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Donghyuck told Mark about the cafeteria incident that happened 4 days ago. The older was shocked and mad but apologized that he was not there to protect the younger. But Donghyuck reassured him as he has friends to protect him.

They were at Donghyuck's house right in the living room, watching tv while holding hands.

They plan to tell about their relationship to Donghyuck's mom first then to Mark's next.

Donghyuck's mom arrived at 7 pm and looked at the boy's confusion as she saw them standing, not moving like statues.

"Mom, we have something to tell you." Donghyuck said as he and Mark were both a nervous wreck.

"What is dear?" Linda said as she motioned the boys to continue their discussion in the living room.

"Me and Mark are dating." Donghyuck said as he closed his eyes and held the older's hand tightly, not wanting to see his mother's face of disappointment.

Silence took over for 10 seconds until Linda broke it.

"I'm happy for you son!" Linda squealed happily as she hugged both boys, making them shocked at how accepting the younger's mom is.

"You're not mad at us mom? You're not mad that I didn't give you a grandchild?"

"Of course not! I'm glad that you've found your true love! As long as you're happy, I'm happy too."

"Thank you, mom." Donghyuck said voice cracked as he cried tears of joy.

"No need to thank me, dear." Linda said as he hugged her son once again.

"And Mark, take good care of my son you hear that?"

"Yes ma'am," Mark replied instantly as he salute, which made them both chuckle.

"You can also call me mom. But in seriousness, I trust you very much, Mark. You're practically my second son." Linda said as Mark also gets teary-eyed.

Donghyuck's mom hugged the boys as they returned it also. They are dinner afterward and the young couple went to Donghyuck's room.

"Do you wanna sleep here, Markie?"

"Of course Hyuckie. It's Friday anyway." Mark smiled as he help the younger fix the bed.

Both boys lay in the bed in contempt as the older play the younger's strands while the latter cuddles in his chest.

"I hope your mom accepts us too."

"Don't worry Hyuckie, my mom likes you very much." Mark reassured as Donghyuck giggled.

"By the way Mark, I'm worried about Koeun. What if she tries to disturb us again? Or even worse than that" Donghyuck asked as he shuddered at what Koeun can do.

"Don't worry Hyuckie, just always stay by my side to protect you. If we're not together, be with your friends always. Never be alone." Mark advised as  Donghyuck nodded.

"I love you, Mark."

"I love you more Donghyuck."

Both guys blushed as they confessed almost at the same time.

But most of all, Donghyuck is elated that after all these years, he finally got to confesses to his bestfriend.

Now, his boyfriend.

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