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Since the Finals exam is next week. Mark and Donghyuck have been studying together like crazy even though they're at different courses. The same goes for Jaemin, Jeno and Renjun and Chenle, and Jisung.

Mark also helped Donghyuck study his math-related subjects to ensure better grades even though most of the time the younger was busy checking out the older.


It's the third day of finals, meaning Donghyuck is on his third day of being a nervous wreck. They were both done with their exams on the third day. Mark noticed that his boyfriend gets more anxious as the day passes, so he decided to cheer him up.

"Hyuckie, since we're both done on our exams today, why don't we eat at the mall for lunch? Treat's on me." Mark smiled patting the younger's back.

"You don't have to Markie."

"But I insist. I want my don't want my boyfriends to be in such a nervous state." Mark grinned as the younger blushed at the word boyfriend.

"Okay, Markie." Donghyuck smiled since he has no choice but to accept the older's offer.

The couple decided to eat at Mcdonald's since it was Donghyuck's first time eating at a foreign fast food chain.

"So, what do you want?" Mark asked as Donghyuck looked up at the menu in confusion.

"Umm, you choose Mark. I'm not familiar with any of these foods." Donghyuck blushed in embarrassment as Mark just chuckled at the younger's adorable face.

"Of course Hyuckie. Hello miss, we would like two orders of 2 pieces chicken made with rice." Mark said as he paid the cashier.

10 minutes later, food arrived and they started to chow down.

"Oh wow, This is tasty." Donghyuck said as he savored his meal.

"Told you. Most of the food here is good Hyuckie." Mark said, almost finished with his meal.

Mark knew that Donghyuck was not familiar with foreign food so he decided to bring him here and fortunately, he liked it.


After eating, they decided to walk around the mall to relax.

"Markie, I was thinking. After this finals exam, let's go somewhere for vacation."  Donghyuck suggested as Mark nodded in agreement.

"I thought so too. Maybe we can go swimming at the beach, or we can go mountain climbing or we can even ski in the snow!" Mark excitedly said which made the younger giggle.

"You're too excited Markie. But yeah, any of those are fine to me as long as I'm with you." Donghyuck said as he lean his head onto the older's shoulder.

"Me too Hyuckie, me too." Mark said as he also leaned his head against the younger's.

Little did they know, three girls were glaring at their far back.

"Look, it's your boyfriend and Dongbitch." The girl on her left snarked.

"Do you wanna approach them Koeun?" The girl on her right asked as Koeun shook her head.

"Not yet, but I'm almost done with my plan. We'll strike the next semester.  Let's go ladies." Koeun said while cackling madly as she and her friends were walking away.

Things are not going to be good for Donghyuck next semester.

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