all time, without people judging us or your girlfriend ruining the moment." Donghyuck frowned as Mark nodded in agreement. "Me too."

What is this feeling?

Every time Donghyuck and Mark spend time alone doing clingy stuff, Mark started to feel something weird. He doesn't know what to do about what he's feeling.

What do I get flustered every time Donghyuck is in contact with me?

Indeed, Mark's feeling gets stronger and stronger every time he spends time alone with the Donghyuck. Same with the younger.

Do I like Donghyuck that way?

That question will linger around Mark's thoughts for a very long time. But since he's an impatient guy. He decided to do something bold.

He kissed Donghyuck out of nowhere, which made the younger very shocked, and Donghyuck returned the favor by returning the kiss, with both guys' heart beating rapidly.

"I like you, Donghyuck."

"I like you too, Mark"

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