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Donghyuck woke up in the morning as he looked at Mark, cuddling with him. He blushed as he remember what happened last night.

The younger tried not to wake up Mark as he went to the bathroom to wash his face. After we washed his face, he kiss the older's lips as he left the room.

As he entered the living room, he saw Chenle cooking and Jaemin sitting on the couch, playing some games with his phone.

"Morning Chenle, morning Jaemin." Donghyuck said while rubbing his eyes, still sleepy.

"Morning Donghyuck." Both guys responded as Donghyuck went to the couch beside Jaemin.

"I assume that you and Chenle are still awake?" Donghyuck asked as he leaned onto Jaemin's shoulder.

"Yeah, Jeno and Renjun are still asleep, and Jisung too according to Chenle." Jaemin said, still playing on his phone as Donghyuck nodded.

"What's for breakfast Chenle?"

"Bacon and eggs! I made a lot so you guys don't have to worry fighting over it." Chenle grinned as Donghyuck smiled.

"Umm, Donghyuck I have something to ask you." Jaemin asked he stopped playing and looked at Donghyuck who was still leaning on his shoulder.

"What is it Jaemin?"

"Did you and Mark..... do the thing? I've heard some.... unique noises last night." Jaemin hesitantly said as Donghyuck suddenly sit up straight.

"What!? You heard it!?" Donghyuck asked panicking as Jaemin nodded in embarrassment.

"I heard it too Donghyuck. So you and Mark had sex?" Chenle casually asked as Donghyuck covered his face in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry guys if we're too loud! I forgot that we're not alone! We're too immersed last night! Oh my gosh, that's so embarrassing." Donghyuck said as he lay down on the couch covering his face with a pillow.

"Hey hey Donghyuck, don't worry about it. We're not mad at all." Jaemin reassured as Chenle nodded in agreement and chuckled "You just have to be quieter next time though. You're lucky we're the only people who heard it as we are on the beach."

"Yeah, it's a lesson learned for me." Donghyuck frowned as Chenle finished his cooking to patted him with Jaemin.


An hour later, all boys have awakened and now eating breakfast in comfortable silence, although Mark and Donghyuck we're sending occasional glances.

After eating, the group now packs their belongings as well as cleaning the beach house as they are preparing to leave and go back to the city.

"I'm gonna miss this moment." Jeno said as the group was sightseeing the beach.

"Me too. But this is certainly not the last time." Renjun said as the rest agreed.

"Yeah! We're gonna go here everytime there's a special occasion anyways." Jisung grinned as Chenle chuckled at his bubbly personality.

After sightseeing, the group is now walking toward the van as Jaemin noticed Donghyuck and Mark are still aren't moving. "Are you guys coming? We're gonna leave now."

"Tell Chenle to wait for us for five more minutes. Me and Mark are just gonna talk privately." Donghyuck said as Jaemin smiled and winked at him as he left towards the van.

"What's up Hyuckie?" Mark asked as his arms were in the younger's waist.

"Jaemin and Chenle heard us. But I think all of them heard us last night." Donghyuck said as Mark choked at the statement.

"Well, at least they already know you're mine." Mark smiled as they hold hands.

"Anyways, thank you Mark for last night. It was great." Donghyuck smiled as Mark rubbed his nape. "It was nothing. We like each other that's why."

"We'll be together forever, right?" Donghyuck asked worriedly. He doesn't know what the future holds for them.

"Of course, we may have some fights, problems, or misunderstandings along the way but one thing for sure, I'll never leave you. Because I love you, Donghyuck." Mark said as Donghyuck started to cry.

"I love you too, Mark. I promise I'll never leave you too." Donghyuck said while crying as they hugged each other.

"Can I kiss you on the lips Donghyuck?" Mark requested as the younger nodded eagerly. "I'd love to."

As Mark kissed Donghyuck on the kiss, they both felt butterflies on their stomach and sparks along their body.

While they were kissing, the van honked, surprising them.

"Let's go, it's way past five minutes." Mark giggled as Donghyuck smiled.

"Yes, we shall." Donghyuck said as held Mark's hand towards the van.

Since that kiss, both feel that their bond got even stronger. For them, this was the start of their journey as soulmates, willing to take on any challenges together until the very end.

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