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"Koeun, we need to talk." Mark said sternly as Koeun rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"This better be a good reason why I didn't attend our volleyball practice," Koeun said as she crossed her arms, waiting for Mark to speak.

Mark keeps insisting to Koeun on meeting up on the rooftop again. The girl didn't like when Mark forced her to go with him to the said location. She is busy. She doesn't have time for this nonsense.

"I'm gonna be straight to the point. Let's break up."

Koeun was shocked, eyes wide and jaw dropping as she heard what Mark had said.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Mark!? This isn't funny!" Koeun said as she raised her voice, making Mark flinch at the sudden change of her tone.

"I'm serious. If I'm joking, I would still have feelings for you." Mark said as he kept his cool.

"Why? What's the reason? Aren't I enough to satisfy you and your needs?" Koeun said teary-eyed as Mark gagged at what she just said.

"I already told you Koeun. If I'm joking, I would still have feelings for you. I don't see you that way and I'm not happy in this toxic-ass fake relationship!"

"This is because of Donghyuck right? Is this because of that gay bitch? Did he infect you with his homo disease!?"

Mark had enough. He slapped Koeun upon hearing those insults.

"Don't you dare talk about Donghyuck that way! We've known each other for 6 years! Who are you to judge him!? How dare you look down on gay people like they have some kind of disease! People can love regardless of gender. And yes, I love Donghyuck, not you homophobic bitch!" Mark shouted lividly as Koeun was too stunned to speak.

"We're done." Mark said while walking away but was stopped by Koeun holding his arm.

"Wait no please don't leave me! I love you, Mark! I can't live without you! I'll be a better girlfriend for you I promise! Koeun pleaded, desperately crying as Mark looked at her in disgust.

"I love Donghyuck, not you. Learn to accept that. I'd rather love my same-sex bestfriend genuinely than be in a toxic plastic relationship with you." Mark said as pulled away from Koeun's grip.

"Goodbye, Koeun." Mark said as walked away.

Koeun cried for 10 minutes before standing up. Her expression is now furious and so scary that you've never seen it before.

This isn't over, Mark. I'll take you away from that disgusting bestfriend of yours. You're mine.

Donghyuck, be prepared for the consequences you've done.

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