31 (M)

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Warning: slight nsfw


Chenle called everyone for lunch as the group went out of the rooms now in casual home clothes. They ate cordon bleu. While eating, they decided to swim and party at the beach at 5 pm.


"Wanna watch a movie, guys?" Jisung announced as the group received mixed answers.

Jaemin and Chenle decided to go to their respective rooms to take a nap while Jeno, Renjun, Jisung, Donghyuck, and Mark went to the living room to watch a movie called "Avengers: Infinity War".

While the movie is ongoing, Mark decided to tease Donghyuck. The older licked Donghyuck's neck, causing the younger to shiver.

Donghyuck looked at the older in confusion but let him continue nonetheless.

After a minute of neck licking, Mark decided to be bolder. His hands snaked inside Donghyuck's shirt and caress the younger's tummy, causing him to blush in embarrassment.

He was insecure in his baby tummy since all of his friends are toned especially Mark who has abs.

After caressing his tummy, Mark moved his hand upward to the younger's nipples, making Donghyuck shiver in pleasure.

Mark decided to do something naughty by pinching the younger's nipples, causing Donghyuck to yelp in surprise.

Donghyuck panicked but was relieved instantly as he looked at his friends still glued to the movie, clearly engrossed in the movie.

The tension gets bigger and more sexual as the movie was now halfway.

Mark now rests his hand on the younger's thigh, massaging it, and the younger breaths heavily as the older's hand was dangerously close to his crotch.

The older continues to massage his thighs until he noticed the younger's crotch part now forming a tent.

Mark looked at Donghyuck, wiggling his eyebrows, and kicked his lips at Donghyuck blushing at the sight of his boyfriend's sexual expression, making him aroused more.

Mark slowly crept his hand until he grabbed the Donghyuck's dick, causing the younger to moan accidentally.

"Are you okay Donghyuck?" Donghyuck panicked as he heard Renjun asking him.

"I'm f..fine Renjun. Just.... s-stretching." Donghyuck said faking stretches as Renjun nodded and went back to watching the movie.

The movie continued as Mark began to massage Donghyuck's dick up and down. The younger covered his hands and threw his head back in pleasure.

The movie is close to the end so Mark decided to masturbate Donghyuck faster. He grab the younger's dick firmer, jacking it off faster and faster until the younger cum. The white liquid spurted out and it ended up on Mark's hand. Luckily, Mark has a towel beside him so he cleaned up the mess and his tired boyfriend.


"What was that for!?" Donghyuck whispered loudly as they were now in their bedroom.

"Sorry babe, you look like you need some stress relief so I decided to jack you off," Mark smirked as Donghyuck blushed in response.

"You know we could've done it here instead in the living room. It's too risky!" Donghyuck pouted as he was cuddling with Mark.

"But we didn't get caught. Besides, I love the thrill and danger of being possibly caught while doing naughty stuff." Mark said still smirking.

"That's my first sexual experience with you and I'm so embarrassed."

"Don't be, we'll continue this tonight baby. When. Everyone's sleep you can see how huge I am." Mark winked as Donghyuck blushed at the thought.

He was excited to have his first sex with Mark tonight, he's been waiting for this all this time as he's masturbating himself thinking about him and Mark having sex every time he's alone.

I can't wait

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