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Finals just got finished. Donghyuck and Mark we're checking their grades through online accounts.

"You passed Hyuckie. Congratulations!" Mark cheered as he hugged the younger.

"It's all thanks to you Markie. Without you, I fail my math subject." Donghyuck said gratefully as hugged back the older.

"Hey, guys!"

Donghyuck and Mark turned to see their friends waving as they walked toward the couple.

"Congrats Mark, you passed! And Donghyuck, did you pass?" Jaemin asked as Donghyuck lightly hit him in the arms.

"Of course Jaemin! Mark helped me study. Don't you have faith in me?" Donghyuck asked as he wiped his face tears.

"I'm just kidding. I have faith in you that you'll pass. You're my closest friend! Well, aside from your bestfriend who is now your boyfriend." Jaemin chuckled.

"Anyways, what are you doing here guys?" Mark asked as he cocked his head to the side.

"We're celebrating guys! We wanna invite you both since you're one of us." Jeno said while he was holding both Jaemin and Renjun's hands.

"Yeah, it's gotta be a blast. We have so much to celebrate since it's the start of summer vacation!" Renjun added.

"Really? But we don't have any money." Donghyuck blushed in embarrassment.

"Yeah, we kinda almost used up both of our money in the last two dates." Mark sheepishly said as Donghyuck flushed more in embarrassment.

"That's okay. Since this is a special occasion, might as well treat guys!" Chenle announced which made the group roar in excitement.

"Really babe?" Jisung asked in astonishment as Chenle happily nodded and kissed him.

"What!? That's too much Chenle. We don't want to waste your money just because we're broke." Donghyuck blushed even harder, as Mark wondered and chuckled at how Donghyuck's face could get any redder.

"I insist. We're not just a group of friends. You're all like the second family to me." Chenle warmly smiled which makes the group wipe their fake tears.

"Aw, thanks Chenle. We really appreciate it." Mark said as Donghyuck nodded in agreement.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go celebrate!" Jaemin said as the group cheered in response.


Koeun stared at them from afar, clearly livid and disgusted at the sight.

"Celebrate while you still can. By the time the new semester reaches, all of you are gonna face the consequences for foolishly facing me." Koeun said as she now looked to Donghyuck and Mark.

"Especially you Donghyuck. I'm gonna make sure to make Mark mine again and make your life miserable. Just you til the next semester. Hahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Koeun said as she laughed maniacally as the student near her walked away in fear.

Next semester is not gonna be a good start for the gang, especially Donghyuck.

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