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It's Monday. Donghyuck and his friends were eating at the cafeteria which is a very important and serious decision considering today is the day Mark will break up with Koeun.

"I've never been this nervous in my entire life," Donghyuck said as he was comforted by Jeno and Renjun.

"Don't be. Just think positive. We're here for you. Let me join my boyfriends comforting you." Jaemin said as he also patted Donghyuck's back along with his boyfriends.

"What if Koeun doesn't take it well? What if she doesn't accept it?" Donghyuck asked, clearly sweating like bullets as Jisung wiped it with tissue.

"Then screw her! It's her problem is she doesn't accept it. Why would you still be with the person you don't even love anymore?" Chenle ranted as the rest of the group nodded in agreement.

"We'll protect you Donghyuck. If she attempts to hurt you, I'll drag her out of this school with her hair." Jaemin said which made Donghyuck chuckle at his close friend's bizarre statements.


Meanwhile, Mark is even more nervous than Donghyuck. The older plans to break up with her after school, as he doesn't want any more confrontations with her the rest of the day.

Mark told her to meet up with her on the rooftop after school, to which the latter agreed.

"She should be here by now," Mark muttered, looking at his watch and wondering why is she still hadn't coming.

12 minutes passed and Mark saw the rooftop door open, revealing Koeun happily skipping toward him.

"Hi, babe! So what's up? Of all the places you want to meet up, why here?" Koeun asked as she tilted her head.

"Well, there's something important I want to tell you and that's why I want to meet you here on the rooftop. Since it's a very private and personal matter." Mark said, very nervous as the girl just stared at him in confusion.

"Ooo....kay? So what is this very private and personal matter you want to talk about?"




"What is it?"

"Th-the th-thing is...."

"What? Speak more clearly, babe."

Bitch why do you keep interrupting me?

Mark looked at Koeun in disbelief, clearly annoyed that she won't shut up and just listen to him.

"W-we should bre-"

"Oh shoot! I forgot that we have volleyball today!" Koeun said as she picked up her bag from the floor.

"We'll talk another time. Bye babe!" Koeun waved as she started running, which made Mark dumbfounded and brushed his hair, clearly stressed.

This is not going to be easy

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