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"How? You should be in jail!" Donghyuck shouted as Koeun stared at him.

"Being rich has its perks. My parents bribed the police station and what do you know, it worked!" Koeun smiled as she took Donghyuck's phone.

"What are you planning with that? Give me my phone back!"

"Oh right! You were with Jaebitch. Let me call him. You be quiet." Koeun said as she covered Donghyuck's mouth with duct tape and dialed Jaemin's number.

"Thank goodness you call Donghyuck. I've been trying to call you back but it says you're busy. Where are you Donghyuck?" Jaemin said shouting through the phone.

"Hello Jaebitch, remember me?"

The call was silent for a while as Jaemin's heart dropped. "K-koeun?"

"Donghyuck is my hostage. Listen carefully and tell this to Mark or else, Donghyuck will be in terrible danger."

"Wh-what do you want!?"

Koeun explained everything as Jaemin listened carefully. He wanna save Donghyuck as soon as possible.

"Do you understand?" Koeun asked as Jaemin instantly answered and she hang up.

"You won't get away with this. Mark is gonna rescue me." Donghyuck said as Koeun let out a horrifying laugh.


The group meets at Chenle's mansion. Jaemin told everything about what happened as he cried, begging Mark for forgiveness.

"Why do you leave Donghyuck alone!? You should've gone with him to the restroom!" Mark shouted as Jaemin is crying but Jeno chimed in.

"That's enough Mark! Jaemin didn't even that this will happen. Don't blame it all on him. It's partly your fault because you're busy with that student government crap!" Jeno roared as he poke Mark's chest aggressively.

"You think it's easy being a Vice President of the student government!? Ever since I was elected to that position, combined with the part job I'm doing, it drained me physically and mentally. Donghyuck and I fought many times because I didn't have enough time for him. But I'm doing this for our future! So don't accuse me of being selfish and a workaholic!" Mark shouted back as Jaemin went in between them.

"I know, I shouldn't leave Donghyuck alone! This is all my fault Mark. I'm sorry! I didn't know that this will happen. Please forgive me!" Jaemin said bawling as Jeno and Renjun comforted him.

"Please guys stop fighting. No one is to blame. Jaemin, please stop blaming yourself. You didn't know that this will happen. Mark, please just listen to Jaemin. He said that Koeun has something to say to us." Renjun pleaded as Mark sat in defeat while Chenle and Jisung comforted him. "Fine, what did she say anyways?"

Jaemin went silent for a while until he decided to talk again, still sobbing. "She said to meet you at the warehouse at the border between Seoul and Incheon, alone at 11 pm tonight. If she saw you with anyone, she won't hesitate but to kill Donghyuck."

After Jaemin said that, the group fell into an uncomfortable silence until Mark reacted. " WHAT!? I have to go right now! Donghyuck is in danger!"

Mark was about to leave but Chenle grabbed him by his arm.

"And you're gonna barge there without a plan? We need to think about this carefully. Donghyuck's life is on the line here!" Chenle exclaimed as Jung nodded.

"Yeah, Mark hyung. It's too dangerous for you and Donghyuck. Please calm down and we need to think of a plan."

Mark looked at them one by one as he was in deep thought.

"Fine. Also, Jaemin I apologize for lashing out at you. It's just I'm so worried about Donghyuck right now." Mark said as he frown and cover his face in shame.

"You don't have to, Mark. I apologize too for being too careless. I promise that we'll save Donghyuck tonight." Jaemin smiled as Mark held his hand in comfort.

"I'm glad you two made up." Renjun smiled as Jeno agreed.

"Anyways, what's plan Mark? How do we save Donghyuck?" Chenle asked as Mark thought of it carefully?

"So guys, here's the plan."

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