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Two days after that mall incident. Donghyuck started to avoid Mark as much as possible. Every time he saw Mark, Koeun, or the both of them together, he walked in the opposite direction. He can't stand the sight of them two being together.

Mark noticed his bestfriend's behavior, every time he approached the younger, he just told him that he was busy and he just walked away.

Mark doesn't understand why Donghyuck is avoiding him so he decided to give him time until he's ready to talk with him.

"Babe, is this about Donghyuck again?" Koeun asked, clearly irritated that her boyfriend is always thinking about him.

"I'm sorry babe, I just don't understand why Donghyuck decided to shut me out all of the sudden. Did I do something wrong?" Mark asked and Koeun shake her head aggressively.

"It's not your fault. He hasn't been talking to you for two days already. If he's avoiding you then that's his problem. He should be the one apologizing to you." Koeun firmly said as she held Mark's hand.

"But this is the first time that's ever happened in our friendship. I don't know what to do anymore." Mark sighed, clearly visible the stress on his face.

"Let me handle this babe. I'll talk to him at dismissal. I'm an expert at these kinds of things." Koeun grinned, making Mark raise his eyebrows

"Are you sure, you've met for like three days? He can be unpredictable sometimes." Mark warned with Koeun still grinning confidently.

"Just trust me, babe."


Donghyuck was organizing his belongings when he heard a female voice calling him.

"Donghyuck! Do you remember me? Koeun, Mark's girlfriend." Koeun said as she show her creepy smile which made Donghyuck scared.

"Oh yeah, of course, I remember. The girl who stole my Mark from me...." Mark groaned as he mumbled the last part so the girl can't hear it.

"Well, Mark is worried about you. Even I noticed you avoiding him. What seems to be the problem?" Koeun said, with a creepy smile plastered on her face.

"Oh, tell him I apologize for that. Even though midterms are over. I gotta continue studying, I don't want to fail my subjects, especially math." Donghyuck lied, he doesn't even study most of the time without Mark, as they always study together.

"Well, I have some advice for you Donghyuck," Koeun said as she saw Donghyuck snap his head at her the moment he heard that.

"What is it?"

"Apologize to him. Ever since you start avoiding him, I can't make him smile or even do things because he's always talking and thinking about you." Koeun raised her voice, making Donghyuck jolt.

"And also after you apologize, don't spend too much time on him. He'll catch your homosexuality." Koeun said as Donghyuck slammed his locker door closed.

"What the hell are you talking about Koeun!? Do you think being gay is wrong!? And Mark and I have been bestfriends for 6 years and you've been in a relationship with him for not even a week!" Donghyuck shouted, clearly livid at this girl spouting nonsense.

"I'm warning you Donghyuck, you don't want to be my enemy. So do what I said or face the consequences." Koeun said as she just ignored Donghyuck's sudden outburst and walked away, with a smirk on her face.

Donghyuck just stood there, too stunned to speak.

What the hell just happened

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