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"Did you pass Hyuckie?"

"Barely, but still passed thanks to you Markie." Donghyuck let out a contented sigh.

The results were out and it was shown through their online school accounts. Mark got an average of 94 while Donghyuck got an average of 76.

"You hardly passed, but I'm just happy that you didn't fail any of your subjects, especially mathematics." Mark grinned, feeling proud that he was able to help Donghyuck with his studies.

"At least our efforts in studying have been paid off. Many thanks to you Markie." Donghyuck said as Mark smiled once more.

To be honest, Donghyuck doesn't care if he gets high grades. What's important is that he passed and get to spend more time with Mark.

"Since we have sem break for two weeks, we can celebrate now. Do you wanna go to the mall?" Mark suggested which makes the younger smile.

"Of course, after a week of torture, we deserve some relaxation after all," Donghyuck said as he let out a relieved sigh.

Mark nodded and both guys went to the mall to celebrate.

Since it was a celebration, they decided to eat at a foreign fast food chain called McDonald's, both went all out at ordering and devouring their food. After that, they went to a department store, buying not-so pricey but highly comfortable clothes.

Then, they began strolling around the mall.

"Umm Donghyuck?" Mark nervously said which made the younger curious at his tone.

"Yes, Markie?"

"I invited someone to come with us. If you don't mind." Mark said, making the younger raise his eyebrows.

"And who's that person you invited?" Mark said with a serious tone in his voice.

Why would Mark invite someone if they're celebrating with just the two of them? They're bestfriends for heaven's sake. He needed this time alone with the older.

"You'll know soon enough Hyuckie," Mark assured Donghyuck, making him suspicious of who is this mysterious person Mark invited.

"For now, let's continue exploring the mall."

"Yes, we shall." Donghyuck agreed and with that, they continued exploring.


Since they're spending time with just the two of them, Donghyuck plans to confess to him.

"Umm, Mark I have something to say to you. It's kinda important." Donghyuck said as he fiddle his fingers nervously.

"What is is Hyuckie?" Mark asked, now directly looking at the nervous younger.

"I...like y-"

"Hiiii baaaabeeee!!!"

Both guys were interrupted by a girl who was walking toward them.

"Mark, who is this?" Donghyuck asked nervously as Mark placed his arms over the girl's shoulder.

"Donghyuck, meet Koeun. My girlfriend."

Donghyuck's world halts as he was trying to process what Mark just said.


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