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"Oh my God. I'm tired of seeing your face girl." Chenle sassily said as he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Neither do I. I seem to see you people everywhere. You're like flies hovering around the rotten food." Klein said, letting out a creepy smile.

"Just get out of here. We don't want to do anything with you." Jeno said sternly.

"Hm? Is this cafeteria yours? From what I know, this is a public eating place." Keoun said as she tilts her head.

"You keep disturbing our peace and pick a fight with us. Where are your friends anyways?" Renjun asked as Donghyuck noticed. It's been a while since he saw her two lackeys.

"They're no longer my friends. They proved to be annoying and useless. You should've seen the looks on their faces, begging and crying like bitches." Klein said as she let out a sickening laugh, scaring everyone.

"You're crazy." Jisung said as he hid behind Chenle.

"Crazy for Mark." Koeun added, making Donghyuck mad.

"I'm sorry but when did Mark is yours? From what can I see, Mark doesn't like you." Donghyuck said as Koeun furrowed her eyebrows.

"Mark likes me! He's just brainwashed by the likes of you homosexuals!" Klein shouted as she pointed to Donghyuck and his friends.

"Mark confessed to us that he doesn't like you. He even broke up with you! Did you already forget that!? Renjun exclaimed.

"He broke up with me because of you Donghyuck! It's all your fault!" Koeun said she took everyone's attention.

"Everyone! Look at the viral picture! Donghyuck, kissing an older man for money? Isn't that nauseating!? Isn't that disgusting!? ISN'T THAT IMMORAL!?" Koeun said as her voice roared throughout the entire cafeteria, earning whispers.

"I don't know who leaked your photo but I gotta thank them for posting it on social media. It clearly shows your true color Donghyuck. This man should be in jail!" Koeun shouted as more whispers emerge.

"Enough Koeun! You're going too far. It's getting ridiculous." Renjun said as Donghyuck was touched at his friends being his moral supports. 

"I'll call a teacher" Jisung declared as he attempted to leave the cafeteria but was grabbed by Koeun.

"Try to leave or I'll break your arms." Klein threatened as Jisung whimpered in pain.

"DON'T TOUCH HIM!" Chenle roared as he went livid when saw his boyfriend getting hurt.

Koeun pulled Jisung and threw him to Chenle, making them both fall to the floor.

"That does it!" Jeno was about to go to Koeun but was stopped by Donghyuck as Renjun helped Chenle and Jisung who fell on the floor.

"Don't. Koeun I'm the one you're angry at right? You should face me." Donghyuck said as he began to walk but his friends stopped him.

"No Donghyuck hyung, she's dangerous," Jisung warned but Donghyuck just shook his head.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry. This is between me and Koeun. Just stay here." Donghyuck said as he continued walking towards Koeun.

"Koeun, I have something to say to you. I've already come out in the entire cafeteria and soon enough it will throughout the entire school. The whole school knows I'm gay. Also, the person who I kissed with is not an older man. But it was Mark. My Boyfriend"

"Boyfriend? BOYFRIEND!!!??? HOW DARE YOU TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME!! DIE YOU BITCH!" Koeun was about to hit Donghyuck but stopped as a familiar voice roared.


Both Donghyuck, Koeun the gang and the rest of the crowd looked at where the voice came from.

Donghyuck smiled as he saw that person. His boyfriend, Mark.

My Dear Bestfriend | MarkhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now