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"Hello, Donghyuck! Mark told me so much about you. It's nice to meet my boyfriend's bestfriend." Koeun smiled as she grabbed Donghyuck's hand and shook it.

"Do you want to watch a movie babe?" Mark asked while holding Koeun's hand.

"Yeah! There's this horror movie I like. It's airing until tomorrow so we need to watch it right now." Koeun giggled as she and Mark started walking but the older noticed that Donghyuck was just standing there.

Donghyuck is still dumbfounded. Why Mark didn't tell him that he has a girlfriend? Did the older don't trust him?

What did he even do to deserve this?

Donghyuck was snapped out of his thought as he was poked gently by Mark.

"I'm fine. I need to go home. Mom just texted, she said she needs to help with something important." Donghyuck said starting to back away from the couple, in near tears.

"That's unfortunate. Tell you what, I'll just gonna buy you something before we leave this place." Mark said as Donghyuck just nodded.

"Okay, bye Mark, Koeun," Donghyuck said as he began to run immediately, not wanting to see the couple.

When Donghyuck is out of sight, Koeun looked at Mark with a raised eyebrow.

"Is he okay? He looked so sad." Koeun said as Mark just smiled and kissed her.

"He's okay. Just some mood swings and stress from the midterms. Don't worry, he'll be back with his usual happy self later. Mark said as the couple walked to the cinema.

Donghyuck unlocked the door to their house. His mom is actually at work. He lied because he can't stand the sight of Mark loving another person aside from him.

Once he reached his room, he went straight to his bed and began crying, having an emotional breakdown.

Why can't you see that I like you so much, Mark? You should notice the reason why am I so clingy with you. Are you just too oblivious or you don't see me as more than just a bestfriend?

Donghyuck cried harder, thinking all those thoughts. He should've confessed immediately in the first place. He should've been straightforward. But he's too scared to tell his feelings of fear of losing their friendship.

An hour later, he stopped crying but his eyes are still red and puffy from his emotional breakdown. It's 4 pm, and his mom is still at work.

If Mark and Koeun love each other genuinely, then I should support them. It's better than we stay as bestfriends. I'll just eliminate these feelings so that I would be able to move on from all this pain and suffering.

I'll accept it

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