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A day after their sleepover, Donghyuck went to Jaemin's home. Jaemin is one of Donghyuck's closest friends aside from Mark. He opens up his problems and struggles to him whenever Donghyuck feels down and that includes Donghyuck's feelings for Mark.

"Why don't you just confess to him Donghyuck?" Jaemin asked while cooking for lunch.

"I already told you Jaemin, I can't. It'll jeopardize our friendship and I don't want him to hate me." Donghyuck frowned, clearly bored of not doing anything.

"The longer you hide your feelings, the more difficult you contain them. And the harder you contain them, the bigger it gets and if it gets too big, Mark will find out about this. You need to tell him before it's too late Donghyuck." Jaemin warned him, feeling Donghyuck's struggle.

"Well, how did you feel when Jeno confessed that he likes both you and Renjun?" Donghyuck asked curiously.

"I'm planning to confess to them both but Jeno confessed first to me and Renjun. But we both took it well and confessed back. That's how we got the three of us together." Jaemin chuckled at the memory.

"I always thought you three have chemistry with each other. There's no third wheel. All of you fit like puzzles." Donghyuck said, happy with Jaemin's love life.

"Thanks, Donghyuck. I actually have an idea to help you confess easier to Mark." Jaemin said after being lost in thought for a minute.

"What is it? It's killing me you know that. It's hard to keep my feelings from him. I just want to kiss and touch him and tell the entire world that he's mine." Donghyuck said, getting frustrated at the thought.

"Maybe before confessing, you can be subtle. Give hints such as holding hands and kissing more often than usual. Anything romantic. If he's comfortable with it, try to confess to him." Jaemin advised, almost done with cooking.

"Is that even a good idea?" Donghyuck asked, clearly not sure about Jaemin's idea.

"It's the most plausible and subtle way to confess to your crush Donghyuck, at least for me."

"I can try. I hope he'll not get uncomfortable with what I'm about to do to him." Donghyuck nervously laughed.

"Don't think about it right now. I'm done with our lunch. Let's eat Donghyuck!" Jaemin said as he placed the food on the dining table.

"Yeah, I'm starving anyways." Donghyuck stood up from the couch and went to the dining room with Jaemin to eat with him.

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